


1. 爪 [zhǎo]2. 爪 [zhuǎ]爪 [zhǎo]指甲或趾甲:趾端有~。鸟兽的脚指:鹰~。~牙(喻党羽,狗腿子)。一鳞半~。抓。爪 [zhuǎ]禽兽的脚(多指有尖甲的):鸡~子。狗~子。像爪的东西,这个锅有三个~儿。……





汉语拼音:zhǎo yá








  1. 人的指甲和牙齿。

    《吕氏春秋·恃君》:“凡人之性,爪牙不足以自守卫。”《初学记》卷五引 晋 杨泉 《物理论》:“石,气之核也。气之生核,犹人筋络之生爪牙也。”

  2. 动物的尖爪和利牙。

    《荀子·劝学》:“螾无爪牙之利、筋骨之强,上食埃土,下饮黄泉,用心一也。” 汉 桓宽 《盐铁论·险固》:“虎兕所以能执熊羆,服羣兽者,爪牙利而攫便也。” 唐 卢纶 《腊日观咸宁王部曲娑勒擒豹歌》:“歘然扼顙批其颐,爪牙委地涎淋漓。”《西游记》第三四回:“虎斗时,爪牙乱落。” 冰心 《寄小读者》二七:“看见过力士搏狮么?当他屏息负隅,张空拳于狰狞的爪牙之下的时候,他虽有震恐,虽有狂傲,但他决不暇有萧瑟与悲哀。”

  3. 喻勇士;卫士。

    《诗·小雅·祈父》:“祈父!予王之爪牙。” 郑玄 笺:“此勇力之士。” 唐 陆贽 《普王荆襄江西道兵马都元帅制》:“三事大夫竭诚於内,羣帅爪牙宣力於外。”《古今小说·吴保安弃家赎友》:“ 李都督 虽然驍勇,奈英雄无用武之地。手下爪牙看看将尽,叹曰:‘悔不听 郭判官 之言,乃为犬羊所侮。’” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·局诈》:“见天子坐殿上,爪牙森立。”

  4. 比喻武臣。

    《汉书·陈汤传》:“战克之将,国之爪牙,不可不重也。” 唐 颜真卿 《右武卫将军臧公神道碑铭》:“公兄左羽林军大将军平卢副持节 怀亮 ,以 方虎 之才,膺爪牙之任。” 清 顾炎武 《日知录·夫子之言性与天道》:“股肱惰而万事荒,爪牙亡而四国乱。”

  5. 形容勇武。

    《国语·越语上》:“夫虽无四方之忧,然谋臣与爪牙之士,不可不养而择也。” 唐 元稹 《宋常春等内仆局令》:“勑:近制选内臣之善於其职者,监视诸镇,盖所以将我腹心之命达於爪牙之士也。” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷十一:“爪牙之将,用不拘资。”《花月痕》第四回:“本爵钦承威命,统领之戎,招募悉拳勇之材,团练集爪牙之利。”

  6. 党羽;帮凶。

    《史记·酷吏列传》:“是以 汤 虽文深意忌不专平,然得此声誉。而刻深吏多为爪牙用者,依於文学之士。” 唐 元结 《问进士》之一:“外以奉王命为辞,内实理车甲,招宾客,树爪牙。” 清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·时事·刘庸夫》:“无非为一己之耳目爪牙,得以於中取利。” 周立波 《暴风骤雨》第二部二二:“ 郭全海 寻思‘ 满洲国 ’这么一个大密探,藏在这儿一年多,没有发觉,一定有爪牙。”



  1. In fact, they were all merely fronts for the dark minions and their Anunnaki overlords.


  2. We, in turn, have stepped up our unswerving determination to justly resolve the whole issue of the dark and their minions.


  3. The Laughing Man issued his orders to the crew through a black silk screen. Not even Omba, the lovable dwarf, was permitted to see his face.


  4. for the agents of the Dark Lord will be drawn to its power.


  5. It is still a useful military motif: recall the playing cards used to represent Saddam Hussein and his most-wanted cohorts.


  6. His pawns sit in temple, get a name of living Buddha, touch people's head. Our people then give the money which for buying herds to temple.


  7. A great deal of subtle change is underway, provoking much upheaval and trepidation in the ranks of the cabal.


  8. So now the stage is being set for the dark to remove their minions from office.


  9. Like their wild relatives, domestic cats are natural hunters able to stalk prey and pounce with sharp claws and teeth.


  1. 法律的爪牙

    arm of the law.

  2. 他是匪首的爪牙。

    He's an underling of a gang leader.

  3. 他是匪首的爪牙。

    He's an underling of the gang leader.

  4. 骑士是国王的爪牙。

    The knights were the tools of the king.

  5. 培养他们成为我的爪牙。

    And set them to work for me as pickpockets.

  6. 即使那个爪牙也怀着怨恨。

    Even the pawn must hold a grudge.

  7. 更多银黎明的爪牙,毫无疑问。

    More pawns of the Argent Dawn, no doubt.

  8. 更多银黎明得爪牙,毫无疑问。

    More pawns of the Argent Dawn, no doubt.

  9. 如黑铁一般的爪牙,如黑夜一般的皮毛。

    Claws of black steel. Fur as dark night.

  10. 我就是要教唆这群没用的爪牙

    The ringleader of this circus of worthless pawns

  11. 马上就要失去你最得意的爪牙了。

    About to lose his favorite pawn.

  12. 恐怕你的威胁已被剔除了爪牙。

    Well, I'm afraid that threat no longer has any teeth in it.

  13. 撒但和它的爪牙也会伪装自己。

    Satan and his followers have disguises too.

  14. 撒但和它得爪牙也会伪装自己。

    Satan and his followers have disguises too.

  15. 大家认为这个大使是腐败政府的爪牙。

    The ambassador was widely regarded as the tool of his corrupt government.

  16. 大家认为这个大使是腐败政府的爪牙。

    The ambassador was widely regarded as the tool of his corrupt government.

  17. 艾拉成了为他攫取强大力量的爪牙。

    She became his pawn in his bid for power.

  18. 许多高级军事领袖成了外国政府的爪牙。

    Many senior military leaders had become the tools of foreign governments.

  19. 撒但亦有很多堕落的天使作他的爪牙。

    Satan also has a great number of fallen angels who are his messengers of evil.

  20. 憔悴向我突袭而来,通过你的脚爪牙而向我袭击。

    Upon me Thou wilt pounce, and pierce me through with Thy claws.

  21. 他屈身蹲伏,无倚无靠的人,就倒在他爪牙之下,

    He croucheth, and humbleth himself, that the poor may fall by his strong ones.

  22. 而事实上,他们只是他们的主子阿努奇人前线的爪牙。

    In fact, they were all merely fronts for the dark minions and their Anunnaki overlords.

  23. 没有让暴力掌权者的爪牙,找到攻击莎士比亚的借口。

    Has not let the violence hierarch the lackey, found attacks Shakespeare's excuse.

  24. 然而, 他们的爪牙拒绝追随阿努奇人加入光的决定。

    Their minions, however, refuse to abide by the decisions of the Anunnaki to rejoin the forces of Light.

  25. 不在于伊拉克或者伊朗 而是大学教授和他们的爪牙

    the problem in this country, facing this country is the university professors and their spawn.

  26. 熔核猎犬是拉格纳罗斯和其爪牙邪恶但忠诚的奴仆。

    Core hounds are the vicious but faithful servants of Ragnaros and his minions.

  27. 熔核猎犬是拉格纳罗斯和其爪牙邪恶但忠诚得奴仆。

    Core hounds are the vicious but faithful servants of Ragnaros and his minions.

  28. 杰克将他的家人藏在车后, 盖恩斯和他的爪牙们向他们开火。

    Jack hides his family behind the van as Gaines and his men fire at them.

  29. 杰克·谢泼德曾为怀尔德出力抢劫和杀害良民,结果使怀尔德得以富有。他就是那些和老板翻脸的爪牙之一,于是当然就被出卖给了当局。

    Jack Sheppard, who had robbed for Wild and killed honest men so that Wild might grow rich, was one of those who fell out with the boss and was duly betrayed to the authorities.


  1. 问:爪牙拼音怎么拼?爪牙的读音是什么?爪牙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:爪牙的读音是zhǎoyá,爪牙翻译成英文是 flunkey



爪牙( vassels),现多比喻为坏人效力的人,他们的党羽,帮凶。是贬义词。原指动物的尖爪和利牙。古代则是得力帮手的意思,属于褒义。

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