







汉语拼音:yán dōng








  1. 极冷的冬天。

    南朝 梁简文帝 《大同十一月庚戌》诗:“是节严冬景,寒云掩落暉。” 唐 杜甫 《阌乡姜七少府设鲙戏赠长歌》:“ 姜侯 设鱠当严冬,昨日今日皆天风。” 明 李贽 《答高平马大尹》:“严冬十日不出户矣。” 陈毅 《赠同志》诗:“莫道浮云终蔽日,严冬过尽绽春蕾。”



  1. Christmas is a little warmth in the depth of winter and a bright light in the dark.


  2. Will that turn a sticky summer into a turbulent autumn? And then produce a wintry "real economy" hit?


  3. The gods have indeed favoured Georgia this winter, bestowing a mild one when a harsh one might have been disastrous.


  4. The elated feeling of springtime after the long cold winter was augmented by his excitement of marrying his wife in the coming summer.


  5. Mr. Grasso: To say that the noise around my departure caused people [at the NYSE] to go into a nuclear winter is not fair.


  6. One cold morning in winter mother was ready to go out selling, and asked me to pull her cart to a place for her.


  7. However, if the forecasters are correct and winter arrives with a vengeance this week, then our garden birds could be in for a nasty shock.


  8. Throughout the bitter winter in the mountains they had been at close grip with a more numerous and better- equipped foe .


  9. Rising temperature that unfroze the soil after a severe winter was blamed for the frequent sandstorms this year, he said.


  1. 隆冬,严冬

    the depth of winter

  2. 严冬将至。

    The dead of winter was quickly approaching.

  3. 严冬将至。

    The dead of winter was quickly approaching.

  4. 北极的严冬

    A brutal winter in the Arctic.

  5. 北方的严冬

    the asperity of northern winters.

  6. 严冬就要来临。

    The bitter winter was coming.

  7. 严冬季节, 冰天雪地。

    There are ice and snow everywhere in the dead of winter.

  8. 严冬季节,冰天雪地。

    There are ice and snow everywhere in the dead of winter.

  9. 严冬过后是春天。

    Spring comes after the severe winter.

  10. 好啦, 严冬快过去啦。

    Well, the worst of the winter should be over.

  11. 好啦,严冬快过去啦。

    Well, the worst of the winter should be over.

  12. 严冬时节, 有鸟丧偶,

    A widow bird sate mourning for her love

  13. 玫瑰在严冬会死掉。

    Roses may kill in a severe winter.

  14. 严冬必然会化为春光。

    Winters always thaws into springtime.

  15. 为北极的严冬储备给养

    lay in supplies for an Arctic winter.

  16. 遭受近北极严冬之苦。

    Suffer the asperities of winter near the North Pole

  17. 我不适应加拿大的严冬。

    Canadas harsh winters dont agree with me.

  18. 我们又度过了一个严冬。

    We had another brutal winter.

  19. 我们能够采取措施预防严冬。

    We can take steps to provide against a severe winter.

  20. 严冬时, 野兽可能会饿死。

    In the hard winter, wild animals can die of hunger.

  21. 很多鸟死于这次严冬。

    Many birds didnt survive the severe winter.

  22. 春天必须冲破严冬的封锁。

    Spring must strike again against the shield of winter.

  23. 翻译乐啊, 乐在料峭的严冬。

    The happiness also comes from our doing translation in the freezing winter.

  24. 在严冬逼近时我们非常发愁。

    We got quite worried as winter closed in on us.

  25. 他们成功地度过了那个严冬。

    They came through that hard winter in good health.

  26. 只要有爱,严冬亦能成初夏。

    Love turns winter into summer.

  27. 冬天中最冷的时刻, 严冬, 隆冬

    the dead of winter

  28. 没有无情的严冬寒风能够冻僵

    No peevish winter wind shall chill

  29. 在严冬的清晨,你被妈妈遗弃。

    You're abandoned in a freezing winter morning.

  30. 耐寒得植物经受住了严冬得考验。

    The hardy plant lived through the cold winter.


  1. 问:严冬拼音怎么拼?严冬的读音是什么?严冬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:严冬的读音是yándōng,严冬翻译成英文是 severe winter



“严冬”是个多义词,它可以指严冬(2008年埃里克·里夫利主演电影), 严冬(汉语词汇), 严冬(广州星海音乐学院作曲系副主任)。

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