


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……


排成的行:罗~。行(háng )~。队~。~岛。众多,各:~位。~强。~传(zhuàn )。摆出:~举。安排到某类事务之中:~席。量词,用于成行列的事物:一~火车。类:不在此~。姓。古同“烈”,强烈,猛然。古同“裂”,分裂。……



汉语拼音:shàng liè









  1. 高官之行列。

    《后汉书·赵典传》:“身从衣褐之中,致位上列。” 三国 魏 曹植 《求自试表》:“﹝臣﹞窃位东藩,爵在上列。”《南齐书·褚渊传》:“将登上列,永翼声教。”

  2. 上座,受尊敬的席位。

    唐 杜甫 《后出塞》诗之一:“班白居上列,酒酣进庶羞。”《元史·也先不花传》:“ 太祖 以旧好,遇之特异他族……朝会燕饗,使居上列。”

  3. 犹前列。

    宋 张舜民 《游公墓志铭》:“已而考行试艺,屡居上列,人畏敬,无敢抗其锋。”

  4. 指上面所列举的。例如:上列规定,大家务必遵行!



  1. On one occasion he held up a list on television and said he would be checking who voted and who did not.


  2. Holiday shoppers with a tablet computer on their gift list this year might be forgiven for feeling a little panicked.


  3. "We had a crew list of six, " he said, "but I count only five heads. "


  4. If the toy contains wire, plastic, wood, cardboard or any other type of stiffeners they must be listed on the law label.


  5. the ratio scope of any of the above drugs does not exceed or be lower than 85 percent of specific gravity of the drug.


  6. The Lib Dem leader said the list of 22 frontbenchers formed a "strong team" .


  7. The sp_remote_columns system procedure produces a list of the columns on a remote table and a description of those data types.


  8. If you plan to visit any of the above-mentioned islands for any purpose, do not worry about your language skills.


  9. Please note that this permission only applies to Government copyright materials.


  1. 上列价格可能变更。

    These prices are subject to variation.

  2. 课表上列有10节英语课。

    There are ten English classes listed in the timetable.

  3. 兹证明上列在本行帐户

    This is to certify that the above named account with us

  4. 按照上列第2步向管子注水。

    Fill tube as in step 2 above.

  5. 议程上列有许多具体的任务。

    Numerous concrete tasks are on the agenda.

  6. 几张卡片背面朝上列成几排

    a bunch of cards facedown in rows.

  7. 申请表格可于上列博物馆索取。

    Application forms are available at the above museums.

  8. 上列货物,按本季行情,报价为。

    We offer the goods at the current season's price of.

  9. 目录表上列有登广告者的名单。

    The catalogue gives a list advertiser.

  10. 目录表上列有登广告者得名单。

    The catalogue gives a list advertiser.

  11. 这些货与我订购单上列的不一样。

    These goods dont correspond to the list of those I ordered.

  12. 产品卡上列有标题, 说明必需哪些信息。

    The headings under which information has to be obtained are set out on a product sheet.

  13. 请给我来一份你们菜单上列的早餐。

    I would like the breakfast on your menu, please.

  14. 请给我来一份你们菜单上列得早餐。

    I would like the breakfast on your menu, please.

  15. 比如说, 也许你会想要在清单上列上树木。

    You might want to list trees, say.

  16. 我们的推荐人名单上列的就是公司的管理团队。

    Our reference list is our management teams.

  17. 上列公司名称将作为制作展台公司名牌之用。

    The company name above will be used for the fascia board production at your stand.

  18. 这张单子上列的配料听起来使人馋涎欲滴。

    The list of ingredients sounds very appetizing.

  19. 这张单子上列得配料听起来使人馋涎欲滴。

    The list of ingredients sounds very appetizing.

  20. 我只好把清单上列的项目一个个地念一遍。

    I had to call over the items one by one on the list.

  21. 提供重命名列的步骤并介绍重命名数据库上列的效果。

    Provides steps for renaming columns and describes the effects of renaming columns on your database.

  22. 提供重命名列得步骤并介绍重命名数据库上列得效果。

    Provides steps for renaming columns and describes the effects of renaming columns on your database.

  23. 科技咨询机构议程上列有研究与系统观测问题。

    The SBSTA has on its agenda the issue of research and systematic observation.

  24. 缔约国可在运单上列上他们认为有用的其它事项。

    The parties may enter in the consignment note any other particulars which they may deem useful.

  25. 上列允许用途只适用于由政府拥有版权的资料。

    Please note that this permission only applies to Government copyright materials.

  26. 货架结构应按上列荷载效应的最不利组合设计。

    Shelf load structure shall be above the most adverse effect of combination of the design.

  27. 上列网站皆为美国格林证券公司属下一个部门

    Websites are division of Globalink Securities, Inc. Member NASD SIPC

  28. 未能符合上列要求的乘客须支付正常即日来回车费。

    Passengers not meeting these requirements will be charged the normal same day return fare.

  29. 投票站是我前往投票的地方。选民登记证上列有投票地点。

    A polling station is where I vote and is listed on my Elector Information Card.

  30. 然后将你的经验和技能在另外一张清单上列出来。

    Then list the skills and experience you have.

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