







汉语拼音:nǐ měi







  1. 你。每,后缀。

    宋 无名氏 《错立身》戏文第四出:“侵早已掛了招子,你却百般推抵,又不知你每生着何意?”《清平山堂话本·杨温拦路虎传》:“那 杨员外 对着 杨三官人 説不上数句,道是:‘明日是岳帝生辰,你每是 东京 人,何不去做些杂手艺?’”

  2. 你们。

    明 李诩 《戒庵老人漫笔·半印勘合户帖》:“你每户部家出榜出,教那有司官将他所管的应有百姓,都教入官附名字。”《东周列国志》第三二回:“众官员却待上前相助,只见 雍巫 大喝曰:‘甲士们,今番还不动手,平日养你每何干?’”



  1. That means that if you repeat the test every year or two, the sensitivity. . . is going to be much higher.


  2. You'll find that almost every other dieter will tell you to weigh yourself only once a week.


  3. In this law we would want it to say; for every lie you tell to the citizens of the United States we get to pull one tooth out of your month.


  4. God loves you; every being of Light in the vastness of Creation loves each and every one of you, and yet not everyone on Planet Earth does.


  5. but what if it gave you money one out of every hundred times?


  6. It activates every bit of your potential and boosts your life enjoying capacity way beyond what you thought you can have.


  7. You waste nearly 20 hours a year when you stop at the bank every two weeks to withdraw money.


  8. Perhaps you've fallen into the trap of trying to work while you've got Facebook and Twitter open. You check your inbox every few minutes.


  9. Cut back on your projects, on your task list, on how much you try to do each day.


  1. 你每星期挣多少?

    How much do you get a week?

  2. 你每眨一次眼睛

    Every time you blink your eye.

  3. 深情吻你每一天。

    Kissing affectionately you every day.

  4. 你每分钟都在苍老

    You're getting uglier by the minute.

  5. 你每星期花多少钱?

    How much money do you spend each week?

  6. 默默陪伴你每时每刻。

    Consorting silently with you every time.

  7. 我要你忏悔你每件罪孽。

    And I want you to repent every sin.

  8. 你每一天怎么帮你妈妈?

    How do you help your mom every day?

  9. 我给你每小时一百万。

    Ill give you one million per hour.

  10. 你每分钟打多少个字?

    How many words do you type per minute?

  11. 你每星期做多少小时运动?

    How many hours of exercise do udo every week

  12. 因为你每门课都不及格。

    Because you failed every class.

  13. 我请你每隔一天来教我。

    I ask you to teach me every other day.

  14. 他们要你每时每刻精力旺盛。

    They want you to be bursting with energy all the time.

  15. 夜里, 你每时每刻在我梦里。

    You are in my dream every hour of the night!

  16. 你每五秒钟就看下手表

    You're checking your watch every five seconds.

  17. 你每一步伐都在建造和拆卸。

    You do and undo at every step.

  18. 你每隔多久去看望你叔叔一次。

    How often do you and see your uncle?

  19. 但你每20,30 秒就关注它一下吗?

    But what do you do every 20, 28 seconds?

  20. 你真能记得你每一世的生活吗?

    So you remember every one of your past lives?

  21. 你每一轮要抽一张新的牌。

    You have to draw a new card on each turn.

  22. 抚摸你每一寸肌肤,直到你发颤。

    touch every inch of your body until you're trembling.

  23. 可你每小时只给我10美分哪!

    But you only pay me 10 cents.

  24. 你每秒钟大约辐射,100焦耳100瓦。

    That is about 100 joules per second that you radiate 100 watts.

  25. 你将最终需要检查你每一个抽屉。

    You will eventually have to go through that drawer.

  26. 你每开一张支票将花2美圆。

    Each cheque you write will cost 2 dollars.

  27. 你每学期要完成三个书面作业。

    You will need to complete three written assignments per semester.

  28. 你每一次的收获总比你付出的多。

    You will reap more than you sow every time.

  29. 思嘉, 你每时每刻使我感到高兴。

    Scarlett, you are a constant joy to me.

  30. 也愿你每一个圣诞都是白色圣诞。

    And may all your Christmases be white.

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