


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……





汉语拼音:shàng shèng








  1. 犹至圣。指德智超群的人。

    《墨子·公孟》:“昔者,圣王之列也:上圣立为天子,其次立为卿大夫。” 汉 王符 《潜夫论·赞学》:“夫此十一君者,皆上圣也,犹待学问,其智乃博,其德乃硕,而况於凡人乎?” 宋 王安石 《杂咏》之二:“变生父子间,上圣不能谋。”

  2. 称天神。

    元 无名氏 《桃花女》第二折:“只望上圣可怜见,与小人些寿岁咱。”

  3. 犹前圣。指前代的帝王与圣贤。

    《晋书·干宝传》:“ 宣皇帝 廓定四海, 武皇帝 受禪於 魏 ,至德大勋,等踪上圣。”《旧唐书·经籍志上》:“先王有闕典,上圣有遗事。”



  1. The nurse held the swaddling clothes up to her chin, while the priest with a goose feather anointed the baby's red, wrinkled hands and feet.


  2. the dwelling place of the word is man and its truth is love .


  3. "We know we live on a rock, but the poor people of Ascension live on a cinder, " the residents of St Helena had joked before his departure.


  4. In fact, Mr. St-Pierre insisted that at least 30 percent of the fans at his fights are women.


  5. In fact, Mount Saint Helens appears to be the youngest, most recently active volcano in the Cascade Range.


  6. Indeed, the St Pancras complex has been designed precisely with such intermingling in mind.


  7. A city of southern Quebec, Canada, on Montreal Island and the St. Lawrence River.


  8. The Lich King yells: When next we meet it won't be on holy ground, paladin.


  9. 'Mum and Dad won't agree. They've already arranged for Petunia to go to St Alden's Girls' School. I'll be following her there. '


  1. 他们在举行圣餐时走上圣坛领受面包和葡萄酒。

    They went up to the altar to receive the Holy Sacrament at the eucharist.

  2. 巫妖王我们下次见面的时候,将不会在圣地上,圣骑士。

    The Lich King yells When next we meet it wont be on holy ground, paladin.

  3. 圣。马克广场上的另一侧。

    Another side of san marco piazza.

  4. 乌瑟尔和他的圣骑士团是战场上令人瞩目的。

    Uther and his paladins were truly a sight to behold.

  5. 请记著,顺服神和分别为圣,乃是走上蒙福之途的两块踏脚石。

    Remember, obedience and separations are stepping stones on the pathway to God's blessing.

  6. 对于公众的财富,应该用上圣克鲁的网1才是。

    There should be nets at SaintCloud for the public fortune.

  7. 众百姓清早上圣殿,到耶稣那里,要听他讲道。

    And all the people came early in the morning to him in the temple, for to hear him.

  8. 我不能推着她上圣坛嫁给一个她根本不爱的混蛋。

    I can't wheel her down the aisle to marry some jackass she doesn't even love.

  9. 埃德蒙?西拉瑞爵士以首位登上圣母峰的人闻名。

    Sir Edmund Hillary is known as the first person to reach the summit of Mt. Everest.

  10. 事实上, 圣训中没有这样的传述, 也没有明显的证据。

    This, in fact, was not reported in the Prophetic Sunnah, and there is no evidence on it.

  11. 队长圣上有旨,宣逆民代表两名觐见!

    Captain His majesty ordered an edict Summon two representatives of the rebels to present themselves before the monarch!

  12. 我已祝圣我的君王, 在熙雍我的圣山上。

    But I have put my king on my holy hill of Zion.

  13. 基督教圣餐仪式上赞美上帝的圣歌或诗篇。

    A hymn or verse in Christian liturgy glorifying God.

  14. 又把膏油倒在亚伦的头上膏他, 使他成圣。

    He poured some of the anointing oil on Aaron's head and anointed him to consecrate him.

  15. 又把些膏油倒在亚伦的头上膏他,使他分别为圣。

    And he poured some of the anointing oil on Aaron's head and anointed him, sanctify him.

  16. 尔后, 他把你们交与圣火, 让你们成为上帝圣宴上的圣饼。

    And then he assigns you to his sacred fire, that you may become sacred bread for God's sacred feast.

  17. 他在授予圣职仪式上给新的高级牧师涂圣油使他神圣化。

    He anointed the new high priest.

  18. 这是在圣保罗一个玻璃窗边上的圣母玛利亚。

    Here's the Virgin Mary on the side of a glass window in Sao Paulo.

  19. 我们凭这旨意, 靠耶稣基督只一次献上他的身体, 就得以成圣。

    By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

  20. 伞柄纹章上的弯月是圣母玛丽亚神圣感孕的专有标志。

    The crescent the crest is a special symbol the Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary.

  21. 圣像架上荣耀之火

    Blaze of glory and crucifix

  22. 圣坛上的耶稣受难像

    altar crucifix

  23. 被安葬在神圣的土地上

    to be buried in hallowed ground

  24. 他谈得上什么神圣, 什么不朽?

    How godlike, how immortal, is he

  25. 画在壁上得圣徒像。

    Saints figured on the wall.

  26. 我明早要去圣岛上了。

    I have to go in the morning.

  27. 才能站在神的圣山上

    To stand upon the mountain of God

  28. 事实上,她被带去圣芒戈了。

    In fact, she has been brought to St. Mungos.

  29. 地球上最纯净的护肤圣品

    The Purest Skin Care on Earth

  30. 南奎三圣塔,黄色传送点上去

    Vee South Qeynos. Take green teleporter in Mage Tower, under steps

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