







汉语拼音:sān fǎn









  1. 三个来回。

    汉 班固 《白虎通·耕桑》:“天子耕东田,而三反之。”

  2. 三种自相矛盾的行为。

    《三国志·魏志·王肃传论》“ 王肃 亮直多闻” 南朝 宋 裴松之 注:“ 刘寔 以为 肃 方於事上,而好下佞己,此一反也;性嗜荣贵,而不求苟合,此二反也;吝惜财物,而治身不秽,此三反也。” 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·品藻》:“ 卞望之 云:‘ 郗公 体中有方於事上,好下佞己,一反;治身清贞,大脩计较,二反;自好读书,憎人学问,三反。’” 宋 赵令畤 《侯鲭录》卷三:“ 东坡 题 鲁直 草书《尔雅》后云:‘ 鲁直 以真实心出游戏法,以平等观作欹侧字,以磊落人録细碎书,亦三反也。’”

  3. 三度反叛。

    《晋书·刘牢之传》:“﹝ 牢之 ﹞将北奔 广陵 相 高雅之 ,欲据 江 北以距 玄 ,集众大议。参军 刘袭 曰:‘事不可者莫大於反,而将军往年反 王兗州 ,近日反 司马郎君 ,今復欲反 桓公 。一人而三反,岂得立也。’”

  4. 指一九五一年在中国共产党领导下开展的反贪污、反浪费、反官僚主义运动。

    毛泽东 《在中国共产党第八届中央委员会第二次全体会议上的讲话》:“‘三反’是斗那些被资产阶级腐蚀的工作人员,‘五反’是斗资产阶级,狠狠地斗了一下。”

  5. 多次往返。

    《战国策·齐策四》:“ 梁 使三反, 孟尝君 固辞不往也。”《明史·刘綎传》:“使者三反, 綎 皆单骑俟道中。”



  1. The movements against the "three evils" and the "five evils" dealt heavy blows to bourgeois ideas inside the Party.


  2. I call them Triple R's ; Resistant Reflex Responses.


  3. How did the "Movement of One Beat and Three Evils" initiate?


  4. It is clear that the charge of bureaucratism that was made in the New Three-Antis Movement was valid, but only partially valid.


  5. This paper aims to study in Gansu province ", the implementation of the " three antis movement.


  6. Study on decision of alignment priority using mirror tolerance in a three mirror off-axis optical system


  7. Design of long focal length space optical system with three reflective mirrors


  8. Meeting of Senior Officials of the AFRICA-Fund Committee;


  9. A Novel Design of Off-axis Three-mirror Reflective Optical System


  1. 对三反运动的历史反思

    Historical Recognition of the Movement against the Three Evils

  2. 一打三反运动是怎样掀起来的

    How did the Movement of One Beat and Three Evils initiate

  3. 在三反运动中,这些弊端造成的贪污浪费现象暴露出来。

    The movement against three evils exposed the corruption and waste problem.

  4. 上海私营金融业与三反五反运动

    The Private Sector of Finance in Shanghai and the Movement against the Three Evils and the Movement against the Five Evils

  5. 有些同志在三反五反运动中是犯过这个错误得。

    Some comrades made this mistake during the movements against the three evils and the five evils.

  6. 有些同志在三反五反运动中是犯过这个错误的。

    Some comrades made this mistake during the movements against the three evils and the five evils.

  7. 三反五反运动,是对党内资产阶级思想的很大打击。

    The movements against the three evils and the five evils dealt heavy blows to bourgeois ideas inside the Party.

  8. 三像素宽反走样直线的绘制算法研究

    Study on Algorithms for Three Pixel Thick Straight Line with Antialiasing

  9. 长焦距空间三反光学系统的设计

    Design of long focal length space optical system with three reflective mirrors

  10. 论江苏三反、五反运动

    The Three Antis Movement and Five Antis Movement in Jiangsu

  11. 学习要一隅三反,才能真正掌握知识。

    You can only master knowledge through learning by analogy.

  12. 学习要一隅三反,才能真正掌握知识。

    You can only master knowledge through learning by analogy.

  13. 比如老三反和新三反,都是地方上先搞的。

    For instance, take the movements against the old and new three evils. both were initiated in the localities.

  14. 语文教学举一反三与举三反一问题的辩证思考

    Dialectical thinking of'using one against three'and'using three against one'in Chinese Teaching

  15. 反三碘甲状腺氨酸

    reverse triiodothyronine

  16. 三尖瓣反流

    tricuspid regurgitation.

  17. 高反压三极管

    high reverse voltage triode

  18. 先天性三尖瓣反流

    Congenital tricuspid regurgitation

  19. 重度三尖瓣反流

    Severe tricuspid regurgitation

  20. 小孩用类推的方法学习,单一反三。

    Little children learn by analogy. They use what they know in a new situation.

  21. 三个核分化成为反足细胞。

    Three nuclei differentiate into the antipodal cells.

  22. 丁贝符反白带圆圈数字三

    Dingbat Negative Circled Digit Three

  23. 他反方向的一击球得了三倍的分。

    He pulled the ball the opposite way for a run-scoring triple.

  24. 丁贝符反白带圆圈无衬线数字三

    Dingbat Negative Circled SansSerif Digit Three

  25. 并且正反交三倍体的遗传效应差异明显。

    The difference in genetic effect of the triploids obtained from two different combinations was significant.

  26. 级联型三能级原子受激辐射中的反聚束效应

    Antibunching of the stimulated emission from a three level cascade atom

  27. 折反式大口径三组元红外变焦距系统设计

    Design of Catadioptric Large Aperture Three Group Elements Infrared Zoom System

  28. 反演地表温度三要素获取途径研究及其应用价值

    Study on the Method Obtaining the Three Elements for the Retrieval of the Surface Temperature Based on Infrared Radiometer

  29. 引起争论的反颠覆立法, 政府已开展为期三月的公众谘询。

    The government launched a threemonth public consultation on its controversial proposals to enact antisubversion legislation.

  30. 而目前它为我们推介了三个,排第一的是反疟疾基金会。

    and currently is recommending only three, of which the Against Malaria Foundation is number one.


  1. 问:三反拼音怎么拼?三反的读音是什么?三反翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三反的读音是sānfǎn,三反翻译成英文是 The initial stage of the establishment of a new C...

  2. 问:三反崎拼音怎么拼?三反崎的读音是什么?三反崎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三反崎的读音是Sānfǎnqí,三反崎翻译成英文是 Misorizaki; Mitanzaki; Santansaki

  3. 问:三反田拼音怎么拼?三反田的读音是什么?三反田翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三反田的读音是Sānfǎntián,三反田翻译成英文是 Mitanda; Santanda

  4. 问:三反五反运动拼音怎么拼?三反五反运动的读音是什么?三反五反运动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三反五反运动的读音是,三反五反运动翻译成英文是 Three anti and Five anti Campaigns

  5. 问:三反应组件谐振器拼音怎么拼?三反应组件谐振器的读音是什么?三反应组件谐振器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三反应组件谐振器的读音是sān fǎn yìng zǔ jiàn xié zhèn qì,三反应组件谐振器翻译成英文是 three reactance element oscillator

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