




1. 含 [hán]含 [hán]衔在嘴里,不吐出也不咽下:~一口水。~漱剂。~英咀(jǔ)华(喻反复琢磨体味文章的妙处)。~饴弄孙(含着糖逗小孙子,形容老年人的乐趣)。藏在里面,包容在里面:包~。~义。~量。~苞。~蕴。~混。~垢纳污(指……



汉语拼音:yùn hán







  1. We may want to go reread some of her more lapidary work, now appreciating the vulnerable soul that shared a body with that radical will.


  2. The congruent theory is one of the core contents of number theory, containing a great deal of special thought, concept and method.


  3. The new Chinese curriculum contains the advanced concept of the education, it plays an important role in the direction of the guidelines.


  4. Whether this form of lending has led to peace, the presumptive reasoning behind the award, is just as big an unanswered question.


  5. You start to see how even the repetitive movements of the spools and pegs had a certain symmetrical beauty.


  6. With my background in chemistry, I saw the potential in these kind of pictures and am so glad to be able to offer them up as art works.


  7. Green, it indicates the coming of spring, symbolizing the desire to contain the land of affection and gratitude of the sun and rain.


  8. And yet, as the Kauffman Foundation rolls on, with its vast cash pile, I cannot help chuckling at the irony of all this.


  9. Mild enough to be used on the face as well as the body, the Complexion Bar blends glycerine and honey to maintain skin moisture.


  1. 条件蕴含门

    conditional implication gate.

  2. 问题蕴含系统

    Problems comprising system

  3. 模拟蕴含学习

    Simulated Implication Learning.

  4. 条件蕴含运算

    conditional implication operation

  5. 时序素蕴含式

    sequential prime implicant.

  6. 预蕴含程序

    preimplication routine

  7. 一般蕴含算子

    the generalization implication operator

  8. 幂集蕴含运算符

    powerset inclusion operator

  9. 房地产板块蕴含机会

    Potential opportunities for Real Estate Industry

  10. 听, 听, 破坏者和蕴含者!

    Destroyer and Preserver hear , O hear!

  11. 用典中的蕴含之研究

    The Study of the Implication of Allusion

  12. 虚拟世界的哲学蕴含

    Philosophical Connotation of Virtual World

  13. 蕴含企业用人之道

    On the Enterprise Personnel Placement Contained by the Book of Changes

  14. 蕴含在其中的同情心

    Sympathy that it implied the ugly duckling

  15. 地下蕴含着丰富的铁矿。

    There are rich iron mines underground.

  16. 神秘数字的法文化蕴含

    Implication of Legal Culture in Mysterious Numbers

  17. 不在中又蕴含着存在。

    Absence implies presence.

  18. 其中蕴含着诸神的力量

    It carries the power of the gods.

  19. 其中蕴含着诸神的力量。

    It carries the power of the gods.

  20. 他的声音中蕴含着批评。

    There was implicit criticism in his voice.

  21. 模糊蕴含运算和模糊推理研究

    On the Relation between Fuzzy Implication and Reasoning Operators

  22. 不要怀疑其蕴含的深意。

    There could be no doubt about the implication.

  23. 它蕴含着深深地抑郁声调。

    It has a deep melancholy ring.

  24. 刑法谦抑性之价值蕴含

    On the Content of the Value In the Restraining Criminal Law

  25. 它们也蕴含了丰富的信息。

    They also have tremendous information.

  26. 数学中蕴含的文化价值摭谈

    Account of the Cultural Value in Mathematics

  27. 箴言蕴含一原理的简练语句

    A brief statement of a principle.

  28. 这个故事中蕴含着一些谋略。

    There were a few devices in the story.

  29. 论思想工作蕴含的领导艺术

    On Lead arts of Ideologist and Political Work

  30. 关于格蕴含代数的公理系统

    On Axiom Systems for Lattice Implication Algebras


  1. 问:蕴含拼音怎么拼?蕴含的读音是什么?蕴含翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蕴含的读音是yùnhán,蕴含翻译成英文是 To contain, to comprise.

  2. 问:蕴含门拼音怎么拼?蕴含门的读音是什么?蕴含门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蕴含门的读音是yùn hán mén,蕴含门翻译成英文是 IF-THEN gate

  3. 问:蕴含元素拼音怎么拼?蕴含元素的读音是什么?蕴含元素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蕴含元素的读音是miǎn qiǎng,蕴含元素翻译成英文是 if then element

  4. 问:蕴含共相拼音怎么拼?蕴含共相的读音是什么?蕴含共相翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蕴含共相的读音是yùn hán gòng xiàng,蕴含共相翻译成英文是 implicational universal

  5. 问:蕴含操作拼音怎么拼?蕴含操作的读音是什么?蕴含操作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蕴含操作的读音是yùn hán cāo zuò,蕴含操作翻译成英文是 if then operation

  6. 问:蕴含时钟拼音怎么拼?蕴含时钟的读音是什么?蕴含时钟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蕴含时钟的读音是yùn hán shí zhōng,蕴含时钟翻译成英文是 inclusive clocking

  7. 问:蕴含算法拼音怎么拼?蕴含算法的读音是什么?蕴含算法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蕴含算法的读音是yùn hán suàn fǎ,蕴含算法翻译成英文是 inclusive algorithm



蕴含,词语,读作”yùn hán“,意思是包含在内。

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