







汉语拼音:chuī dēng








  1. 熄灯。

    南朝 梁 邓铿 《月夜闺中》诗:“开幃伤隻凤,吹灯惜落花。” 唐 杜甫 《移居公安山馆》诗:“山鬼吹灯灭,厨人语夜阑。” 孔厥 袁静 《新儿女英雄传》第五回:“要媳妇儿干什么?点灯,说话儿;吹灯,作伴儿。”

  2. 点灯。

    唐 韩愈 《秋怀》诗之八:“空堂黄昏暮,我坐默不言,童子自外至,吹灯当我前。” 宋 叶适 《戴夫人墓志铭》:“夫人吹灯起,检料内外,復治具如昨日矣。” 清 黄宗羲 《张节母叶孺人墓志铭》:“鸡初号而起,不復吹灯,暗中櫛髮。”

  3. 比喻人已死,或事情完结,或交情破裂。

    刘半农 《拟似曲》二:“不都是他妈的两条腿儿一挺就吹勒灯勒吗!” 老舍 《赵子曰》第十九:“我要利用她!现在呢,我们又吹了灯,你没听见我说要枪毙那个 魏老头子 吗!”《新民晚报》1984.2.9:“大姑娘往往有个‘理想条件’,每逢对方‘不够理想’,就吹灯,这不大好。”



  1. His dad snuffed it a couple of years ago.


  2. Readers are flocking to bookstores for guides that they hope can help them better understand "Candle in the Tomb. "


  3. The appearance of "Candle in the Tomb" has long been overdue.


  4. Eg. Tom was very upset today for he got a Dear John letter from hisgirlfriend.


  5. Listen to English profe ional tapes as much as po ible.


  1. 甭信他的鬼吹灯。

    Don't believe his nonsense.

  2. 别再玩鬼吹灯了。

    Don't play mischievous tricks again.

  3. 我很累了,吹灯睡觉吧。

    I am so tired.Let's blow out the lamp and go to sleep.

  4. 我很累了,吹灯睡觉吧。

    I am so tired. Let's blow out the lamp and go to sleep.

  5. 他爸爸两年前就吹灯了。

    His dad snuffed it a couple of years ago.

  6. 多亏抢救及时,要不然你早就吹灯了。

    You should thank the timely rescue; without it you would already be dead.

  7. 多亏抢救及时,要不然你早就吹灯了。

    You should thank the timely rescue; without it you would already be dead.

  8. 这件事之所以吹灯,就是因为你总自作聪明。

    The whole thing was ruined because you always think you are so clever.

  9. 这件事之所以吹灯,就是因为你总自作聪明。

    The whole thing was ruined because you always think you are so clever.

  10. 煤气灯吹灭了。

    The gas lamp blew out.

  11. 别把灯吹灭。

    Don't blow out the light.

  12. 他把灯吹灭,走了出去。

    He put out the lamp and went out.

  13. 把窗户关上,不然风会把灯吹灭。

    Close the windows or the wind blow the light out.

  14. 他们吹熄了灯,就打开了话匣子了。

    They blew out the lamp and began to talk.

  15. 慌忙吹来了灯,溜回竹榻,倒惶恐了半天。

    He hastily blew out the light and slipped back into bed but remained apprehensive for a long time.

  16. 慌得蒋干把信藏在袖子里, 吹熄了灯, 又睡了下去。

    Chiang Kan hid the letter in his sleeve, blew out the candle and returned to bed.

  17. 她吹灭了煤油灯。

    She puffed out the kerosene lamp.

  18. 愤怒是吹灭理智之灯的。

    Is the wind that blows out the lamp of the mind.

  19. 愤怒是吹灭心灵之灯的风。

    Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind.

  20. 愤怒是吹灭心中之灯的风。

    Anger is the wind which blows out the lamp of the mind.

  21. 愤怒是一阵风, 可以吹灭心灵之灯。

    Anger is a wind which can blow out the lamp of mind.

  22. 你们把高炉下的标灯吹灭了吧?

    You blew out the pilot Iight on the furnace, right?

  23. 小功率金卤灯吹泡机控制系统的研制

    Research of Light Power Metal Halide Lamp Quartz Bubble Blowing Machine Controller

  24. 自动吹管灯

    blow torch.

  25. 吹落灯花化永恒

    Blows falls the niggers eternal.

  26. 灯杆昨夜被风吹倒了。

    The lamppost blew down last night.

  27. 用嘴吹气灯使之尽可能膨胀到最坚硬,然后立即关闭阀门

    Inflate therm arest mattress by mouth as hard as possible, then quickly close the valve.

  28. 汤姆今天特别沮丧, 因为他收到了女朋友得吹灯信。

    Tom was very upset today, for he got a Dear John letter from his girlfriend.

  29. 一定要尽可能多地听鬼吹灯网游视频专业的英语录音带。

    Listen to English profe ional tapes as much as po ible.


  1. 问:吹灯拼音怎么拼?吹灯的读音是什么?吹灯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吹灯的读音是chuīdēng,吹灯翻译成英文是 To blow out a lamp.; To die.; To fail, to break u...

  2. 问:吹灯拔蜡拼音怎么拼?吹灯拔蜡的读音是什么?吹灯拔蜡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吹灯拔蜡的读音是chuīdēngbálà,吹灯拔蜡翻译成英文是 To die or to fail.



chuī dēngㄔㄨㄟ ㄉㄥ吹灯(吹灯)◎吹灯chuīdēng(1)[blow out a lamp]∶把灯火吹灭(2)[die]〈方〉∶指人死去年一场病,差点儿吹灯(3)[defeat]〈方〉∶事情失败(含戏谑意)

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