


1. 为 [wéi]2. 为 [wèi]为 [wéi]做,行,做事:~人。~时。~难。不~己甚(不做得太过分)。当做,认做:以~。认~。习以~常。变成:成~。是:十两~一斤。治理,处理:~政。被:~天下笑。表示强调:大~恼火。助词,表示反诘……


1. 难 [nán]2. 难 [nàn]3. 难 [nuó]难 [nán]不容易,做起来费事:~处。~度。~点。~关。~熬。~耐。~产。~堪。~题。~以。~于。困~。畏~。急人之~。不大可能办到,使人感到困难:~免。~为。~保。~怪。~倒(……



汉语拼音:wéi nán









  1. 发难;起事。

    《左传·文公二年》:“吾与女为难。”《国语·晋语一》:“吾欲为难,安始而可?”《魏书·太祖道武帝纪》:“帝虑 蠕蠕 为难,戊申,班师。”

  2. 作对;刁难。

    《韩非子·说林下》:“ 韩 赵 相与为难。 韩子 索兵於 魏 。”《孔丛子·对魏王》:“欲规霸王之业,与诸大国为难,而行酷刑以惧远近,国内之民将畔。”《老残游记》第二回:“你道 铁公 是谁?就是 明 初与 燕王 为难的那个 铁鉉 。” 瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》十:“他们也就倚势妄为,处处和 华 侨会为难。” 巴金 《家》三五:“我决不再为难他。”

  3. 难以应付;难办。

    《元典章·户部二·分例》:“以此纤须之费,致令各处官府为难。”《红楼梦》第四六回:“有一件为难事,老爷托我,我不得主意。” 杨朔 《熔炉》:“你还有什么为难的事,大家都能替你办。”



  1. We were very embarrassed, but he stayed so long that we finally had to show him to the door.


  2. and I dare say when Mr. Morland sees you, my dear child -- but do not let us distress our dear Catherine by talking of such things.


  3. Organizers of the Shanghai event felt "there was no need to make both sides embarrassed and stop our guests in their tracks, " he said.


  4. It would be very hard upon Mr. Weston if she did not, papa.


  5. dont put me on spot like this, you know i can't give you confidential information.


  6. She gave me a hard look. Truly, as if she was supposed to be on the lookout for people like me.


  7. Recruitment is an expensive and time-consuming process, so your reviewer will want you to pass. They're not out to trip you up.


  8. He will quickly get the point if he did not mean to go hard with me, which is a happy ending expected by all.


  9. Ms. Gu peeps out a difficult color, she very cautiously looked the beam Nan namely the eye seem to be excrescent dispassion.


  1. 进退两难, 为难

    be in a hobble

  2. 让某人为难

    Put someone on the spot.

  3. 为难。狼狈。慌张

    bewilderment n.

  4. 我也很为难。

    I do not ask it lightly.

  5. 陷于进退两难, 为难

    get into a nice hobble

  6. 又让我为难了。

    Making it hard on me again.

  7. 反剧为难治

    syndrome becoming aggravated being difficult to treat.

  8. 他们使我为难。

    They are putting me on the spot.

  9. 你使我非常为难。

    You place me in a very difficult position.

  10. 小松鼠开始为难了。

    Miss Squirrel started to worry.

  11. 这就叫人为难了!

    How very trying this is!

  12. 这是件为难的事。

    This is an awkward matter.

  13. 我们不想为难你们。

    Look, uh, we don't wanna come down too hard on you guys.

  14. 我不想让你为难

    You know, I wanted to make it easier for you.

  15. 我来说!我不会为难。

    I'll do it. it's not a dilemma for me.

  16. 莱奇尔小姐看起来很为难。

    Miss Ledger looked troubled.

  17. 我们得想办法为难为难他们。

    We have to think of a way to embarrass them.

  18. 对不起,我使你为难了。

    I'm sorry to have put you in an awkward position.

  19. 把为难的事推给别人

    pass the baby

  20. 不要再让我为难了。

    Do not make this any harder for me.

  21. 不要再让我为难了。

    Do not make this any harder for me.

  22. 这会令你很为难的。

    This could be really embarrassing for you.

  23. 观众表示,他们会为难他。

    The crowd vowed that they would make it hot for him.

  24. 凯思琳,我没有为难他

    Kathryn, I was not hard on him.

  25. 不要让你的爱人为难。

    Dont try to corner your spouse.

  26. 女人何苦为难女人呢?

    Why do the women baffle the women

  27. 要我告诉您,我也很为难。

    I hesitate to tell you.

  28. 一定让你很为难了吧。

    It must have been very embarrassing.

  29. 别为难自己了,快打开吧

    Stop torturing yourself!Go ahead.

  30. 别为难他,他还是个孩子呢。

    Dont spite him. Hes only a kid.


  1. 问:为难拼音怎么拼?为难的读音是什么?为难翻译成英文是什么?

    答:为难的读音是wéinán,为难翻译成英文是 embarrassed; make things difficult for

  2. 问:为难的拼音怎么拼?为难的的读音是什么?为难的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:为难的的读音是,为难的翻译成英文是 vexatious




拼音:wéi nán基本解释(1) [feel awkward;be in a quandary;feel embarrassed]:难以应付,办事棘手,不好解决。我遇上了个为难的事,找你出出主意。(2) [make things difficult for]:使人难应付少校没有为难聪明的杰奎琳。详细解释1. 发难;起事。《左传·文公二年》:“吾与女为难。”《国语·晋语一》:“吾欲为难,安始而可?”《魏书·太祖道武帝纪》:“帝虑 蠕蠕 为难,戊申,班师。” 《左传》2. 作对;刁难。

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