







汉语拼音:sī jiù







  1. 私自接近。


  2. 私自前往。

    唐 张鷟 《朝野佥载》卷五:“ 忠 惶恐,私就卜问,被不良人疑之,执送县。”



  1. The little girl's unselfishness endeared her to the old lady, who gave her a ruby ring as a birthday present.


  1. 就私状况方面,提议制定合同。

    Draw up contracts regarding your personal situation.

  2. 你未经允许就私拆我的信是什么意思

    What do you mean by opening my letters without permission

  3. 如果你对你的经理心存不满, 或者有疑问, 私底下说就行了。

    If you disagree with your manager, or have a concern, bring it up privately with your manager.

  4. 海关部门的一项主要工作就是查私。

    One of the major tasks of the Customs department is to suppress smuggling.

  5. 海关部门的一项主要工作就是查私。

    One of the major tasks of the Customs department is to suppress smuggling.

  6. 本周你可能还没意识到就泄露了私密信息。

    You may divulge private information without realizing it this week.

  7. 卡尔,你把想法写在横幅上 就不是私密的事了,你写了什么?

    Karl, when you put a message on a banner, It ceases to be personal. What does it say?

  8. 就像你召唤的梦一样私密。

    As secret as a dream you call.

  9. 没有私德就谈不上有公德。

    A person can't have any social morality if he doesn't show any virtue in private life.

  10. 公民不是私民, 就在于他参与公共生活。

    The nature and scope of citizens public life are different in different times.

  11. 这样,解密应用程序就不需要转换证书和私钥。

    In this case the decrypting application needs no conversion for the certificate and private key.

  12. 杰德在林子后私酿得酒就是玉米威士忌。

    Kentucky corn is what Jed makes back in the woods.

  13. 杰德在林子后私酿的酒就是玉米威士忌。

    Kentucky corn is what Jed makes back in the woods.

  14. 你就站在原地, 警察马上到, 网通传奇私服。

    Just stay where you are, the police will arrive soon.

  15. 私作养就是为官府私作人员提供饮食服务的人。

    Privacy is a person who provides catering services for authorities'privacy officer.

  16. 我们不先买后卖,这就不同于私募股权。

    So we are not in the buying and reselling of businesses which private equity is.

  17. 一个宫女就因私传东宫的事被杀了。

    A palace maid was killed for gossiping about the East Palace story.

  18. 他们什么都山寨。我就爱嘲笑那些私卖的玩具。

    They copy everything. I love laughing at bootleg toys though.

  19. 只是,出于保护私密的角度,窗帘的选择也就必不可少了。

    Just, stem from the angle with protective close illicit, the choice of the curtain is indispensable also.

  20. 一旦获得私钥,就可以使用非对称算法来解密共享密钥。

    Once the private key is obtained, the shared key can be decrypted using an asymmetric algorithm.

  21. 如何保障签名私钥的安全也就成为了安全研究的一个重点。

    Then more secure study on how tokeep the private key safe today.

  22. 玛丽是个私生女, 她父亲在她出生前就遗弃了她母亲。

    Mary was a love child whose father left her mother before she was born.

  23. 如果你有了孩子, 就没有了在沙发上激情一刻的私密空间。

    If you've got kids, there's not enough privacy for a quickie on the couch.

  24. 温迪是个私生女, 她父亲在她出生年前就遗弃了她母亲。

    Wendy was a child of shame whose father left her mother before she was born.

  25. 这就是白色, 一种无私得颜色!

    This is white, a selfless color.

  26. 这就是白色,一种无私的颜色!

    This is white, a selfless color.

  27. 担任公职的人, 就要不徇私情

    He that puts on a public gown must put off a private person

  28. 担任公职得人,就要不徇私情

    He that puts on a public gown must put off a private person.

  29. 因此越无私的爱,就越是纯洁,成熟。

    So the more unselfish love is, the greater, purer, and more mature it is.

  30. 没有您无私的奉献,就没有我成功的今天。

    I could have achieved no success without you unselfish dedication.

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