







汉语拼音:lóng shén






  1. 指龙王。

    唐 韩愈 《贺雨表》:“龙神效职,雷雨应期。” 宋 唐庚 《戊子大水》诗之一:“寄谢龙神且安处,熟睡深潭不惊汝。” 元 徐再思 《普天乐·吴江八景·华严晚钟》曲:“蝶梦惊,龙神听,夜坐高僧回禪定,诵琅函九九残经。”



  1. The boy had to leave. If he did not, Londhar was almost certain that Dagen would die in a flash of dragon fire.


  2. Yugen was one of only three survivors, and he became a priest of Shalassa to thank the Dragon Goddess of Water for his miraculous escape.


  3. And while we were climbing Hyperion , Marie Antoine spotted an unknown species of golden-brown ant about halfway up the trunk .


  4. Overhead, the angry, black clouds, evidence of the Dragon Lord's wrath, dissipated beneath the strength of a rising wind.


  5. "What of the magic required? " asked Armon. "It cannot be that just anyone may summon a Dragon Lord. "


  6. When asked which wish she was born from, Princess Oto becomes angry and embarrassed.


  7. Asha is a gigantic winged dragon with graceful and noble forms, as fit the Empress and mother of the Elemental Dragon Gods.


  8. Dragon shape of the first five people snake, holding the newborn baby, meaning of human reproduction prosperity and prosperous.


  9. so , the cost is unknown ? " asked rash in . " i hardly think the dragon lords will come to our aid out of kindness .


  1. 谁在呼唤龙神?

    Who awakens the Dragon ?

  2. 然后,他得告诉龙神。

    And then, he would have to tell the Dragon Lord.

  3. 它不在那里!龙神返回的祭文不在这里!

    It was not here. The ritual of return was not here.

  4. 黑暗之心, 灵魂复活, 唤醒龙神, 我在召唤你。

    Heart of Darkness, Spirit Rising, Waken Dragon, I summon thee!

  5. 得春宵梦,可是龙神点得穴,你根本解不开!

    Paralyzation which a dragon god did at all!

  6. 论临潭新城端午节龙神赛会的文化意蕴

    The Cultural Implication Contained in the Competition for Dragon Deities during the Dragon Festival at Lintan County

  7. 达恩坐在拱顶上, 龙神得文字在他面前打开了。

    Dagen sat in the vaults, the Dragon Lord Texts open before him.

  8. 达恩坐在拱顶上,龙神的文字在他面前打开了。

    Dagen sat in the vaults, the Dragon Lord Texts open before him.

  9. 又一个龙神的愤怒的牺牲品, 又一条鬼魂缠住了他。

    One more sacrificed to the Dragon Rage. One more death to haunt him.

  10. 龙神降下了他的精神护盾, 让人们能看到他。

    The Dragon Lord lowered his mental shields, allowing himself to be seen.

  11. 龙神降下了他得精神护盾,让人们能看到他。

    The Dragon Lord lowered his mental shields, allowing himself to be seen.

  12. 这些晶莹剔透得海蛇们据说是水之龙神沙拉萨得子孙。

    These crystalline serpents are said to be the offspring of Shalassa, the Elemental Dragon of Water.

  13. 这些晶莹剔透的海蛇们据说是水之龙神沙拉萨的子孙。

    These crystalline serpents are said to be the offspring of Shalassa, the Elemental Dragon of Water.

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