


1. 溃 [kuì]2. 溃 [huì]溃 [kuì]大水冲开堤岸:~决。~堤。散乱,垮台:~败。~退。~散。~逃。~不成军。崩~。~乱。肌肉组织因腐烂而破了口:~烂。~疡。溃 [huì]同“殨”。……





汉语拼音:kuì làn







  1. 失败。

    《三国志·吴志·孙策传》“ 勋 独与麾下数百人自归 曹公 ” 裴松之 注引 晋 张勃 《吴录》:“火放上风,兵激烟下,弓弩并发,流矢雨集,日加辰时, 祖 乃溃烂。”

  2. 破裂;破碎。

    《隋书·酷吏传·王文同》:“令其人踣心於木橛上,缚四支於小橛,以棒殴其背,应时溃烂。”《明史·刘仁本传》:“ 太祖 数其罪,鞭背溃烂死。”《古今小说·游酆都胡母迪吟诗》:“一夜叉以沸汤浇之,皮肉溃烂,号呼之声不絶。”

  3. 伤口或发生溃疡的组织由于病菌的感染而化脓。

    唐 白行简 《李娃传》:“月餘,手足不能自举,其楚挞之处皆溃烂,秽甚。” 宋 沉括 《梦溪笔谈·杂志二》:“一吏人为虫所毒,举身溃烂。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第六十回:“其实麻风这个病,外省也未尝没有……大约 广东 地土热,犯了这个病要溃烂的。” 杨朔 《木棉花》:“外科医生的手术刀,可以加速割除溃烂的疽疮。”

  4. 腐烂。

    宋 王谠 《唐语林·夙慧》:“会送中使者还云:‘果溃烂,弃之矣。’” 宋 苏轼 《上蔡省主论放欠书》:“或布帛恶弱估剥以为亏官,或糟滓溃烂纽计以为实欠。”

  5. 败坏;腐朽。




  1. However, after listening to each other, not only did not, contrary to her clothes, but also lifted him to see a place to fester.


  2. Before my entire ravaged colon was removed, my doctors let me peer through the scope and take a look at it as it died.


  3. Itchy pink spots break out on the face and spread over the body.


  4. After eating the dead animals, some local residents had fever and skin ulcers, and were in a state of exhaustion.


  5. Years ago, I noticed that if I go to bed without sex I begin to pick up some decay along the gum line.


  6. But you all want peace, you want tranquillity at any price, with all this cankerous poison in your hearts and minds.


  7. Sometimes we bury our feelings where they fester and decay, and then begin to infect other parts of the psyche as well.


  8. Phyllis Hulme's family and friends were aghast when she told them doctors planned to put maggots on her leg ulcer.


  9. The flower kingdom in particular holds the records of another time upon earth when rot and decay did not occur.


  1. 伤口未溃烂。

    The wound did not fester.

  2. 产生溃疡溃烂

    To develop an ulcerbecome ulcerous.

  3. 她的伤口在溃烂。

    Her wounds are festering.

  4. 他的小肠正在溃烂

    His bowels are rotting.

  5. 有病的茎往往溃烂。

    Blighted stems often canker.

  6. 他四肢全都溃烂了。

    Every inch of his arms and legs was ulcerated.

  7. 舌头常年溃烂如何治愈?

    Tongue all the year round how is fester cured.

  8. 一个伟大的溃烂分神

    One great big festering neon distraction

  9. 疼痛,发炎变得疼痛或发炎溃烂

    To become sore or inflamedfester.

  10. 胃粘膜已经消失或溃烂。

    Here the gastric mucosa has been lost, or ulcerated.

  11. 伤口溃烂, 散发出一股恶臭。

    The wound is festering and stinking.

  12. 我口内有一片溃烂了。

    I have a small canker blister in my mouth.

  13. 伤口在溃烂,已经生了坏疽。

    The wound is festering, and gangrene has set in.

  14. 或像溃烂得疮口流着脓水?

    Or fester like a sore ? And then run?

  15. 或像溃烂的疮口流着脓水?

    Or fester like a sore? And then run?

  16. 很多孩子深受溃烂创痛的折磨。

    Many of the children are afflicted by festering sores.

  17. 它导致动脉阻塞和溃烂的脓疮。

    It caused arterial constriction, horrible sores and gangrene.

  18. 不要在那溃烂的东西上去想。

    Think not of that which perishes.

  19. 没有人会承认自己有溃烂的疮疤。

    No man will admit his sores.

  20. 它们的乳腺经常溃烂,但照样挤奶。

    Their udders were frequently ulcerated, but they would be milked regardless.

  21. 我的创痍溃烂流脓, 完全由于我的愚蒙。

    Foul and festering are my sores because of my folly.

  22. 伤口流脓溃烂以后,还是会愈合的。

    After discharging the wound fester, or healing.

  23. 音乐是灵魂得庇护所, 为幸福所溃烂。

    Music is the refuge of souls ulcerated by happiness.

  24. 音乐是灵魂的庇护所,为幸福所溃烂。

    Music is the refuge of souls ulcerated by happiness.

  25. 有些人的伤口是在时间中慢慢溃烂

    Some wounds are slowly fester in time

  26. 伤口在潮湿中溃烂,永远也不能愈合。

    Wounds festered in the damp, they never healed.

  27. 这不自然得降生, 如同溃烂病, 如同枯萎症。

    This unnatural birth, this canker, this blight.

  28. 死刑无法医治犯罪这块已溃烂得伤疤。

    Death sentences cannot cure the festering sore.

  29. 死刑无法医治犯罪这块已溃烂的伤疤。

    Death sentences cannot cure the festering sore.

  30. 这不自然的降生,如同溃烂病,如同枯萎症。

    This unnatural birth, this canker, this blight.


  1. 问:溃烂拼音怎么拼?溃烂的读音是什么?溃烂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溃烂的读音是kuìlàn,溃烂翻译成英文是 fester

  2. 问:溃烂性痤疮拼音怎么拼?溃烂性痤疮的读音是什么?溃烂性痤疮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溃烂性痤疮的读音是kuì làn xìng cuó chuāng,溃烂性痤疮翻译成英文是 acne exulcerans

  3. 问:溃烂型皮肤利什曼病拼音怎么拼?溃烂型皮肤利什曼病的读音是什么?溃烂型皮肤利什曼病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:溃烂型皮肤利什曼病的读音是kuì làn xíng pí fū lì shí màn bìng,溃烂型皮肤利什曼病翻译成英文是 tiacarana




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