


1. 尽 [jìn]2. 尽 [jǐn]尽 [jìn]完毕:用~。说不~。取之不~。达到极端:~头。山穷水~。~情。自~(自杀)。全部用出,竭力做到:~心。~力。~瘁。~职。~忠。~责。人~其才。物~其用。都,全:~然。~是白的。~收眼底。……





汉语拼音:jǐn kuài








  1. "According to Dr. John, " he said, "the patient's life is still in danger. The first aid must be rendered as soon as possible. "


  2. we often work in the field . if our phone cannot be reached , please do not hesitate to leave a message or contact us by email.


  3. Though you are badly hurt now, do not make yourself pathetic. Embrace the next beginning with your arms, or find one on your own!


  4. I would be very grateful of you could look into the matter as soon as possible. And I am looking forward to an early reply.


  5. Sequoia went on to urge the executives to cut costs fast so that their firms would not run out of money before becoming profitable.


  6. For now we have to keep working on the system, settle down as a team, get things right and just try to win the next game.


  7. But I'll let you know if I can get a hold of Calvin.


  8. We have to give her away to a good home ASAP or we will have to take her to the SPAC which we don't want to do.


  9. It would be appreciative of you if you could send me Some relevant information at your earliest convenience.


  1. 尽快成行。

    Make it as soon as you can.

  2. 尽快过来吧

    Come as soon as you can.

  3. 请尽快来信。

    Write soon, please.

  4. 那尽快过来。

    Well,get here as fast as you can.

  5. 请尽快回信。

    Please write back as soon as possible.

  6. 我,我尽快回来。

    I will,uh,be back as soon as I can.

  7. 我,我尽快回来。

    I will, uh, be back as soon as I can.

  8. 尽快完成手术

    Get him out of trauma as fast as you can.

  9. 尽快还你钱

    to pay you back.

  10. 我们尽快回来。

    Uh, and we will be back as soon possible.

  11. 能够尽快解决

    that the issues are resolved as quickly as possible.

  12. 尽快做完吧

    You might want to do it soon.

  13. 请尽快来这。

    Please come here as soon as possible.

  14. 我会尽快过去

    I will come as soon as I can.

  15. 我尽快赶过来

    I'll be there as soon as I can.

  16. 我会尽快回去。

    I need you to get here, Mark.

  17. 请尽快报价。

    We look forward to receiving your quotation soon.

  18. 我会尽快回来。

    I'll be back as soon as I can.

  19. 你能尽快,多谢

    As soon as you can. Thank you.

  20. 我尽快离开了。

    I got away as quick as I could.

  21. 他会尽快赶到。

    He'll be here as soon as he can.

  22. 必须尽快动手手

    as soon as possible?

  23. 请尽快寄过来。

    Please send it as soon as possible.

  24. 我。尽快。 谢谢你

    Ijust as soon as, Thank you.

  25. 尽快地断绝关系

    drop like a hot potato

  26. 我会尽快,我保证。

    As soon as I can,I promise.

  27. 我会尽快,我保证。

    As soon as I can, I promise.

  28. 我最好尽快离开

    I'd better be getting along soon

  29. 请尽快作决定。

    Please make your decision as soon as possible.

  30. 拜托,请尽快过来

    Please, come as fast as you can.


  1. 问:尽快拼音怎么拼?尽快的读音是什么?尽快翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尽快的读音是jǐnkuài,尽快翻译成英文是 as quickly as possible; as soon as possible...

  2. 问:尽快装卸拼音怎么拼?尽快装卸的读音是什么?尽快装卸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尽快装卸的读音是jìn kuài zhuāng xiè,尽快装卸翻译成英文是 fast as can

  3. 问:尽快装运拼音怎么拼?尽快装运的读音是什么?尽快装运翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尽快装运的读音是jìn kuài zhuāng yùn,尽快装运翻译成英文是 hurry up the shipment

  4. 问:尽快通知拼音怎么拼?尽快通知的读音是什么?尽快通知翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尽快通知的读音是jìn kuài tōng zhī,尽快通知翻译成英文是 Advise as Soon as Possible

  5. 问:尽快通过邮件告知拼音怎么拼?尽快通过邮件告知的读音是什么?尽快通过邮件告知翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尽快通过邮件告知的读音是jìnkuài tōngguò yóujiàn gàozhī,尽快通过邮件告知翻译成英文是 advise by mail as soon as possible




【拼音】jǐn kuài

【五笔】尽:nyuu 快:nnwy 尽快:nynn

【韩文】가능한 한 빨리


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