




慢,缓:~缓。~笨。~钝。~疑。~重(zhòng )。~滞。晚:~到。~暮,~早。推~。延~。姓。……



汉语拼音:zhì chí






至迟 [zhì chí]
  1. 最晚。




  1. The initial session of the Conference shall be convened by the Depositary no later than 30 days after the entry into force of this Treaty.


  2. From this view, the island of Ambon, the royal family name Zhu later than was destroyed in 1648 when the Ming toward the sea for a living.


  3. That means that I'll have to be on the road by 7 o'clock at the latest.


  4. The ancient Indian theory about the structure of a small world had been introduced into China in Western Jin (265-317)at the latest.


  5. Ancient shape, really not bad, at least in early Qing dynasty, how long is the blade?


  6. Therefore, may assert that the Chinese goldfish was at the latest arrives at the southern coastal provinces archipelago in 1648.


  7. Jingdezhen was the porcelain center of the world since Yuan Dynasty (A. D. 1271-1368)at the latest.


  8. Samples and prices must reach us no later than 15th of this month.


  9. we must make good the distance that separates us from the advanced capitalist countries.


  1. 她至迟明天回来。

    She will be back no later than tomorrow.

  2. 至迟不要超过六点到达那里。

    Be there by six at the very latest.

  3. 这项要求至迟在2005年开始生效。

    This requirement would enter into force at the latest by2005.

  4. 政府打算至迟在2010年完成这一计划。

    The Government intends to complete this plan by2010.

  5. 起诉书至迟将于2005年7月提交供确认。

    These indictments will be submitted for confirmation no later than July2005.

  6. 和平协定规定选举至迟在2005年10月举行。

    The Peace Agreement required the elections to be held no later than October2005.

  7. 我们的目的是至迟年底完成这项工作。

    We aim for the completion of the task by the end of the year.

  8. 这种投入应至迟在2003年9月15日送达秘书处。

    Such input should reach the secretariat no later than15 September2003.

  9. 至迟在2004年12月, 小组将大约完成2004年11个月得行动。

    By December2004, the Panel will have completed approximately11 months of operation in2004.

  10. 至迟在2004年12月,小组将大约完成2004年11个月的行动。

    By December2004, the Panel will have completed approximately11 months of operation in2004.

  11. 因此几乎可以肯定获得通过,至迟在2003年8月生效。

    Therefore it is almost certain that it will be approved and enter into force no later than August2003.

  12. 我预期,其中大多数措施至迟将在9月份得到充分落实。

    I anticipate that most of them will have been fully implemented by September.

  13. 至迟在2002年, 协调得手段和目得都需要切合实际得调整。

    By2002, the means and ends of coordination had necessitated pragmatic adjustments.

  14. 至迟在2002年,协调的手段和目的都需要切合实际的调整。

    By2002, the means and ends of coordination had necessitated pragmatic adjustments.

  15. 经社理事会还呼吁至迟在2000年之前充分执行其建议。

    The Council also called for full implementation of its recommendations at the latest by the year2000.

  16. 每个原始家庭, 至迟经过几代以后是一定要分裂的。

    After a few generations at most, every original family was bound to split up.

  17. 每个原始家庭,至迟经过几代以后是一定要分裂得。

    After a few generations at most, every original family was bound to split up.

  18. 部长理事会也强调必须至迟在9月13日期限达成最后解决。

    The Council of Ministers had also stressed the need to reach a final settlement by the13 September deadline.

  19. 它作为职官制度的重要部分,至迟在秦朝就已经出现。

    An important part of it as the official system, had appeared in the qin dynasty at the latest.

  20. 迟至西凉时期,坞堡民才被纳入户籍登录的范围。

    Until the period of Houliang, the fortress people had been recorded as a part of census register recordation.

  21. 若逢阴天, 花朵会迟至夜间才凋, 有时甚至第二天早晨方谢。

    If meet cloudy day, flower can come behindhand nightly ability wither, just wither in the morning the following day even sometimes.

  22. 我们打算至迟于2003年完成遣返工作。

    We intend to complete the repatriation exercise by2003.

  23. 其目标是至迟于2008年2月29日完成这些活动。

    The aim was to complete these activities by29 February2008.

  24. 大部分唐氏综合症患者都存有轻度至中度的发育迟滞。

    Most people with Down syndrome are mildly to moderately retarded.

  25. 请递交您对我们身体差异分析报告至迟于本星期五。

    Please submit your Physical Variance Analysis Report to us no later than this Friday.

  26. 委员会请缔约国至迟于2005年7月31日提交第五次定期报告。

    The Committee requests the fifth periodic report to be submitted by31 July2005.

  27. 大会首届会议应至迟于本条约生效后30天内由保存人召开。

    The initial session of the Conference shall be convened by the Depositary no later than 30 days after the entry into force of this Treaty.

  28. 如初潮迟至或禀赋不足。

    Late has the onset of menarche come.

  29. 迟至1950年,大多数人根本不知道它。

    It was totally unknown to the mass of the population as late as 1950.

  30. 截止时间早得在11月份, 晚得可以迟至次年4月份。

    The deadlines start in November and can go as late as April.


  1. 问:至迟拼音怎么拼?至迟的读音是什么?至迟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:至迟的读音是zhìchí,至迟翻译成英文是 at latest; no later than

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