


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……





汉语拼音:shàng nóng







  1. 亦称“ 上农夫 ”。古代指种植条件较好、收益较多的农民。

    《管子·揆度》:“上农挟五,中农挟四,下农挟三。”《孟子·万章下》:“上农夫食九人。” 赵歧 注:“一夫一妇佃田百亩。百亩之田,加之以粪,是为上农夫,其所得穀,足以食九口。” 汉 王充 《论衡·别通》:“耕夫多殖嘉穀,谓之上农夫;其少者,谓之下农夫。” 宋 宋祁 《代薛参政乞致仕上皇帝第一表》:“偶比诸生之牒,遂代上农之耕。”

  2. 重农。上,通“ 尚 ”。




  1. If possible, in the year before you plant potatoes, plant a cover crop to improve the soil and the potato production.


  2. Case studies on the impact of climatic changes on the farming-pastoral transitional zone in historical period


  1. 上农香糯品质及其分析

    The determination and analysis of the quality of the Shang Nong fragrant glutinous rice

  2. 气候变化对历史上农牧过渡带影响的个例研究

    Case studies on the impact of climatic changes on the farming pastoral transitional zone in historical period

  3. 农场上有许多农人在工作。

    There are many farmers working on the farm.

  4. 停在海港上加农炮的射程之外。

    Stay just out of range of the harbor cannon.

  5. 弗农姨父差点撞到前面的车上。

    Uncle Vernon nearly crashed into the car in front.

  6. 他在弗农的背上拍了一下,走开了。

    He pats Vernon on the back and walks on.

  7. 农田林业指在私人农田上经营的林业。

    Farm forestry Forestry carried out on private farmlands.

  8. 过去航船上搁加农炮弹的金属架子

    a metal stand that formerly held cannon balls on sailing ships

  9. 农杆菌在单子叶植物上的研究进展

    Advance of Agrobacterium on Monocotyledons Plants

  10. 当滑膛枪与加农炮对上荣誉与勇气

    With musket and cannon against honour and courage.

  11. 请你在这张表上签个字,弗农姨父。

    Uncle vernon, I need you to sign this form.

  12. 在同一块农地上, 农民一年可收成23次。

    Especially for the children, the school and parents should teach them to cultivate good habits of protecting their eyes from an earlier age.

  13. 他正要上楼回房,弗农姨父真说话了。

    He was about to go back upstairs when Uncle Vernon actually spoke.

  14. 我不知道宣农在这个问题上有什么企图。

    I don't know what move Shannon is planning to make in this matter.

  15. 上个赛季,达夫和列农都有近200个传中。

    Last season both Duff and Lennon crossed nearly 200 balls between them.

  16. 三层的火炮甲板上架有64门青铜加农炮。

    Triple gundecks mounted sixtyfour bronze cannon.

  17. 然后将特农囊在夹子上滑动并将结膜闭合。

    The Tenons capsules are then slid over the clip and the conjunctiva is closed.

  18. 农达, 农民乐在毛竹山上除草试验示范简报

    Experiments on Roundup and Rocket for control of weeds in bamboo fields

  19. 高高得河岸上,竹林梢头农舍得屋顶隐约可见。

    Over the high banks,the cottage roofs and the tops of the bamboo clumps are visible.

  20. 我看见一个像农人的高个子走在街上。

    I saw a tall farmerly fellow walking down the street.

  21. 那位农学家建议在干涸的河床上种水稻。

    The agronomist suggested growing rice on the dried river bed.

  22. 那位农学家建议在干涸得河床上种水稻。

    The agronomist suggested growing rice on the dried river bed.

  23. 把本土新鲜有机农产物搬上餐枱, 是我们得目得。

    Our aim is to bring local organic fresh produce onto the dining table.

  24. 把本土新鲜有机农产物搬上餐枱,是我们的目的。

    Our aim is to bring local organic fresh produce onto the dining table.

  25. 在此基础上,提出了解决我国三农问题的政策理念。

    Based on this conclusion, we put forward a solution of the agriculture issue in the policy concept.

  26. 我撞上了教练,撞上单杠,撞上农科学生,撞上摆动着的铁环。

    I bumped into professors, horizontal bars, agricultural students, and swinging iron rings.

  27. 这个使用工具的能力可以应用在 智慧制造和农業上。

    This tool use ability will have applications for smart manufacturing and agriculture.

  28. 对农,牧民生育子女人数,政策上从未作过任何限制。

    No policy restrictions have ever been imposed on the number of births in the agricultural and pastoral areas.

  29. 皇帝陛下可以从凉亭上观察到农务是如何进行的。

    His Majesty could observe from a pavilion how farm work was performed.

  30. 帕台农神庙上看似笔直的线条, 经测定证实为曲线。

    Lines that appear straight in the Parthenon are found on measurement to be curved.

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