











汉语拼音:shí jì gōng zī






  1. 以工人所得的货币工资实际上能购买多少消费品、开销多少服务费做标准来衡量的工资。与名义工资相对。



  1. It has nothing to do with trying to increase employment by cutting real wages in the hope that people will not notice.


  2. Second, while real wages seem to be downwardly flexible, nominal wages are less so.


  3. This halt in the rise of real wages has not been a consequence inherent in the nature of unions .


  4. After the audit , the actual factory wage was plotted on the ladder to see how it compared against the benchmarks .


  5. Take out a blank sheet of paper, the "time budget" you prepared yesterday, and the approximate hourly wage you calculated earlier.


  6. They then pass on the cost in the form of dearer prices, cheating workers of a higher real wage.


  7. During the first 50 years of Britain's industrial revolution, real wages remained more or less flat while profits soared.


  8. Real wages actually fell, but consumers increasingly went into debt, spending more than they earned.


  9. Declining real wages and a modest upswing in productivity have together produced a sustained drop in unit labour costs.


  1. 职工平均实际工资

    Average Real Wage of Staff and Workers

  2. 实际工资有所减少。

    There is a decline in real wages.

  3. 分行业职工平均实际工资指数

    Indices of Average Real Wage of Staff and Workers by Sector

  4. 劳动力很缺, 实际工资远远高于英国。

    Labor was in short supply, and real wages were much higher than in England.

  5. 实际工资正在强劲增长, 这有助于促进消费。

    Real wages have been rising strongly, which should help boost consumption.

  6. 我们一直以空前速度提高最低实际工资。

    We consistently raised the minimum wage in real terms at an unprecedented pace.

  7. 因此,2011年实际工资可能不会高于2005年的水平。

    As a result, in2011 real wages are likely to be no higher than they were in2005.

  8. 更长的工作时数, 更低的实际工资变换工作地点。

    Longer hours and lower real wages.

  9. 首先, 大多数劳动者的实际工资一直停滞不前。

    First, real wages for most workers have been stagnant.

  10. 在全国范围,实际工资的增长率已明显下降。

    There has been a marked decline in the rate of growth of real wages across the country.

  11. 随着通货膨胀的增长, 实际工资收入已经降低了。

    As inflation has increased, real wages have declined.

  12. 在其他具有可比性的国家,实际工资上涨更快。

    In other comparable countries real wages increased much more rapidly.

  13. 这种资源的错位将会导致生产率和实际工资的降低。

    This misallocation of resources results in lower productivity and reduced real wages.

  14. 近70年来工人得实际工资平均增长超过了十倍。

    The real wage of the average worker has increased by a factor of over ten in the last 70 years.

  15. 近70年来工人的实际工资平均增长超过了十倍。

    The real wage of the average worker has increased by a factor of over ten in the last 70 years.

  16. 第二章曾经论述刚性的高实际工资会增加失业。

    Chapter 2 argued that rigid and high real wages contribute to increases in unemployment.

  17. 第二章曾经论述刚性得高实际工资会增加失业。

    Chapter 2 argued that rigid and high real wages contribute to increases in unemployment.

  18. 但是随之而来的是,工人们必须承受实际工资降低。

    But the corollary has been that workers are suffering from wage cuts in real terms.

  19. 但利率、汇率和实际工资对决定投资的意义很小。

    However, interest rates, exchange rates and real wages are of little significance in the determination of investment.

  20. 高失业率是压低名义及实际工资水平的主要原因。

    High unemployment was the mechanism for driving nominal and real wages down.

  21. 但去年的情况却恰恰相反, 因此实际工资出现了大幅下降。

    But the opposite was true last year, so real wages fell sharply.

  22. 另外, 政府实行银根紧缩政策, 允许实际工资和货币的贬值。

    In addition, the Government maintained a tight monetary policy and allowed real wages and the currency to depreciate.

  23. 尽管失业率较低,但台湾实际工资已经连续多年逐步下滑。

    While unemployment is low, real wages have been falling gradually for years.

  24. 然而,现有关于薪金的资料表明实际平均工资下降。

    However, information available on salaries points towards a decline in average real wages.

  25. 不切实际的种种增加工资的幻想引诱着工人们。

    The workers were lured on by false hopes of increased pay.

  26. 在过去十年中, 雇员的工资上涨的实际购买力接近为零。

    Employers held real wage growth close to zero for the whole decade.

  27. 在过去十年中,雇员的工资上涨的实际购买力接近为零。

    Employers held real wage growth close to zero for the whole decade.

  28. 他们缺乏经验,但要求高工资,这是不切实际的。

    They lack experience but ask for a high salary, which is impractical.


  1. 问:实际工资率拼音怎么拼?实际工资率的读音是什么?实际工资率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:实际工资率的读音是shí jì gōng zī lǜ,实际工资率翻译成英文是 actual wage rate

  2. 问:实际工资额拼音怎么拼?实际工资额的读音是什么?实际工资额翻译成英文是什么?

    答:实际工资额的读音是shí jì gōng zī é,实际工资额翻译成英文是 wage-packet

  3. 问:实际工资保险拼音怎么拼?实际工资保险的读音是什么?实际工资保险翻译成英文是什么?

    答:实际工资保险的读音是shí jì gōng zī bǎo xiǎn,实际工资保险翻译成英文是 real wage insurance

  4. 问:实际工资指数拼音怎么拼?实际工资指数的读音是什么?实际工资指数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:实际工资指数的读音是shí jì gōng zī zhǐ shù,实际工资指数翻译成英文是 real wage index

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