







汉语拼音:sì fēng







  1. 四面疆界。

    《国语·越语下》:“王曰:‘ 蠡 为我守於国。’对曰:‘四封之内,百姓之事, 蠡 不如 种 也。四封之外,敌国之制,立断之事, 种 亦不如 蠡 也。’”《管子·中匡》:“爱四封之内,而后可以恶竟外之不善者。”

  2. 四境之内;四方。

    《晏子春秋·谏下二二》:“今四封之民,皆君之臣也……四封之货,皆君之有也。” 唐 李白 《虞城县令李公吉思颂碑》:“由是百里掩骼,四封归仁。”



  1. After perusing these four letters, Marius did not find himself much further advanced than before.


  2. Three or four times a year, I receive mail from these anti- Semites .


  3. There are four letters here for you to sign . . .


  4. Four times I have written letters to him, and not once has he answered. I could have been dead for all he knew!


  5. In my memories, may be I only wrote four letters , these were written in high school and one was in university which was to my parents.


  6. He left two letters at the first house , four letters at the second house , and three letters and a parcel at the third house .


  7. Every week he sent at least four letters this way.


  8. The simplest sound, With four letters.


  9. Every morning at eight o'clock You can hear the postman knock. Up jumps Mary to open the door, One letter, two leeters, three letters, four.


  1. 他交给她四封信。

    He gave her four envelopes.

  2. 我今天下午回了四封信。

    I replied to four letters this afternoon.

  3. 星期日以前我收到了四封信。

    I had got four letters before Sunday.

  4. 每周,他至少要用这种方式寄四封信。

    Every week he sent at least four letters this way.

  5. 今天上午谁从邮递员那儿收到了四封信?

    Who got four letters from the postman this morning

  6. 而我的女儿夏洛特则收到了四封慰问卡片。

    My daughter Charlotte received four condolence cards.

  7. 马吕斯读完四封信以后,并不感到有多大的收获。

    After perusing these four letters, Marius did not find himself much advancedbefore.

  8. 马吕斯读完四封信以后,并不感到有多大得收获。

    After perusing these four letters, Marius did not find himself much advancedbefore.

  9. 我叫秘书将这封信打四份复本。

    I asked my secretary to make me four copies of the letter.

  10. 我坚持要发第四封。

    I insist upon sending the fourth one.

  11. 第四封是封口的,上面是迈拉的笔迹。

    The fourth was sealed, in Myra's writing.

  12. 他给他哥哥的报纸偷偷写了十四封信。

    He secretly wrote 14 letters to his brother's newspaper.

  13. 封四期刊的封底。

    Fourth cover Outside back cover of a periodical.

  14. 这封信打印一式四份。

    The letter was typed in quadruplicate.

  15. 这种分裂而引起每封染色体实际上分为四部分。

    Such split causes the chromosome pairs to be actually quadripartite.

  16. 兀术大惊,退避开封,岳兵团追到离开封四十里的朱仙镇。

    Wushu turn, retreat in Kaifeng, Yue Corps Sishili catch up with letters to leave the Zhuxian Town.

  17. 四是参加祭祀、封禅。

    Fourthly, princes participate in sacrifice.

  18. 又一个四年, 又来了一封信。

    Then four more years passed and yet another letter came.

  19. 又再过了四年, 又来了一封信。

    Then four more years passed and yet another lett er came.

  20. 新型聚四氟乙烯油封的研制

    Development of New PTFE Lip Seal

  21. 我去开封老年学院每星期四。

    I go to the Kaifeng old college every Tursday.

  22. 登封中岳庙四岳殿修复设计研究

    Repairing design of Siyue palace in Dengfeng Zhongyue temple

  23. 我四岁的时候写信过封信给他。

    I wrote to him when I was four.

  24. 我们队星期二训练封球, 星期四打比赛。

    Our team practices blocking Tuesdays and plays games on Thursdays.

  25. 对开式三通用于塞式封堵,对开式四通用于筒式封堵。

    Used to plug off the tee block, offtype fourway closure for the cylinder.

  26. 王澄,一九四五年生,河南开封人。

    Wang Cheng was born in Kaifeng city, Henan province in 1945.

  27. 这种分裂而引起每封染色体实际上分为四部份。

    Such split causes the chromosome pairs to be actually quadripartite.

  28. 我只想对你四年前给我发的那封贺卡,说声谢谢你!

    I just want to give you four years ago, I made that letter of greeting cards, to say thank you!

  29. 该材料是封盖激光打印为每个内嵌的四个剂量包装。

    The lidding material is laserprinted inline for each of the four doses in the pack.

  30. 该材料是封盖激光打印为每个内嵌得四个剂量包装。

    The lidding material is laserprinted inline for each of the four doses in the pack.

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