


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……





汉语拼音:shàng shǎng






  1. 最高的赏赐;重赏。

    《战国策·齐策一》:“﹝ 齐威王 ﹞乃下令:‘羣臣吏民,能面刺寡人之过者,受上赏。’”《汉书·武帝纪》:“且进贤受上赏,蔽贤蒙显戮,古之道也。”《元史·忽林失传》:“父从 世祖 亲征 阿里不哥 ,以功受上赏。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·王文雄》:“事闻, 秦 受上赏。”



  1. Modern significance of "the top reward is the reward of virtues"


  1. 论上赏赏德的现代意义

    Modern significance of the top reward is the reward of virtues

  2. 故车战, 得车十乘已上, 赏其先得者

    Therefore in chariot fighting, when ten or more chariots have been taken, those should be rewarded who took the first.

  3. 一个父亲与他的两个孩子站在河埠头上一起赏落日。

    A father and his children were down on the dock, admiring the sunset together.

  4. 其中一个在曼特尔兵站的交锋中几乎得到汉头上的赏金。

    One nearly bagged the price on Hans head in a runin on Ord Mantell.

  5. 看着超大得雪花慢慢地飘落地上,真是赏心得事情。

    Watching extra large flakes of snow sluggishly fall to the ground is really quite neat.

  6. 看在咱哥俩多年的情分上,你就赏个面子吧!

    For the sake of our friendship after years, do me this honour!

  7. 有房尽可自己赏, 不必骑上屋脊唱。

    A man may love his house well and does not proclaim it from the housetop.

  8. 雇车人家,在插上车后,也要另有赏钱。

    Guju people, planted in the car, also other gratuities.

  9. 仅上数层便能近赏3700亩沙湖碧波荡漾。

    The 3700 mu poppled Shahu Lake can be appreciatd just step up a few stories.

  10. 是收藏赏玩、馈赠商务礼赠、文化交流的上佳玉礼。

    Collection is enjoying, present a gift, cultural exchange business go up beautiful jade ritual.

  11. 这算得上是巴黎一件不小得赏心乐事吧。

    This is not the least of the gayeties of Paris.

  12. 人们通常聚会,赏菊,将山茱萸的叶子带衣服上。

    People often gather for a party, appreciate chrysanthemums, pin the leaves of Cornus on clothes.

  13. 溺水人贪赏告发, 立即得到报应, 面上顿生疮。

    Drowning person greedy tour information, immediate retribution, the surface of Dayton festered.

  14. 观看巫峡晨曦是船上游客的一件赏心乐事。

    Morning break in Wuxia gorge be a delight for passenger on tour boat.

  15. 观看巫峡晨曦是船上游客得一件赏心乐事。

    Morning break in Wuxia gorge be a delight for passenger on tour boat.

  16. 这算得上是巴黎一件不小的赏心乐事吧。

    This is not the least of the gayeties of Paris.

  17. 看着超大的雪花慢慢地飘落地上,真是赏心的事情。

    Watching extra large flakes of snow sluggishly fall to the ground is really quite neat.

  18. 爬上小山看山谷优美的全景沿火山口周围驾车赏景。

    Climbed a hill for a scenic panorama of the valley a scenic drive along the crater rim.

  19. 至于上主的赏报,你当下就能认清它的永恒性。

    The rewards of God, however, are immediately recognised as eternal.

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