


1. 更 [gēng]2. 更 [gèng]更 [gēng]改变,改换:~正。~生(重新获得生命,喻复兴)。~衣(a.换衣服;b.婉辞,上厕所)。~定(改订)。~迭(轮流更换)。~递。~番。~新(旧的除去,新的建起)。~张(调节琴弦,喻变更……


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……









汉语拼音:gèng shàng yī céng lóu








  1. Readers warn me that this problem does not just make me rude, it means I will struggle to advance further in my career.

  2. Though he knew the lovely T'ang poem, "For a thousand li view, ascend another flight of stairs, " he did not take the elevator.

  3. Even when you lose, the supporters are always behind you to lift you and take you to a higher level.

  4. The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man's foot long enough to put the other somewhat higher.

  5. My feeling is even stronger than before, as if in a great athlete, the focus in the run-step, made me proud of the gold medal.

  6. At the age of 25, I am ready to depart the position where I have worked for two years to go further.

  7. As long as I can put my spare time their study, that my grades went on a floor more from my dream, I realized just a step closer!

  8. Planned rest days are essential both for keeping your risk of injury low as well as enabling you to progress to the next level of fitness.

  9. But it's not easy, you have to stay focused and you have to continue. We need to climb just a bit higher.


  1. 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。 

    Ascend another story to enjoy a further sight.

  2. 欲穷千里目更上一层楼。

    You can enjoy a grander sight By climbing to a greater height.

  3. 她的表现比去年更上一层楼。

    She topped her performance of last year.

  4. 但愿我的英语能更上一层楼!

    Hopes my English to be able on a yet higher goal!

  5. 我们要使产品质量更上一层楼。

    We should make the quality of our products even better.

  6. 能让我们的职业水平更上一层楼。

    as a profession when we actually get to see this.

  7. 柯尼卡胶卷使彩色摄影更上一层楼。

    Konica film takes color photography to new heights.

  8. 更上一层楼了哟,这都是发的么

    This is a step up, right? Are these assigned?

  9. 失恋往往是让我们事业更上一层楼。

    Is lovelorn often lets on our enterprise a yet higher goal.

  10. 我希望威尔士的公司更上一层楼。

    I would encourage Welsh companies to do better.

  11. 我知道我的英语水平已经更上一层楼了!

    I knew that my English had jumped to another level.

  12. 她不断的创新, 将使她的事业更上一层楼!

    Her creativity will bring her career to another new milestone.

  13. 这会是那支火箭更上一层楼的机会。

    This is that rocket going up.

  14. 今年她干得不错, 她希望明年更上一层楼。

    She did well this year and next year she hopes to go one better.

  15. 欲穷千里目, 更上一层楼的真正含义。

    For a grander sight, the true meaning of a level.

  16. 它将让整个游戏的难度素质更上一层楼。

    It will move the entire difficulty spectrum up a level.

  17. 祝愿大家在新的一年,学业,事业更上一层楼。

    I hope everyone attains better results in their study and career in the new year.

  18. 祝愿大家在新的一年,学业、事业更上一层楼。

    I hope everyone attains better results in their study and career in the new year.

  19. 继续学习书法和国画, 在假期要更上一层楼。

    Two, to continue learning calligraphy and Chinese painting holiday to a higher level.

  20. 今年中拉关系又面临更上一层楼的历史机遇。

    This year, we face a historical opportunity for taking this relationship to the next level.

  21. 我们有着卓著得功绩, 并且我们想要更上一层楼。

    We have a good track record and we want to build on it.

  22. 我们有着卓著的功绩, 并且我们想要更上一层楼。

    We have a good track record and we want to build on it.

  23. 我们有着卓著的功绩,并且我们想要更上一层楼。

    We have a good track record and we want to build on it.

  24. 在今后四年里, 希腊将在这个基础上更上一层楼。

    In the next four years, Greece will build upon this base.

  25. 所以我就动工了,但随即我便决定更上一层楼。

    Well, I started building one. But then I decided to take it to the next step.

  26. 要更上一层楼,唯一的途径就是艰苦奋斗,不屈不挠。

    The only way to improve is through hard work and dogged perseverance.

  27. 希望生活更上一层楼的想法不仅天经地义,而且健康。

    Wanting to get on in life is not only natural, it is healthy.

  28. 我们希望能够更上一层楼, 提高我们整个界面的质量。

    We wanted to further raise the bar and really up the ante on our overall interface quality.

  29. 读书有感想,要写一写,学思结合,才能更上一层楼。

    Feelings for reading, write a write Xuesi be linked to a higher level.

  30. 业内希望政府在对海外游客促销方面更上一层楼。

    The industry wants the government to step up promotion abroad.


  1. 问:更上一层楼拼音怎么拼?更上一层楼的读音是什么?更上一层楼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:更上一层楼的读音是gèngshàngyīcénglóu,更上一层楼翻译成英文是 It comes from the poet Wang Zhihuan of the Qing Dy...



“更上一层楼”是个多义词,它可以指更上一层楼(TVB生活消闲节目), 更上一层楼(李闻郅执导的电影), 更上一层楼(祖海演唱的歌曲), 更上一层楼(汉语词语)。

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