




与客观事实相符合,与“假”、“伪”相对:~诚。~谛。~挚。~心。逼~。认~。~才实学。~知灼见。确实,的确:~好。~正。~切。清楚,显明:看得~。咬字很~。本性,本原:纯~。天~。人的肖像:传(chuán )~。写~。汉字的楷书:~字。~书……



汉语拼音:sān zhēn







  1. 三真经。

    唐 陆龟蒙 《送延陵张宰》诗:“默祷三真后,高吟十字还。” 前蜀 杜光庭 《亲随司空为大王醮葛仙化词》:“九井之光灵自显,三真之肸蠁常存。”

  2. 指 宋 朝的 富弼 、 韩琦 、 欧阳修 、 张康节 。真,谓名副其实。

    宋 朱弁 《曲洧旧闻》卷一:“ 张康节 为御史中丞,论宰执不已……当时有三真之语,谓 富 韩 二公为真宰相, 欧公 为真内翰,而 康节 为真御史也。”



  1. Whatever problems you currently face can be resolved by realigning yourself with truth, love, and power.


  1. 软土的真三轴试验研究

    Study on soft soil by the true triaxial tests

  2. 电液控制真三轴仪的研究

    The research on Electrical and hydraulic control for a triaxial testing device

  3. 真三国无双5在哪能用讯雷下

    Real Three Kingdoms matchless 5 under how can to using message thunder

  4. 真三轴仪的研制及其试验方法

    Development of cubical triaxial apparatus and its test methods.

  5. 国内真三轴试验仪的发展及应用

    Development and Application of True Triaxial Apparatus in China

  6. 魔兽真三国无双正式比赛中允许改键么

    Real Three Kingdoms of devil beast is matchless allow to change a key in regulation game

  7. 软土初始损伤门槛值的真三轴试验研究

    Study on initial damage threshold of soft soil by true triaxial tests

  8. 三阿哥真是生龙活虎!

    What vim and vigor Third Elder Brother have!

  9. 三阿哥真是生龙活虎!

    What vim and vigor Third Elder Brother have!

  10. 索尼高保真三光碟,双卡磁带音响系统,仅卖30刀。

    Sony HiFi 3CD charger double tape deck system for sale at only 28.

  11. 真三轴仪的平面应变改造及黄土平面应变实验研究

    The Alteration of True Triaxial Apparatus and Research of Plane Strain of Loess.

  12. 三焦元真通会之处

    junctures where genuine QI converging through SAN JIAO

  13. 在无双模式里和所有真三国无双的游戏人物成为宣誓盟友。

    Made all Dynasty Warriors officers available as sworn allies in Conquest Mode.

  14. 真三轴仪在土工理论研究与实际应用上有着广泛得应用。

    True triaxial apparatus is widely used in theoretical research and engineering application.

  15. 真三轴仪在土工理论研究与实际应用上有着广泛的应用。

    True triaxial apparatus is widely used in theoretical research and engineering application.

  16. 三大真理论在20世纪前半期的重铸与论争

    On the Recast and Argument of Three Theories of Truth in the First Half of 18th Century.

  17. 要换三次车真痛苦。

    It's such a pain to change buses three times.

  18. 过去的三个月真受罪。

    The last three months have been hell.

  19. 他能在寡不敌众的情况下抓住三个小偷,真了不起

    He's really something for the fact that he had caught three of the thieves when he was outnumbered

  20. 那么,你今天已经打碎三扇窗户了 真破了你以往的纪录了。

    So you've broken three windows today you've really excelled yourself.

  21. 真圣洁的三大要素

    The Three Requisites of true Holiness

  22. 从我进剧组到现在已经三年了, 真是一段很长的时间。

    Its been a long time coming, you know, from the time I got involved until now, its been three years.

  23. 一转眼我们都毕业三年了,变化真大啊。

    In a flash, our graduation was three years ago, the changes are so big.

  24. 我真羡慕她的三围。

    I envy her measurements.

  25. 我想我如果在意大利再多待三年, 他可能真有吻我的动力。

    I think if I were to stay in Italy for another three years, he might actually get up the juice to kiss me.

  26. 现在真是只有三支球队在争夺榜首位置吗?

    Are there really only three teams in the hunt for the League title

  27. 你真的花了三个钟头才交卷吗?那测验想必很难。

    Did it really take you three hours to finish the test paper? The test must have been very difficult.

  28. 新主任更改了这个部的很多规定。真是新官上任三把火!

    The new director has changed many of the Department rules. a new broom sweeps clean.

  29. 那位新校长已将校规做了许多改动。真是新官上任三把火。

    The new headmaster has changed many of the school rules. A new broom sweeps clean.

  30. 我真怕你会直落三盘赢得比赛。

    I was afraid you'd win in straight sets.

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