




1. 号 [hào]2. 号 [háo]号 [hào]名称:国~。年~。字~。指人除有名、字之外,另起的别称:别~(如“李白,字太白,~~青莲居士”)。标志:记~。排定的次序或等级:编~。~码。扬言,宣称:~称(a.名义上是;b.以某名著称……



汉语拼音:sān hào







  1. 三次号哭。

    《礼记·丧大记》:“北面三号,捲衣投於前。” 孔颖达 疏:“三号,号呼之声三徧也。”《庄子·养生主》:“ 老耼 死, 秦失 吊之,三号而出。” 清 钱谦益 《挽西蜀尹西有》诗:“盍以三号观 季札 ,谁从永夜问 班彪 。”

  2. 第三次鸣叫。

    《史记·历书》:“时鷄三号,卒明。” 司马贞 索隐:“三号,三鸣也。” 周君适 《伪满宫廷杂忆·我走进了小天地》:“鸡三号,更五点,此时拜疏击大阉。”



  1. If I had to create what I would classify as a pure three, it's Trevor Ariza, with his size, speed, quickness and defensive ability.


  2. It has a gray back, a black-and-white head and a pale yellow breast with a black stripe and weighs only about as much as a AA battery .


  3. He said lighting at central control rooms of No. 3 reactor had been restored, while lighting at No. 4 reactor would be back again soon.


  4. Mr. Surkov, 47, is often ranked as Russia's third-most-powerful political figure, after Prime Minister Vladimir V. Putin and Mr. Medvedev.


  5. The more critical situation appeared to be with Reactor Nos. 1, 2 and 3, which had been online at the time of the quake.


  6. Okay. Those climbers were up near the summit, along that summit ridge that you see up there, and I was down here in camp three.


  7. In an unprecedented failure in rocket history launching disasters, a whole town in Xizhang was wiped out by the Long March III rocket.


  8. Back in the U. S. , I would be intern No. 3 at some company or selling tickets at Lincoln Center.


  9. The news was a bit odd, but at least she knew Trish wouldn't be long in Pod 3.


  1. 请坐三号线。

    Take line three.

  2. 今天是三月三号。

    It's the third of March.

  3. 三号和六号,传球。

    3rd and 6.You gotta throw it.

  4. 我们是三号桌,三号桌,三号桌。

    We are table number three, number three, number three.

  5. 一到三号急救室

    Uh, trauma one through three.

  6. 在三号站台上车。

    Board the train at Platform 3.

  7. 肖,三号门,一分钟。

    Shaw.Door three,one minute.

  8. 肖,三号门,一分钟。

    Shaw. Door three, one minute.

  9. 三号小姐有何问题?

    What's with number three?

  10. 换人三号下, 四号上。

    Substitution Player No. 4 for No. 3.

  11. 换人三号下,四号上。

    Substitution Player No. 4 for No. 3.

  12. 二号和三号清查完毕。

    Sweeps two and three now complete.

  13. 三号 四号 去等救护车

    Uh, three, four, go meet the ambulances.

  14. 所有救护车往三号站。

    All ambulances go to number three.

  15. 这里要缝合,三号缝线

    This isn't holding. 28 prolene, please.

  16. 住院问讯在三号窗口。

    Information about inpatients is at counter No. 3.

  17. 这一个六月的三号。

    The 3 rd of this instant June.

  18. 这一个六月得三号。

    The 3 rd of this instant June.

  19. 这是三号营的照片。

    This is a view taken from camp three.

  20. 食用绿色三号铝丽基

    Fast Green FCF Aluminum Lake

  21. 我怎么才能到三号轨道?

    How can I get to Track Three ?

  22. 这月三号是个休假日。

    The third of the month was a holiday.

  23. 字体大小比基准字体大小大三号。

    The font size is three sizes larger than the base font size.

  24. 我们是二号桌,三号桌在哪?

    We are table number two, where's number three?

  25. 三号!我们就是去那儿的。

    Number three! So that's where we're going.

  26. 马上要在三号手术室进行了

    Across the hall in o. r. three shortly.

  27. 三号, 五号, 六号, 十号台出现问题。

    Trade's breached at tables three, five, six and ten.

  28. 一件尺码大了三号的夹克。

    A jacket three sizes too big.

  29. 康青三号提纯复壮效果评价。

    Evaluation on the Effect of Purified Restoration in KangqingNo.

  30. 他看过三号车的失败数据。

    He saw the pathetic data on the three car.


  1. 问:三号店拼音怎么拼?三号店的读音是什么?三号店翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三号店的读音是Sānhàodiàn,三号店翻译成英文是 Sanhaodian

  2. 问:三号坦克拼音怎么拼?三号坦克的读音是什么?三号坦克翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三号坦克的读音是,三号坦克翻译成英文是 Panzer III

  3. 问:三号核生化报告拼音怎么拼?三号核生化报告的读音是什么?三号核生化报告翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三号核生化报告的读音是sān hào hé shēng huà bào gào,三号核生化报告翻译成英文是 Nuclear Burst and Biological or Chemical Attac...

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