


有效验:~验。~丹妙药。聪明,不呆滞:~巧。机~。~慧。敏捷的心理活动:~机。~感。~性。精神:~魂。心~。英~。旧时称神或关于神仙的:神~。精~。反映敏捷,活动迅速:~活。~犀。~便(biàn )。关于死人的:幽~。~魂。~柩。……


动植物的生活能力:生~。救~。逃~。拼~。~脉。性~。相依为~。迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等:天~。~相(xiàng )。~运(a.迷信指生死、贫富和一切遭遇;b.喻发展变化的趋向,如“人民一定能掌握自己的~~”)。上级对下级的指示:奉……



汉语拼音:líng mìng








  1. 上天或神灵的意志。

    南朝 宋 鲍照 《从过旧宫》诗:“灵命藴川瀆,帝宝伏篇图。” 唐 王勃 《益州夫子庙碑》:“杳杳灵命,茫茫天秩,吾道难行,斯文易失。” 宋 徐铉 《稽神录·陆洎》:“有一紫衣秉笏,取书宣云:‘ 洎 三世为人,皆行慈孝,功成业就,宜授此官’……﹝ 洎 ﹞奄然遂寤,灵命已定,不可改矣。”

  2. 犹天命。借指帝位。


  3. 生灵,生命。




  1. A seminary professor warned me that just taking classes in theology was no guarantee of spiritual growth.


  2. You are being spiritually transformed, gradually transforming like a caterpillar into a butterfly. You're becoming a disciple of Jesus.


  3. Both people should continue to grow but with a direction of building up a family to serve together rather than separately.


  4. As Christians, "keeping up appearances" can sometimes become the beginning and end of our spiritual lives.


  5. A man's true spiritual quality is to be judged by his graces, not by his gifts.


  6. Today, spiritual maturity is still marked by our ability to put self aside for the sake of loving others.


  7. Your first step in spiritual growth is to start changing the way you think.


  8. And although, as we shall see, she found a way to accept the absence, it never lifted again.


  9. Only participation in the full life of a local church builds spiritual muscle.


  1. 灵命的停滞会锈蚀心灵。

    Spiritual inactivity corrodes the soul.

  2. 灵命的成长与身体成长一样, 需要时间。

    Spiritual growth, like physical growth, takes time.

  3. 我们需要神的话语, 作为灵命成长的灵粮。

    We need spiritual food found in God's Word.

  4. 你灵命成长的第一步, 就是改变你的想法。

    Your first step in spiritual growth is to start changing the way you think.

  5. 一位灵命衰弱的基督徒一定也是位怀疑的基督徒。

    A declining Christian must needs be a doubting Christian.

  6. 只有积极参加当地教会生活,灵命才会增长。

    Only participation in the full life of a local church builds spiritual muscle.

  7. 不必要的缺席教会聚会绝对是灵命衰败的证据。

    An avoidable absence from church is an infallible evidence of spiritual decay.

  8. 知识是衡量灵命成熟的准则之一,但却非全部。

    While knowledge is one measurement of maturity, it isn't the whole story.

  9. 隐藏的吗?哪是喻意基督会帮助我们的灵命成长。

    Hidden manna speaks of secret nourishment for our spiritual lives.

  10. 有时候, 灵命成长是冗长沉闷的工作, 一次一小步。

    Spiritual growth is sometimes tedious work, one small step at a time.

  11. 歌曲中以水及灵命更新做对比,十分具有圣经意义。

    he parallel in the song between water and spiritual refreshment is a biblical one.

  12. 绝对不要对任何一个灵命不成熟的人做认罪悔改。

    Never confess to anyone who is not spiritually mature.

  13. 绝对不要对任何一个灵命不成熟得人做认罪悔改。

    Never confess to anyone who is not spiritually mature.

  14. 耶稣对你地上的生命有兴趣。但他也对你的灵命感兴趣。

    Jesus is interested in your earthly life. He is also interested in your spiritual life.

  15. 你有没有天天以神的话语作为灵粮, 以致灵命得以成长?

    Faith is based on and is fed by the Word of God.

  16. 为别人设想是基督徒品格的中心,也是灵命成长的最佳表徵。

    Thinking of others is the heart of Christlikeness and the best evidence of spiritual growth.

  17. 假师傅并不是因著关心信徒灵命的建造而教导他们。

    False teachers teach, not because they care for and their spiritual well being.

  18. 当地教会的另一个好处是属灵领袖能提供灵命的保护。

    A related benefit of a local church is that it also provides the spiritual protection of godly leaders.

  19. 幸好摩西顺服神的命令,记下以色列人的灵命旅程。

    Aren't you glad Moses obeyed God's command to record Israel's spiritual journey?

  20. 同样地, 灵命软弱或倒退的基督徒, 也不能遵基督而行。

    Spiritual weakness or backsliding can easily prevent our walking with and for Christ.

  21. 灵命的成长要靠你自己,但我将会修剪你,使你多结果子。

    You must grow on your own! But I will prune you to make you fruitful.

  22. 如果上帝真的在对你说话, 他会通过灵命成熟的信徒来确认。

    If God has genuinely spoken to you, he will confirm it through other mature believers.

  23. 信徒能在灵命中受制于这相同的影响力才是明智之举。

    In their Christian graces no one virtue should usurp the sphere of another, or eat out the vitals of the rest for its own support.

  24. 耶稣说外表能欺人, 让别人误以为自己的灵命状况十分健康。

    Jesus said that appearances can deceive people into thinking that they are spiritually healthy.

  25. 保罗要求作丈夫的要用神的话语帮助妻子在灵命上有长进。

    Paul requested husbands to use God's Word to help their wives to grow spiritually.

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