


遮断:~开。~离。~绝。~断。阻~。相去有一段距离:~壁。~年。~行(háng )。~岸观火(喻见人遇到困难,漠不关心,采取观望或看热闹的态度)。~墙有耳。思想感情有距离:~阂。~膜。~心。……





汉语拼音:gé jué








  1. 阻隔;隔断。

    《汉书·西域传赞》:“ 西域 诸国……与 汉 隔絶。道里又远,得之不为益,弃之不为损。”《三国志·魏志·郭淮传》:“ 淮 曰:若 亮 跨 渭 登原,连兵北山,隔絶 陇 道,摇荡民夷,此非国之利也。” 宋 苏轼 《策略四》:“夫宽深不测之量,古人所以临大事而不乱,有以镇世俗之躁,盖非以隔絶上下之情,养尊而自安也。” 叶圣陶 《夜》:“不接触女儿女婿的声音笑貌,虽只十天还不到,似乎已隔绝了不知几多年。”

  2. 断绝。

    《史记·南越列传》:“今 高后 听谗臣,别异蛮夷,隔絶器物。”《敦煌变文集·秋胡变文》:“其 秋胡 妻,自夫游学已后,经歷六年,书信不通,音符隔絶。” 沈从文 《<沈从文散文选>题记》:“而我和文学方面隔绝,也已经三十多年了。”



  1. My desire to love and be loved sexually is equalled by my isolation and my fear of breaking out of it.


  2. I tried to cover my head with a pillow to shut out the sound. It was no use.


  3. He said: "I do not think Colombia should be permitted to bar permanently one of the future highways of civilization. "


  4. It has not been helped by those who have controlled you, and kept the truth from you.


  5. Business card printing and membership card making speed decided to ink from the plates to the paper on the length of time of contact.


  6. sauce from having a strong vinegar taste (vinegar is dilute acetic acid), oxygen must BE kept, out of the fermentation tank.


  7. Connie had stood and looked, it was a breach in the pure seclusion of the wood. It let in the world. But she didn't tell Clifford.


  8. To protect its foreign markets, China is trying to set up a dedicated export supply chain, sealed off from the domestic market.


  9. shutting himself away from his many friends and refusing every activity that might restore his poise and bring him back to his normal self.


  1. 隐退。与世隔绝

    seclude oneself from the world

  2. 与外界隔绝

    Hedge off from the outer world.

  3. 和外界隔绝

    be cut off from the outside world.

  4. 使孤立使隔绝

    To set apart from othersisolate.

  5. 与世隔绝的村寨

    an isolated village

  6. 与世隔绝的生活

    a secluded existence

  7. 与世隔绝的大学

    the cloistered world of the university

  8. 外交上的隔绝

    a diplomatic quarantine

  9. 隔绝一切外界干扰。

    No distractions.

  10. 厚墙隔绝嘈杂声。

    Thick walls deaden noise.

  11. 修道院与世隔绝的生活

    the secluded life of a convent

  12. 与世隔绝的独处状态。

    the state of being alone in solitary isolation.

  13. 为什么这些人与世隔绝?

    Why are these people isolated?

  14. 我只是与外界隔绝。

    I'm just not in touch.

  15. 他们和外界隔绝了。

    They were cut off from the outside world.

  16. 与世隔绝,不愿见人。

    Who hide themselves away from the world.

  17. 与世隔绝,不愿见人。

    Who hide themselves away from the world.

  18. 过着与世隔绝的生活。

    lived an unsocial reclusive life.

  19. 过隐居生活, 过与世隔绝的生活

    live secluded from the world

  20. 在盒子里长大,与世隔绝

    Raised in a box, sheltered from everything.

  21. 就有14或15个隔绝部落。

    in the Colombian Amazon alone.

  22. 神秘, 与世隔绝的戏剧世界

    the strange, hermetic world of the theatre

  23. 两家隔绝往来已久。

    All contact between the two families stopped a long time ago.

  24. 两家隔绝往来已久。

    All contact between the two families stopped a long time ago.

  25. 与社会隔绝, 过隐居生活

    seclude oneself from society

  26. 她堵住耳朵隔绝噪音。

    She stopped up her ears to keep the noise out.

  27. 泡沫橡胶隔绝性能良好。

    Foam rubber provides good insulation.

  28. 他们觉得与外界隔绝了。

    They felt cut off from the outside world.

  29. 与外界隔绝的男修会

    an enclosed order of monks

  30. 有你的时候我与世界隔绝。

    Have you I with world isolated.


  1. 问:隔绝拼音怎么拼?隔绝的读音是什么?隔绝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隔绝的读音是géjué,隔绝翻译成英文是 isolate

  2. 问:隔绝布料拼音怎么拼?隔绝布料的读音是什么?隔绝布料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隔绝布料的读音是géjuébùliào,隔绝布料翻译成英文是 insulated fabric

  3. 问:隔绝氧气拼音怎么拼?隔绝氧气的读音是什么?隔绝氧气翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隔绝氧气的读音是gé jué yǎng qì,隔绝氧气翻译成英文是 starvation

  4. 问:隔绝作用剂拼音怎么拼?隔绝作用剂的读音是什么?隔绝作用剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隔绝作用剂的读音是gé jué zuò yòng jì,隔绝作用剂翻译成英文是 sequestering agent

  5. 问:隔绝地遗嘱拼音怎么拼?隔绝地遗嘱的读音是什么?隔绝地遗嘱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隔绝地遗嘱的读音是géjuédìyízhǔ,隔绝地遗嘱翻译成英文是 will from isolated place

  6. 问:隔绝式防毒面具拼音怎么拼?隔绝式防毒面具的读音是什么?隔绝式防毒面具翻译成英文是什么?

    答:隔绝式防毒面具的读音是gé jué shì fáng dú miàn jù,隔绝式防毒面具翻译成英文是 Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus



“隔绝”是个多义词,它可以指隔绝(2011年泽维尔·吉恩斯执导电影), 隔绝(词语解释)。

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