


1. 少 [shǎo]2. 少 [shào]少 [shǎo]数量小的,与“多”相对:多~。~量。~许。缺,不够:缺~。减~。不经常:~有。~见。短时间:~等。~候。~顷。丢,遗失:屋里~了东西。轻视:“且夫我尝闻~仲尼之闻而轻伯夷之义者,如……




1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……




1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:shào nián zhōng guó shuō






  1. 网络
  2. Pic;zhuanzai

  1. 他们说少年时代是你一生中最美好的时光。

    They say that your teenage years are the best of your life.

  2. 中国古人说:“一阴一阳之谓道”。

    An ancient Chinese saying:"The yin and the yang make up the Tao."

  3. 她说,中国话是世界上最难学的语言。

    She said that Chinese was the world's most difficult language to learn.

  4. 用英语说时尚少年服装店和流行时装店哪一个好?

    Fad the teenager toggery and which one fashion shop being in popular are fine

  5. 爱说大话的少年

    mouthy teenagers

  6. 他向孩子们述说了他少年时代的一些趣事。

    He related some amusing stories in his childhood to his children.

  7. 我要说,晚安,少年不知愁的孩子。

    I say, good night, normal, boring girl.

  8. 王问说, 少年人押沙龙平安不平安。

    And the king said, Is the young man Absalom safe ?

  9. 一句汉语都不会说就决定搬到中国去住,她的胆子可真大。

    She was so brave to decide to move to China without knowing one single word of the language.

  10. 说起电影,你看过少年勇士吗

    speaking of movies, have you seen toy soldier

  11. 只当我们是些问题少年的门卫来说

    who thinks we're all a bunch of spoiled brats.

  12. 他跟杰克说他正需要一个敏捷的少年。

    He told Jack he needed a nimble lad.

  13. 少年时代那个不满的我想要怒吼说我当然没有。

    The teenage malcontent in me wants to snarl back that of course Im not.

  14. 少年人一贯会这么说他们的父母没什么了不起。

    Teenagers routinely tell their parents that they are a piece of scum.

  15. 至少,当我还是少年的时候,我就是这么和我的父母说的。

    At least that's what I told my parents when I was a teenager.

  16. 少年不知愁滋味,爱上层楼。爱上层楼,为赋新词强说愁。

    Being on high storey, he composes to twaddle his sad story.

  17. 小鹿胆怯地说俺娘说了,纹身的都是不良少年。

    The fawn timidly say An Niang said, tattoo of is all juvenile delinquent.

  18. 说相爱到永远说谁都不会变倒映着稚嫩的少年。

    Say forever to say who will not change reflected the childish boy.

  19. 大卫叫了一个少年人来, 说, 你去杀他吧。

    And David called one of the young men, and said, Go near, and fall upon him. And he smote him that he died.

  20. 他不会讲中国话,我又不会说英语,这个问题还真难办。

    It is big problem that he can not speak English, or Chinese.

  21. 对来自世界各地的网络创业者来说,中国市场商机无限。

    Business opportunities obviously abound for Netrepreneurs from all over.

  22. 剧中充斥着最潮的少年俚语,你可以尝试和朋友说说看。

    The show is packed with the latest teen slang which you can then try out on your friends.

  23. 对于少年来说从阳光镇走到南山不是一次困难的步行。

    It isn't a difficult walk for teenagers walk from Sunny Street to South Hill.

  24. 警察说他不会对那少年犯起诉,不过监察长起同他谈一下。

    The constable said he would not press charges against the young offender but that the chief inspector wanted to see him for a hearttoheart talk.

  25. 十月一日参加升旗仪式对中国人来说有情感上的意义。

    Attending flag-raising ceremony on October first is a sentimental thing for Chinese people.

  26. 他学了差不多十年的普通话,现在说起话来俨然就是个中国人。

    He studied Mandarin almost ten years and now he speaks like a real Chinese does.

  27. 以利沙祷告说, 耶和华阿, 求你开这少年人的眼目, 使他能看见。

    And Elisha prayed, O LORD, open his eyes so he may see.

  28. 这并不是我所吃过的最好的泰国餐,但对于中国人来说已经相当好了。

    Not the best Thai food I’ve ever had, but pretty good for Chinese.

  29. 最多的是就哲学和政治理论的讨论,同时,这里还上演川剧,说书人讲述趣闻逸事和中国神话。

    Discussion on philosophy and political theory abounded, Sichuan opera was performed, and storytellers shared humorous anecdotes and Chinese fairytales.

  30. 他们引用了五角大楼的一份情报,这份情报说技术或违禁物品可能通过哈奇森·惠姆波公司管理的港口非法从西方运往中国。

    They quoted a Pentagon intelligence report which discussed the possibility of illegal shipments of technology or prohibited items from the West to China through the Hutchison Whampoa-operated ports.

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