




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:liǎng bù zhǎo






  1. v.
  2. be beneficial to both sides

  1. 你这钱正好,我们两不找。

    Your money is the exact amount. We don't need any change.

  2. 你这钱正好,我们两不找。

    Your money is the exact amount. We don't need any change.

  3. 再也找不到两个这样势均力敌的选手了。

    No two players could be more evenly matched.

  4. 人们几乎找不到线索去寻找这两个失踪的人。

    Other clues to the men's disa earance are few.

  5. 我不管,他总能抽两分钟空找我吧!

    I don't care! He can find two lousy minutes for me!

  6. 周二, 周三, 极其复杂的两天, 你在漩涡中几乎找不着方向了。

    Tuesday and Wednesday are unexpectedly complicated days, and you get a bit disoriented in the maelstrom, but by Thursday youll be sailing toward smoother waters and clearer skies.

  7. 能不能找出一个两全齐美得办法,同时解决两家得困难。

    Can find out a method that both sides, resolve two difficulty at the same time.

  8. 我找不出这两幅画有什么明显的不同。

    I can't find a significant difference between this two paintings.

  9. 我找不出这两幅画有什么明显的不同。

    I can't find a significant difference between this two paintings.

  10. 我大惑不解地看着马苏德,看到他的两眼左顾右盼,一躲一闪,就像两只迷路找不到家的小老鼠。

    Understanding nothing, I looked at Masood and saw that his eyes were darting about to left and right like two mice that have lost their way home.

  11. 如果两天还不见好转,再来找我。

    If there's no improvement within two days, come back to me.

  12. 我们两个都不确定 但是只有我们其中之一能找出答案。

    Neither of us knows for sure, but only one of us can find out.

  13. 玛莎不知道那里找来一个慕格电子音响合成器和两把吉他。

    Martha somehow rounded up a moog synthesizer and two guitar.

  14. 玛莎不知道那里找来一个穆格电子音响合成器和两把吉他。

    Martha somehow rounded up a Moog synthesizer and two guitars.

  15. 在两壁间的中点永远找不到粒子。

    The particle is never to be found halfway between the walls.

  16. 恕不找零。

    No change will be given on this bus.

  17. 两不相交集

    pairwise disjoint set.

  18. 唐找了位临终护理人员,布瑞克先生不到两天就走了。

    Don found a hospice nurse, and within two days Mr. Brick died.

  19. 不找零。恕不找赎

    Tender exact fare

  20. 缺点不找不得了。

    If we don't find out our faults, we'll be in a bad way.

  21. 你为什么不找我

    Why didn't you come to me?

  22. 我感觉你们两不和。

    I sense an apple of discord between you two.

  23. 吃得适度,不找大夫。

    Eat in measure and defy the doctor.

  24. 鸟不找吃树上饿。

    Roeg mbouj ra gwn iek gwnz faex.

  25. 找不找得到就看你了。

    It's up to you to find it.

  26. 找不找得到就看你了。

    It's up to you to find it.

  27. 我才不找他帮忙呢。

    I'm not asking him for his help.

  28. 我才不找他帮忙呢。

    I'm not asking him for his help.

  29. 我找他两次, 偏巧都不在家。

    I called at his house twice, but he happened to be out each time.

  30. 麻烦不找你别去找麻烦。

    Don't trouble trouble trouble troubles you.


  1. 问:两不找拼音怎么拼?两不找的读音是什么?两不找翻译成英文是什么?

    答:两不找的读音是liǎngbùzhǎo,两不找翻译成英文是 Exchange commodities that is equal in value so t...

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