




1. 长 [cháng]2. 长 [zhǎng]长 [cháng]两端的距离:~度。长度大,与“短”相对,指空间,亦指时间:~短。~空。~短句(词的别名)。~夜(a.漫长的黑夜;b.喻黑暗的日子)。~风破浪(喻志趣远大)。~歌代哭(以歌代哭……



汉语拼音:sān cháng







  1. 北魏 地方基层行政官吏党长、里长、邻长的合称。

    《魏书·高祖纪下》:“初立党、里、邻三长,安民户籍。”《魏书·食货志》:“ 魏 初不立三长,故民多荫附。”

  2. 阴阳家指年月日之首。


  3. 三种长处。

    《旧唐书·刘子玄传》:“史才须有三长,世无其人,故史才少也。三长,谓才也,学也,识也。” 宋 陆游 《史院书事》诗:“皇祖圣謨高万古,诸贤直笔擅三长。”

  4. 汉 郭笃 、 王宏 、 平陶 三人表字皆有“长”字,合称“三长”。

    宋 马永易 《实宾录》卷三:“ 郭篤 字 长信 ,与从舅 扶风郡 王宏 字 长文 , 平陶 字 长材 相善,并知名,海内号 太原 有‘三长’焉。”



  1. The brown long-eared bat has enormous ears that stretch three-fourths the length of its entire body.


  2. Red-crowned crane class has three characteristics, namely the mouth long, long - long neck, long legs.


  3. They also discuss the countermeasures to dissolve the contradiction of the "Three Longs and One Short" .


  4. Three long one short " problem in the third-level hospital has existed for a long time, especially in the hospital of center living area. "


  5. The international signal for rescue is SOS which is thrice long and short circulating continuously.


  6. If anything happened to him, I would become president.


  7. Let me see. OK. I have three tickets for Sunday afternoon. Do you want them?


  8. By night, Nicholas filled a three-length socks of gold, secretly linked to the three girls in the window.


  9. The Darling River is the third longest river in Australia.


  1. 制表符细三长划竖

    Box Drawings Light Triple Dash Vertical

  2. 制表符细三长划水平

    Box Drawings Light Triple Dash Horizontal

  3. 作文的篇幅至少须有三长。

    The composition had to be at least three pages long.

  4. 三长一短现象的原因分析及其对策

    The Analysis on the Causes and the Countermeasures of the Three Longs and One Short

  5. 鞋子上有一道至少三英寸长的口子。

    There was a cut in the shoe at least three inches long.

  6. 三重奏玩具为一套被吊在布支架上的三个长毛绒小人

    The Tag Along Chime Trio is a set of three plush figures suspended from a fabric support.

  7. 这种配有剑鞘得三英寸长钝口短剑是锡克教得一种圣物。

    The kirpan, a sheathed, threeinch knife with a dulled blade, is one of the sacred symbols of the Sikh religion.

  8. 鄂尔多斯盆地西南部上三叠统长6油层组湖底扇特征

    Sedimentary characteristics of sublacustrine fan of the Interval6 of Yanchang Formation of Upper Triassic in southwestern Ordos Basin

  9. 是长征还是三月太长?

    Long March or March long?

  10. 感觉比三年还长,是吗?

    It feels like a lot longer than that, right?

  11. 这条河只有嗰条河得三分之一长。

    This river is one third at all times that rill.

  12. 这条河只有嗰条河的三分之一长。

    This river is one third at all times that rill.

  13. 三。谁长着一头漂亮的金色长发。

    Whos got beautiful blond long hair.

  14. 这条河只有那条河得三分之一长。

    This river is one third as long as that river.

  15. 这条河只有那条河的三分之一长。

    This river is one third as long as that river.

  16. 你一直长着三只睾丸。

    What you had all the time was a third testicle.

  17. 那张桌子三英尺长, 三英尺宽。

    That table measures three feet by three.

  18. 他们有三个女儿长女蕾娜达是有名的诗人, 但婚姻不美满

    The story concerns a cheating wife who is trying to scam her dying husband out of millions by having her doctorhypnotist lover hypnotise the geezer into signing his dough over to her.

  19. 设计室对面房顶长出三棵树, 生命勃发

    There are three trees on the roof faced to our design studio, the life is anywhere

  20. 不同的是, 九只乌鸦都长着三条腿脚。

    But it was different that every of the nine crows had three legs.

  21. 海豚在水里生育,它们能长到三点五米长。

    They can grow up to three and a half meters long.

  22. 它们长到三个月大时,一天要喂奶六次。

    When they get to three months old they nurse about six times a day.

  23. 本文主要研究了长焦距三反射式望远物镜的设计。

    This dissertation at meeting the needs of designing long focal length space camera.

  24. 本文主要研究了长焦距三反射式望远物镜得设计。

    This dissertation at meeting the needs of designing long focal length space camera.

  25. 可以在停留期间参加一个最长到三个月的学习课程。

    You can enrol in one training or study course of up to three months duration during your visit.

  26. 因此,本门课还要求学生撰写篇幅较长的三篇小论文。

    To this end students will write three essays of length.

  27. 最佳的饮用时间为三年或者更长的窖藏后。

    Had better to be drunk after three years or three years reserve in cellar.

  28. 当然,最好的情况是凳子的全部三条腿是一样长的。

    Best, of course, is a stool where all three legs are equal.

  29. 三个拿着长枪的卫兵跑了进来, 站在高格面前。

    Three guards ran into the room with their big guns and stood in front of Gog.

  30. 而且铸铁缸光泽度好, 使用年限是三种缸中最长的。

    And castiron crock glossiness is good, use fixed number of year is the longest in 3 kinds of crocks.


  1. 问:三长两短拼音怎么拼?三长两短的读音是什么?三长两短翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三长两短的读音是sānchángliǎngduǎn,三长两短翻译成英文是 accident

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