




1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……







汉语拼音:shén ér míng zhī







  • 【解释】:指表面玄妙的事理。
  • 【出自】:《周易·系辞上》:“化而裁之,存乎变;推而行之,存乎通;神而明之,存乎其人。”
  • 【示例】:虽曰~,匪可言喻,亦由勉强而臻自然。


  1. 网络
  2. shé

  3. n

  1. 神而明之, 存乎其人

    One should not be content with understanding theories, but he should learn to apply them

  2. 神之治愈权杖

    Healing Ward of the Gods.

  3. 你们是神之子。

    You are a child of God.

  4. 神之光环下的噬血。

    Taste of blood beneath a halo.

  5. 对于仁慈的神之存在的笃信

    belief in the existence of a benevolent god

  6. 他们去见众神之王 宙斯。

    And they went to see Zeus, king of all the gods.

  7. 耶稣可以是神之子,但仍旧不是神。

    Jesus could be the Son of God and still not be God.

  8. 巴别的希伯来文意思是神之门。

    Babel in Hebrew means Gate of God.

  9. 玛拉基书3玛38人岂可夺取神之物呢?

    Malachi 3 Mal 3 6 Will a man rob God.

  10. 轻轻地伸出手,我触碰到了,神之面孔。

    Put out my hand and touched the face of God.

  11. 谭恩美灶神之妻中的女性叙事特征探究

    Characteristics of Feminist Narratology in Amy Tan's The Kitchen God's Wife

  12. 神之手敲响钟点卑躬屈膝,战争猪们趴在地上

    Hand of god has struck the hour

  13. 是时候了,全然觉醒过来,重现你的神之本性。

    It is time for you to step fully into Selfmastery and reclaim your Divine Birthright.

  14. 马太同样认为耶稣是神之子,他是弥赛亚。

    Matthew also believes that Jesus is the Son of God and that he is the Messiah.

  15. 愿你知道自己是神之子,并为此而感到满足。

    May you be content knowing you are a child of God.

  16. 唐传奇中人神之恋题材故事结局的道教阐释

    The Taolism Explanation on the Love Ending of Human Beings and Gods in the Tales of Tang Period

  17. 因此神之子的受难就是马可的基督论的一部分。

    So the suffering Son of God is part of Mark's Christology.

  18. 耶稣,完全的神之子,谦卑自己为我们的罪而死。

    Jesus, the perfect Son of God, humbled himself to die for our sins.

  19. 不义之人的住处总是这样。此乃不认识神之人的地步。

    Surely such are the dwellings of the wicked, and this is the place of him that knoweth not God.

  20. 因为他自以为神之子,以色列的王,所以去钉十字架。

    Because he thinks himself the Son of God, the King of the Israelites, he is be crucified.

  21. 梅塔特隆是卡巴拉提到的至高天使,是王冠,神之本体。

    The Metatron is a reference to the highest archangel of the Kabbalah at Kether or the crown.

  22. 便利店之神

    The God of Convenient Stores.

  23. 人和森林之神

    The Man And The Satyr

  24. 土星, 老年之神

    Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age

  25. 我的黑暗之神。

    My Lord of the Darkest Side.

  26. 复仇之神重生了!

    The born again could buy the serial rights!

  27. 复仇之神重生了!

    The born again could buy the serial rights!

  28. 上帝全能之神父亲。

    Deus Pater omnipotens 。.

  29. 奈尔迦尔,战争之神,记住!

    NERGAL, God of War, Remember!

  30. 反抗命运之神的命运!

    Should Deny The Divine Destiny of The Destinies!

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