







汉语拼音:sān hán






  1. 汉 时 朝鲜 南部有 马韩 、 辰韩 、 弁辰 ( 三国 时亦称 弁韩 ),合称 三韩 。

    《后汉书·东夷传·三韩》:“ 韩 有三种:一曰 马韩 ,二曰 辰韩 ,三曰 弁辰 …… 马韩 最大,共立其种为 辰 王,都 目支国 ,尽王 三韩 之地。”后以指 朝鲜 。 唐 杜甫 《奉赠太常张卿均十二韵》:“方丈 三韩 外, 崑崙 万国西。” 清 赵翼 《拟老杜诸将》诗:“喜闻劲旅发 三韩 ,从此军应薙草菅。” 古直 《哀朝鲜》诗:“ 三韩 日暗淡,倭儿意气雄。”



  1. 网络
  2. SamHan;SANDHOG;Shanhan

  1. 他说从高扬三来的韩老板。

    He says it's president Han from gyungsan.

  2. 推进了中日韩三方合作

    Promoting the Tripartite Cooperation among China, Japan and Korea

  3. 在南韩三星靠生产和营销联袂发家。

    In South Korea Samsung has prospered by keeping both production and marketing in house.

  4. 韩三平还说,目前在这部电影中涵盖的内容太多。

    Han also said that this movie currently has too much material to include in a single feature.

  5. 支持姓韩这小子吧,他骂的三人中有两个我听着都不顺耳。

    To support this Han brat? I've heard nasty stuff about two of the three people he insulted.

  6. 谈小说三重门及其作者韩寒

    About Han Han and His Novel The Three Successive Doors

  7. 今年是韩德尔诞辰三百周年。

    This year sees the tercentenary of Handels birth.

  8. 韩复榘与冯玉祥的恩怨三十年

    Thirty years of favour and enmity between Han Fuqu and Feng Yuxiang

  9. 韩梅打算下个星期三下午去打排球。

    Han Mei is going to play volleyball next Wednesday afternoon.

  10. 从小说三代的人物形象看韩民族性格

    On the Korean National Character Mirrored from the Figures in The Three Generations

  11. 韩玉涛先生认为张旭字有三个特点。

    According to a modern scholar, Han Yutao, Zhang's calligraphy works have three properties.

  12. 第三个信息告诉我们,韩信好带刀剑。

    The third message tells us that the Hanshin good with swords.

  13. 第三章为汉韩表情绪形容词的语义分析。

    Third chapter shows semantic analysis of the mood adjectives for Chinese and Korean languages.

  14. 玛丽花了三个月时间来学习韩语发音规则。

    It took Mary three months to learn Korean pronunciation rules.

  15. 玛丽花了三个月时间来学习韩语发音规则。

    It took Mary three months to learn Korean pronunciation rules.

  16. 这是我作为总统对大韩民国的第三次访问。

    Now, this is my third visit to the Republic of Korea as President.

  17. 第三章, 后代对韩愈诙谐诗风得评价及继承。

    Chapter Three, the evaluation and succession for the humorous poetry style of Han Yu.

  18. 第三章,后代对韩愈诙谐诗风的评价及继承。

    Chapter Three, the evaluation and succession for the humorous poetry style of Han Yu.

  19. 自7月初以来,人民币兑韩元汇率上涨了约三分之一。

    The renminbi has gained around one third against the South Korean won since early July.

  20. 中日韩三国贸易部长同意就达成三边贸易协定加快努力。

    The trade ministers of China, Japan and South Korea have agreed to step up efforts towards forming a trilateral free trade agreement.

  21. 周三,我收听了韩德胜在公司举行的上任90天新闻发布会。

    This Wednesday, I listened to Henderson s 90 Day Update press conference on GM.

  22. 这篇报导发表于星期三, 这一天是韩战1953年停火58周年。

    The report was issued Wednesday the 58th anniversary of the armistice that ended the Korean War in 1953.


  1. 问:三韩拼音怎么拼?三韩的读音是什么?三韩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三韩的读音是,三韩翻译成英文是 Samhan

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