







汉语拼音:shǒu yī










  1. 亦作“ 守壹 ”。道家修养之术,谓专一精思以通神。语出《庄子·在宥》:“我守其一以处其和,故我修身千二百岁矣,吾形未常衰。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·地真》:“守一存真,乃能通神。” 唐 吕岩 《谷神歌》:“若人能守一,只此是长生。” 宋 苏轼 《东坡志林·诵金刚经帖》:“道家言守一,若饥,‘一’与之粮;若渴,‘一’与之浆。”

  2. 专守定法。


  3. 指忠于某一信条。

    宋 周密 《癸辛杂识续集·宋江三十六赞》:“ 龚圣与 作《宋江三十六赞》并序曰……古称 柳盗跖 为盗贼之圣,以其守壹。”

  4. 指女子守节。

    清 卓尔堪 《昆阳王烈女拟焦仲卿妻古诗体》:“孤鴈终孤飞,不屑乱匹配。女子守一终,旧盟焉敢背。”



  1. Some people, may this lifetime won't be together, but have a feeling but hidden in the heart can keep for a lifetime.


  2. In other words, deliverance from sin is not achieved by one's personal adherence to a system of works.


  3. Who will keep one and you were thin clouds solve any look I, marshes, sigh a River PASSING Ripples?


  4. Time flies, a simple static Shou, a happy gurgling Qing Song, with the simple pleasure of signing with the grip!


  5. Shizumori side, learn to watch, hoping that this is not light sweet dream.


  6. In fact, oftentimes your resume looks better if you have worked in a variety of professions rather than solely in one profession!


  7. Some people, never together, but have a feeling it can be placed in the heart forever.


  8. The origin and development of Taoist cultivating method of "keeping to Oneness"


  9. There are some people, it'll never together, but have a feeling but hidden in the heart can keep for a lifetime.


  1. 守一座城,等一个人。

    Shou a city, such as a person.

  2. 是的,我做守这一类的工作。

    Yes, I have done that kind of work.

  3. 没有邻居,守着一大片西部农场。

    it stood and looked over a broad spread of West Country farmland.

  4. 夜深人静的时候, 独守着一窗空月。

    When in the dead of night, are keeping a window of empty moons alone.

  5. 但是, 朋友, 别忘了守住一颗宁静的心, 痛苦将不再有。

    But, friend, did not forget to defend a halcyon heart, anguish will have no longer.

  6. 我的英文老师很守时, 一分也不差。

    My English teacher is punctual to the minute.

  7. 他决定周一还要守到最后。

    He planned to do the same on Monday.

  8. 塔拉和伯尼一整夜守在她身旁。

    Tarra and Bunny stayed at her side through the night.

  9. 我就象一只守在洞口爪子又够不到老鼠的那只猫!

    I am like the cat plying on the egress, trying to seizing this cunning mouse even though out of reach now.

  10. 有一辈子守一个承诺,那时痴情。

    Shou has a lifetime commitment, then infatuated.

  11. 荡漾而无语, 守住了这一池得幸福。

    Ripple but have no language, guarded happiness of this pond.

  12. 老头子管不了我,我不能守一辈女儿寡!

    The old man can't boss me around and I'm not going to be a spinster all my life.

  13. 外国兵团中一位上尉被调守一座沙漠边塞。

    A captain in the foreign legion is transferred to a desert outpost.

  14. 只为了吟唱一季凄婉的秋歌,独守一个人的地老天荒?

    Just to sing the autumn season Sad Song, jealously guarding one's the end of time?

  15. 一年四季守空房,

    Keep watch the vacant room all the year round

  16. 一年四季守空房,。

    Keep watch the vacant room all the year round.

  17. 她守在门外, 他一出来, 就猛扑过去。

    She waited outside the door and swooped on him when he came out.

  18. 侦查人员蹲坑死守,一守就是一周。

    The scouts have been keeping watch for a week now.

  19. 侦查人员蹲坑死守,一守就是一周。

    The scouts have been keeping watch for a week now.

  20. 每个了望塔有六米高,由一名士兵把守。

    Each tower was six metres high and was manned by one soldier.

  21. 墨守一份不再回来的感情一生一世!

    Ill cling to that exceptive nonreturned companionship for ever.

  22. 凝神合气, 守一, 神精还归, 形神相亲

    somatic and spiritual integration

  23. 楚辞中的生命修炼术则有吐纳餐气, 食药饵, 神守一等多种。

    The life training in Chu Ci consists of taking medicinal herbs, fixing attention and so on.

  24. 入口由一队警察把守。

    The entrance was guarded by ranks of policemen.

  25. 有一名特工守着门。

    One agent at the door.

  26. 那里有一个人守着。

    There's a man there guarding it.

  27. 一名护士守在门外。

    A nurse posted herself outside the door.

  28. 一个人总要守信用。

    One should always perform what one Promises.

  29. 不守时是一个坏习惯。

    No punctuality is a bad habit.

  30. 有一队警察看守着他。

    He is being guarded by a platoon of police.

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