







汉语拼音:sān xuǎn







  1. 经过三次选拔。

    春秋 时, 管仲 为 齐桓公 制定的选拔官吏的方法。《国语·齐语》:“设之以国家之患而不疚……升以为上卿之赞。谓之三选。” 韦昭 注:“三选,乡长所进,官长所选,公所訾相。”

  2. 选三种人。

    《文选·班固<西都赋>》:“三选七迁,充奉陵邑。” 李善 注:“三选,谓选三等之人。七迁,谓迁於七陵也。《汉书》曰:‘徙吏二千石高訾富人及豪杰兼并之家於诸陵。’盖亦以强干弱枝,非独为奉山园也。”



  1. "Definitely, Maybe" is the kind of Hollywood romantic comedy the studios usually louse up, except this time they didn't.


  2. WHEN decision-makers call a new policy a "third way" it usually signals an unsatisfactory compromise.


  3. Study, sleep, party: Choose two of the three.


  4. Influence of "Three selection" sports teaching mode on college students'sports consciousness and behavior


  5. You have one of three option


  1. 专题课程为三选一,以学校最新公告为准。

    Specialized seminars, choose one in three, pls note the latest information from school.

  2. 根与芽小组都选三个方案

    The Roots and Shoots groups all choose three projects.

  3. 国内经济问题是三人败选的主要原因。

    Domestic economic problems were major factors in all three defeats.

  4. 如果让我来选最后三支队伍。

    If I were to pick the final three.

  5. 在展览期间将选出三个公司作为获胜者。

    The three winners will be selected by an international jury at the International Toy Fair Nuernberg.

  6. 请先阅读小组任务并提交你最想选的三个题目。

    Please read the group tasks and submit your top three preferences.

  7. 请先阅读小组任务并提交你最想选得三个题目。

    Please read the group tasks and submit your top three preferences.

  8. 从商标权的合理使用中选出三个具体情形进行分析。

    Trademark fair use from the three specific cases were selected for analysis.

  9. 学生将依下列分组,每组选出前三名。

    The top three performers in each group will receive an award.

  10. 这三个组织中该选哪一个呢?

    What is one of these organizations to pick?

  11. 三年前他被选为俱乐部的主席。

    He was elected chairman of the club three years ago.

  12. 额外的导航设备在美国三月酮直升机可选的。

    Extra navigational equipment optional on US market helicopters.

  13. 在下列六个选项里,哪三个是你在选对象时会看重的 呢

    Of the following six, which 3 are most important in selection of your mate

  14. 在他胜选三年后, 宪法第十二号修正案正式通过。

    Three years after Jefferson was elected, the Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution was adopted.

  15. 不要在一个学期选三门以上阅读量很大的课程。

    Don't enroll in more than three reading intensive courses.

  16. 三个来自伦敦的人想被选为议会议员。

    Three men from London are standing for parliament.

  17. 三产品重介质旋流器在小型选煤厂的使用

    Application of threeproduct HM cyclone at a small coal preparation plant.

  18. 这三本书中不论你选哪一本来读, 你都将大有收获。

    Whichever of the three books you choose to read, youll gain a lot.

  19. 分三小节,第一小节就村委会直选的概念进行了阐述。

    Three bar, the first section is the concept of directly elected village committee is discussed in this paper.

  20. 无压三产品旋流器重介工艺在太原选煤厂的应用

    Application for Three Production Cyclone in Taiyuan Preparation Plant

  21. 定位步骤分为三个部分可选轴, 节点测试和可选谓词。

    There are three parts to a location step an optional axis, a node test, and an optional predicate.

  22. 任选三本书。

    Choose three books at random.

  23. 我选了三门课。

    I have taken three subjects.

  24. 三种扣具可选

    Three pronged type heat sink clip.

  25. 三次浮选给料

    tertiary float feed.

  26. 近三百年名家词选

    Selected Ci of Nearly Three Hundred Years

  27. 有三种冰淇淋任你选。

    You have your choice of three flavors of the cream.

  28. 选出你最满意的三张

    Pick your top three.

  29. 第三,选准角度,坚持不懈。

    The 3 rd,choose standard point of view,unremitting.

  30. 我们大学里有三种选科。

    There are three options in our college.


  1. 问:三选门拼音怎么拼?三选门的读音是什么?三选门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三选门的读音是sān xuǎn mén,三选门翻译成英文是 ternary selector gate

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