







汉语拼音:sì děng








  1. 四种等级。

    《孟子·万章下》:“天子之制,地方千里;公侯皆方百里;伯七十里;子男五十里,凡四等。不能五十里,不达於天子,附於诸侯,曰附庸。”《汉书·王莽传上》:“ 周 爵五等,地四等,有明文。” 颜师古 注引 苏林 曰:“爵五等:公、侯、伯、子、男也。地四等:公一等,侯伯二等,子男三等,附庸四等。”

  2. 指字音之四等。

    宋 沉括 《梦溪笔谈·艺文二》:“每声復有四等,清、次清、浊、平也。”等韵学家以开、齐、合、撮为四等。

  3. 即四无量心。

    《增一阿含经·序品》:“迦叶端思行四等。” 南朝 宋 谢灵运 《菩萨赞》:“爰初四等,终然十住。” 南朝 梁简文帝 《南郊颂》:“广行四等,被慈雨于枯根;大阐三明,惊法雷于群梦。”参见“ 四无量心 ”。



  1. I did get a fourth class ticket without difficulty and stepped aboard the ship. Then I began my story of paying a visit to my aunt.


  2. There are four classes of Chinese train tickets -- hard seat, soft seat, hard sleeper and soft sleeper.


  3. INDOCHINA. The RAFALE, an escorted armored train that made regular journeys between Saigon and Nha Trang. In the 4th class. 1952.


  4. In America, bright children are ranked as "moderately" , "highly" , "exceptionally" and "profoundly" gifted.


  5. " In 1984, the Shanghai Film Studio, starring in the film " Four other station.


  6. After John Montagu, Fourth Earl of Sandwich (1718-1792), British politician.


  7. English is our second language, even the third, the fourth, etc. Sometimes, we can not understand one word which the foreigners had said.


  8. The Application Study of Total Station Instrument for Single-distance Elevation Survey to Replace the Fourth-grade-leveling Survey


  9. Design and Consideration of Densification of Vertical Control Network(Fourth Class)in Urban Area


  1. 四加四等於八。

    Four and four make eight.

  2. 四等分梁木

    quarter baulk.

  3. 三,四等水准

    the third and fourth grade leveling.

  4. 四等、三等和二等。

    Fourth class, third class and second class.

  5. 四等贵仪技术师

    Precision Instrument Specialist IV

  6. 乘传通常有四等。

    Cheng Chuan usually had four grades.

  7. 请将蛋糕分成四等分。

    Quarter a cake, please.

  8. 所罗门四等组设计

    Solomon four

  9. 盾牌上四等分中的一等分

    Any of four equal divisions of a shield.

  10. 八十除以四等於二十。

    Eighty divided by four equals twenty.

  11. 他把蛋糕切成四等分。

    He cut the cake into four equal sections.

  12. 四分位点资料分成四等分。

    Quartiles divide the data into four equal parts.

  13. 拿把刀。把它切成四等份。

    Get a knife. Cut it into four portions.

  14. 四分位点把资料分成四等分。

    Quartiles divide the data into four equal parts.

  15. 我们应该把这个菠萝分成四等份。

    We should quarter a pineapple.

  16. 有四等边四直角的或构成一个直角。

    having four equal sides and four right angles or forming a right angle.

  17. 我们亦可把屏幕划分为四等分 六等分等等。

    We may also divide the screen into quarters, sixths, and so on.

  18. 刻有对角四等分图案的两枚盾形纹章

    two coats of arms borne quarterly

  19. 纹章盾面对角地四等分。任何有四个面的多面体。

    In diagonally opposed quarters of an escutcheon. any polyhedron having four plane faces.

  20. 光电测距仪在三、四等间接水准测量方面的应用

    Application of Geodimeter to Third or Fourth Order Indirect Leveling

  21. 我们共有四个人, 因此我们把橘子分成四等分, 每人吃一份。

    There were four of us, so we divided the orange into quarters and each ate a piece.

  22. 全站仪垂距测量代替二、三、四等水准测量的研究

    Study on replacing the second, third and fourth order leveling by vertical distance measurement with total station instrument

  23. 足底四等份足印分析法在脑性瘫痪评价中的意义

    Value of the footprint analysis with four equal proportions of foot sole in the evaluation of cerebral palsy

  24. 将粉团分为四等份, 用木棍辗开成四片十八厘米方块。

    Transfer to a lightly floured work surface, knead gently to a smooth and pliable dough.

  25. 不等四分卵裂

    heteroquadrant cleavage.

  26. 再等四年就能假释。

    Up for parole in four.

  27. 而不能再等四年了

    beyond waiting another four years.

  28. 所以他又没说话,多等四年。

    So he waited ANOTHER four years without speaking.

  29. 随后,公诉机关对杨某等四人提起公诉。

    Subsequently, the public prosecution and three family members of Yang prosecution.

  30. 四结点等参元

    isoperimetric quadrilateral element.


  1. 问:四等体拼音怎么拼?四等体的读音是什么?四等体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四等体的读音是sì děng tǐ,四等体翻译成英文是 quartette

  2. 问:四等分拼音怎么拼?四等分的读音是什么?四等分翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四等分的读音是sì děng fēn,四等分翻译成英文是 quadrate

  3. 问:四等分卵裂拼音怎么拼?四等分卵裂的读音是什么?四等分卵裂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四等分卵裂的读音是sì děng fēn luǎn liè,四等分卵裂翻译成英文是 homoquadrant cleavage

  4. 问:四等位基因的拼音怎么拼?四等位基因的的读音是什么?四等位基因的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四等位基因的的读音是sì děng wèi jī yīn de,四等位基因的翻译成英文是 tetra-allelic

  5. 问:四等分通用中间格式拼音怎么拼?四等分通用中间格式的读音是什么?四等分通用中间格式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:四等分通用中间格式的读音是sì děng fēn tōng yòng zhōng jiān gé shì,四等分通用中间格式翻译成英文是 Quarter CIF

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