




1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……



汉语拼音:liǎng dà






  1. 两者并大。

    《左传·庄公二十二年》:“物莫能两大, 陈 衰,此其昌乎!”《孔子家语·本姓解》:“夫物莫能两大,吾闻圣人之后而非继世之统,其必有兴者焉。” 唐 杜甫 《草堂》诗:“其势不两大,始闻蕃 汉 殊。”



  1. Watering is the biggest problem. How much and how frequently are the two questions that can tax the inexperienced owner.


  2. The factors that will affect the access of the mental lexicon can be summed up to cognitive restriction and pragmatic restriction.


  3. Boosting bilateral trade was one of the top issues discussed during this week's three-day visit of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao to India.


  4. But it has a big disadvantage. It doesn't allow you to run both operating systems simultaneously, or copy and paste material between them.


  5. And with China, Russia, Japan and India all feeling their strength, the region's powers are beginning to divide into two broad alliances.


  6. Wang usually goes through his mail ever few days, but he let it slide for a week and soon had two full crates on top of his locker.


  7. The poor performance of the two big parties may make a grand coalition between them more likely after the forthcoming federal election.


  8. Polls come and go, as politicians like to say, but the two big parties seem to be trading fairly consistently at around six points apart.


  9. IN THE next few weeks an end may be announced to one of the great unhappy corporate unions.


  1. 平平两大汤匙糖

    two level tablespoonfuls of sugar

  2. 目前存在两大风险。

    Two risks loom large.

  3. 彩陶纹有两大类

    The designs on painted pottery come in two types

  4. 云南两大系锡矿床

    Two series of tin deposits in yunnan, China

  5. 防火墙起到两大作用。

    The corporate Fire Wall serves two purposes.

  6. 我们村子有两大民族。

    There are two main nationalities in our village.

  7. 穆斯林世界有两大派别。

    Now there are two groups that exist within the Muslim world.

  8. 这项决定有两大理由。

    The decision had two main grounds.

  9. 后来有了两大重要进步

    Two big things happened.

  10. 怎样解释这两大现象呢?

    How to.prehend these phenomenon

  11. 论汉语称谓的两大原则

    On Two Major Principles of Address Terms

  12. 唇齿相依的两大地貌系统。

    The two prime systems of landforms being as close as lips and teeth.

  13. 其两大因素似乎已经成熟。

    Two factors seem ripe for exploitation.

  14. 当今世界的两大历史趋势

    The Two Historical Trends of the Present World

  15. 美国和俄国是两大强国。

    America and Russia are great powers.

  16. 有两大政治团体力主独立。

    There were two main political groupings pressing for independence.

  17. 两大金融巨头合并说明什么

    Merger of Two Financial Giants What Does It Indicate.

  18. 论隋代文坛的两大流派

    On the Two Literary Schools in the Sui Dynasty

  19. 抗美援朝中的两大奇迹

    Two Marvels in the War against US Aggression in Support of Korea

  20. 你工作的两大动力是 什么

    Describe two things that motivate you at work

  21. 感叹句的两大类型是什么?

    What are the two major types of exclamations?

  22. 然而, 现在有两大改变即将来临。

    Yet two changes are now afoot.

  23. 健康和融洽是人生两大幸事

    Health and understanding are the two great Blessing of life

  24. 主要生产螺母和螺栓两大系列。

    Maily produced bolt and nut two series.

  25. 这两大公司开始了商务谈判。

    The two large companies entered into business negotiations.

  26. 和谐, 团聚是晚会的两大主题。

    Harmony and reunion are the two perennial themes of the gala.

  27. 前捷克斯洛伐克的两大民族。

    The two main nationalities of former Czechoslovakia.

  28. 双语词典翻译的两大操控参数

    Two Parameters of Manipulating Bilingual Dictionary Translation

  29. 两大汤匙切碎的青葱或洋葱

    tablespoons minced shallot or onion.

  30. 船舶舷侧列板有两大作用。

    The side frames of a ship have two principal functions.


  1. 问:两大拼音怎么拼?两大的读音是什么?两大翻译成英文是什么?

    答:两大的读音是liǎngdà,两大翻译成英文是 two major…; two great…

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