




1. 休 [xiū]2. 休 [xǔ]休 [xiū]歇息:~整。~假。~闲。离~。停止:~业。完结(多指失败或死亡)。旧指丈夫把妻子赶回母家,断绝夫妻关系:~妻。不要:~想。~提。吉庆,美善,福禄:~咎(吉凶)。助词,用于语末,与“罢”、“……



汉语拼音:sān xiū









  1. 汉 贾谊 《新书·退让》:“ 翟王 使使至 楚 , 楚王 欲夸之,故饗客於 章华 之臺上。上者三休而乃至其上。”后因以“三休”为登高之典。

    南朝 梁 何逊 《七召·宫室》:“步三休而未半,途中宿而方迷。” 唐 颜真卿 《抚州宝应寺翻经台记》:“百里而遥,四山不逼;三休而上,十地方超。” 宋 苏辙 《和鲜于子骏益昌官人八咏·宝峰亭》:“今闻 宝峰 上,縹緲陵朝阳,三休引萝蔓,一览穷苍茫。”

  2. 唐 司空图 晚年以足疾乞退,居 中条山 王官谷 ,筑亭名“三休”。作文云:“休,休也,美也,既休而具美存焉。盖量其才一宜休,揣其分二宜休,耄且聵三宜休。又少而惰,长而率,老而迂,是三者非济时之用,又宜休也。”见《旧唐书·文苑传下·司空图》。后因以“三休”为退隐之典。

    清 钱谦益 《夏日偕朱子暇憩耦耕堂》诗之三:“他年终作三休侣,乘兴先为结隐期。”

  3. 指 三国 魏 金尚 (字 元休 )、 第五巡 (字 文休 )、 韦端 (字 甫休 )三人。

    《三国志·魏志·吕布传》“ 布 自称 徐州 刺史” 裴松之 注引 三国 魏 鱼豢 《典略》:“ 元休 名 尚 , 京兆 人。 尚 与同郡 韦甫休 、 第五文休 ,俱著名,号为‘三休’。” 宋 王应麟 《小学绀珠·名臣下·三休》:“ 金尚 元休 , 第五巡 文休 , 韦端 甫休 ,号‘京兆三休’。”

  4. 犹三顿。

    金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷五:“ 红娘 覷了吃地笑,俺骨子不曾移动脚,这急性的郎君三休饭饱。”



  1. " And then Sasha added, " Plus we have a three-day weekend coming up.


  1. 女性员工有权利休三个月的产假。

    Women employees are entitled to a maternity leave of three months.

  2. 泰瑞莎去年休了三个星期的假。

    Teresa took three weeks off last year.

  3. 你知道吧。我通常在夏天会休一个长假, 三到四周。

    I usually try to take a long holiday in the summer, you know, three or four weeks.

  4. 如今, 三个将军为了控制权而争吵不休。

    Right now, three squabbling generals jostle for control.

  5. 对于有三个以上子女的家庭,父母产假可休8天。

    For three or more children in the family, the parents leave comes up to8 days.

  6. 休斯敦,我们在火星上有三个大活人,都在呼吸。

    Houston, we have three men alive and breathing on mars.

  7. 此外,三个代理秘书当中有两个人将在本年度休产假。

    Furthermore, two of the three Alternate Secretaries are going on maternity leave in the course of the year.

  8. 在弗朗西斯离开休斯敦的三年中,他的自信心屡受重创。

    In the three seasons since Francis left Houston he's number of blows to his ego.

  9. 本文拟从这三个方面探讨休斯诗歌中的道家思想倾向。

    This paper is intended to address the Taoist tendency in Hughes'poems from these three aspects respectively.

  10. 为了收集更多的证据,休庭三个星期后再审理这个案件。

    This case is adjourned for three weeks in order to collect more evidence.

  11. 大约有三分之一的儿童不知道马休和约翰也是耶酥的门徒。

    Around a third of children were also unaware that Matthew and John were two of Jesus's disciples.

  12. 那商店星期三也休业。

    The store is closed on Wednesday, too.

  13. 风休住,蓬舟吹取三山去!

    My boat is cruising the long distance to mountains after mountains away.

  14. 从年初以来, 我们已经休了三次假。

    We have had three holidays since the beginning of the year.

  15. 每当遇到三天连休, 我不知道干什么好。

    Whenever I have three straight day off, I do not know what to do with all the time I have.

  16. 广告的标题是每周七天, 一天三班, 中途无休。

    Advertising is entitled seven days a week, three shifts a day, halfway None.

  17. 而第三次, 当她获得的铜牌变成金牌时, 她正在休产假。

    The third time, when a silver medal turned to gold, she was on maternity leave.

  18. 长江三峡工程,是快上还是缓上,30多年来一直争论不休。

    Controversy over quick or slow building of Three Gorges Project in Yangtze River have lasted over30 years.

  19. 我认为他不可能把十三年光阴用于无休无止的修辞实验。

    I do not find it believable that he would waste thirteen years laboring over a never ending experiment in rhetoric.

  20. 休斯敦是仅次于新奥尔良与纽约的美国第三大港。

    Houston is third big harbor be next only to New Orleans and the New York USA.

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