







汉语拼音:sān huǒ









  1. 三堆火。

    汉 焦赣 《易林·大有之师》:“三火起明,两灭其光。高位疾颠,骄恣诛伤。”

  2. 燃烧三日夜的炉火。

    宋 苏轼 《次韵子由寄题孔平仲草庵》:“羡君美玉经三火,笑我枯桑困八蚕。” 王文诰 辑注引《淮南子》:“ 钟山 之玉,灼以炉炭,三日三夜色泽不变,得天地之精也。”

  3. 三度被焚烧。

    宋 苏轼 《月华寺》诗:“ 月华 三火岂天意,至今茇舍依榛菅。”

  4. 即三毒。

    宋 叶廷珪 《海录碎事·道释·经》:“贪火既尔,嗔痴亦然。三火炽盛,由我为本。欲灭三火,当断我本。”



  1. House double fugue water back rub kidney, renal blood down into the House into a fine, three fire Guiyuan refined gas refining.


  2. C. the place where the fire ended


  3. Ring of fire: the passion of Johnny and


  1. 新官上任三把火。

    A new broom sweeps clean.

  2. 新官上任三把火。

    A new broom sweeps clean.

  3. 新官上任无需三把火

    How A New Manager Accepted By His Team

  4. 新笤帚扫得干净, 新官上任三把火。

    A new broom sweeps clean.

  5. 新官上任三把火,新到职者办事热心认真。

    New brooms sweep clean.

  6. 不,这一点也不好我们不能成为三个火枪手了

    No, it's not. we don't get to be the three musketeers

  7. 在处死前,他终于被三个火枪手及时救出。

    Bishop, In death, he was finally three musketeers timely rescue.

  8. 新主任更改了这个部的很多规定。真是新官上任三把火!

    The new director has changed many of the Department rules. a new broom sweeps clean.

  9. 新官上任三把火, 第一把火可能会宣布给共和党人一些职位。

    A good start would be to announce that he will offer jobs to a few Republicans.

  10. 新官上任三把火最近健身房里的教练换了一个经理。

    A new broom sweeps clean Lately, the gym has a new trainer manager, who is promoted from one of the trainers.

  11. 新官上任三把火最近健身房里得教练换了一个经理。

    A new broom sweeps clean Lately, the gym has a new trainer manager, who is promoted from one of the trainers.

  12. 这向那些关注新官上任的三把火的人展示了兴趣和关心。

    It'shows interest and care to all those watching the early actions of the new boss.

  13. 那位新校长已将校规做了许多改动。真是新官上任三把火。

    The new headmaster has changed many of the school rules. A new broom sweeps clean.

  14. 从板凳席上站起来的法玛,在后场给球队再添三把火。

    The Lakers have a starter coming off the bench in Jordan Farmar, giving them a trio of excellence in the backcourt.

  15. 和你一起来的是一个很火的三人组。

    That's quite a hot threesome you arrived with.

  16. 塔上装灯,江上夜航船只赖以导引,宣和三年毁于兵火。

    Upload tower lights, which guided ships on the river night, propaganda, and three years was destroyed by Bing Huo.

  17. 消防队员与森林大火搏斗了几乎三个星期才把火控制住。

    Firemen had been fighting the forest fire for nearly three weeks before they could get it under control.

  18. 三火相加,是火燄四射

    Three fires together, that's a lot of flames.

  19. 第三, 火胶得调度。

    Thirdly, the regulation of water gel.

  20. 三黄清火片

    Sanhuang Qinghuo capsules.

  21. 三先生要是晓得了, 一定动火。

    If Mr. Wu got to hear of it, there'd be hell to pay.

  22. 他们说搬三次家就像失了一场火。

    They say that three moves equal one fire.

  23. 至少三辆警察巡逻车, 一辆公共汽车和一座楼房着火。

    at least three police patrol cars, a bus and a building on fire.

  24. 战车火控系统射击命中三要素函数误差分析

    Function Error Analysis of Three Basic Factors for Hitting of Combat Vehicle Fire Control System

  25. 撒旦会胜利!但在三个夜里, 地震与火会熄灭。

    Satan will triumph!But in three nights, the earthquake and fire will cease.

  26. 新疆第二大煤田大火有望三至四年内扑灭

    Fire in the second largest coalfield in Xinjiang is to be put out in three to four years

  27. 接下来的火焰系攻击会造成三倍的伤害,并造成目标着火。

    The next fire attack to target will now cause triple damage and catch target on fire.

  28. 这三种岩石中, 只有火成岩石是由熔化得物质形成。

    Of the three types of rocks, only igneous rocks are formed from melted material.

  29. 这场火使这家工厂得生产延误达三个月之久。

    The fire in the factory put back production by three months.

  30. 这场火使这家工厂的生产延误达三个月之久。

    The fire in the factory put back production by three months.

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