







汉语拼音:mǎ fèn







  1. 马屎。

    《后汉书·耿恭传》:“吏士渴乏,笮马粪汁而饮之。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·黄白》:“阴乾一月,乃以马粪火煴之。”

  2. 巷名。故址在今 江苏省 南京市 。

    《南史·王志传》:“家居 建康 禁中里 马粪巷 ,父 僧虔 ,门风宽恕, 志 尤惇厚……兄弟子姪,皆篤实谦和,时人号 马粪 诸 王 为长者。”按,《梁书·王志传》作“马蕃”。 清 查慎行 《燕台杂兴》诗:“紫色蛙声雄八族, 乌衣 、 马粪 笑诸 王 。” 清 李慈铭 《越缦堂读书记·南史》:“ 王 谢 子弟,浮华矜躁,服用奢淫,而能仍世贵显者,盖其门风孝友,有过他氏。 马粪 、 乌衣 ,自相师友,家庭之际,雍睦可亲。”



  1. He knocks, a lady opens the door and before she has a chance to say anything, he runs inside and dumps horseshit all over the carpet.


  2. Tiptoeing across the corridor, the parents peeked in and saw their little optimist gleefully throwing the manure up in the air.


  3. And with that, he emptied a bucket of horse poop all over her hallway carpet.


  4. For the man in the paddock, whose duty is is to sweep up manure, the supreme terror is the possibility of a world without horses.


  5. He says, " Lady, if this vacuum cleaner don't do wonders cleaning up that horseshit , I'll eat every chunk of it. "


  6. Well horse shit does grow gardens, it just wasn't enough to save your garden.


  7. They moved an estimated 140 tonnes of rubbish - a spokesman for Westminster Council said horse manure was the "biggest issue" .


  8. If this vacuum cleaner does not remove all traces of this horse poop from your carpet, madam, I will personally eat the remainder.


  9. The father sighs, enters the garage, discovered actually that optimistic child jubilantly is pulling out any in the horse dung.


  1. 虾夷马粪海胆

    Strongylocentrotus intermedius

  2. 牛仔表演臭得像马粪

    The rodeo smells like horse crap.

  3. 马粪海胆筏式养殖技术研究

    Study on the Raft Culture Technique of Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus

  4. 马粪海胆卵巢发育周年变化研究

    Studies on the monthly changes of the ovary of Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus

  5. 虾夷马粪海胆蛋白酶性质研究

    The Study on Protease Properties of Xiayi Mafen Sea Urchin

  6. 我要去拾马粪给我的园子施肥。

    I try to get horse hockey for my garden.

  7. 因为用马粪涂抹五角大楼的主要入口。

    The main entrance of the Pentagon with horse manure.

  8. 虾夷马粪海胆筏式人工养殖研究

    The Raft Culture of the Sea Urchin, Strongylocentrotus intermedius.

  9. 这是清理马粪, 重铺草皮的帐单。

    It's a bill for manure clean up, resodding the football field.

  10. 上帝让你把马粪撒在你的床垫上?

    The Lord wants you to spread horse crap all over your mattress ?

  11. 马粪海胆的染色体制备及组型分析

    The chromosome preparation and karyotype analysis of sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus

  12. 虾夷马粪海胆体腔细胞的类型及功能

    Type and function of coelomocyte in sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius.

  13. 设计了秸秆与马粪联合发酵的对比试验。

    Fifth, the contrast experiment on the straw and horse dung is designed.

  14. 兽医或诊断实验室能在马粪中找到虫卵。

    A veterinarian or diagnostic laboratory can find eggs in the horse's feces.

  15. 酒糟和马粪质量对栽培双孢蘑菇的影响

    Effect of Distiller's Grains and Quality of Horse Manure on Cultivation of Agaricus bisporus.

  16. 虾夷马粪海胆早期生长发育的遗传力估计

    Heritability of juvenile growth for the sea urchins Strongylocentrotus intermedius

  17. 向对待一堆马粪一样!没人关心你是谁,脓包!

    Nobody gives a horse's shit who you are, pus ball!

  18. 赛马总会已经将一半得马粪处理为有机肥料。

    The Jockey Club already disposes half of its waste by recycling it into organic waste.

  19. 赛马总会已经将一半的马粪处理为有机肥料。

    The Jockey Club already disposes half of its waste by recycling it into organic waste.

  20. 相对来说,牛粪和马粪不那么令人讨厌,粪肥也是。

    Cow DUNG and horse dung, as muck goes, are relatively agreeable.

  21. 青岛近岸海域马粪海胆摄食得实验生态学研究

    Experimental feeding ecology studies of the edible sea urchin off the coast of Qingdao, China

  22. 青岛近岸海域马粪海胆摄食的实验生态学研究

    Experimental feeding ecology studies of the edible sea urchin off the coast of Qingdao, China

  23. 父母亲给这个很正面得男孩一大堆马粪,没别得。

    For the positive boy, they gave a pile of horse manure and nothing more.

  24. 香港赛马会马房收集得马粪, 将由蚯蚓转化成有机肥料。

    Waste from the Hong Kong Jockey Club stables is transformed by worms.

  25. 香港赛马会马房收集的马粪,将由蚯蚓转化成有机肥料。

    Waste from the Hong Kong Jockey Club stables is transformed by worms.

  26. 父母亲给这个很正面的男孩一大堆马粪, 没别的。

    For the positive boy, they gave a pile of horse manure and nothing more.

  27. 接着他把一桶马粪倒在了老太太家门口的地毯上。

    And with that, he emptied a bucket of horse poop all over her hallway carpet.


  1. 问:马粪拼音怎么拼?马粪的读音是什么?马粪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:马粪的读音是,马粪翻译成英文是 horseshit

  2. 问:马粪纸拼音怎么拼?马粪纸的读音是什么?马粪纸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:马粪纸的读音是mǎfènzhǐ,马粪纸翻译成英文是 cardboard

  3. 问:马粪蝇拼音怎么拼?马粪蝇的读音是什么?马粪蝇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:马粪蝇的读音是mǎ fèn yíng,马粪蝇翻译成英文是 Sepsis violacea

  4. 问:马粪固醇拼音怎么拼?马粪固醇的读音是什么?马粪固醇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:马粪固醇的读音是mǎ fèn gù chún,马粪固醇翻译成英文是 hippocoprosterol

  5. 问:马粪海胆拼音怎么拼?马粪海胆的读音是什么?马粪海胆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:马粪海胆的读音是mǎfènhǎidǎn,马粪海胆翻译成英文是 horse-dung sea urchin

  6. 问:马粪甾醇拼音怎么拼?马粪甾醇的读音是什么?马粪甾醇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:马粪甾醇的读音是mǎ fèn zāi chún,马粪甾醇翻译成英文是 hippocoprosterol

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