







汉语拼音:qǐ qù










  1. 起身离开。

    《后汉书·刘盆子传》:“ 恭 惶恐起去, 盆子 乃下牀。” 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·简傲》:“移时不交一言, 钟 起去。 康 曰:‘何所闻而来?何所见而去?’ 钟 曰:‘闻所闻而来,见所见而去。’” 唐 杜甫 《燕子来舟中作》诗:“暂语船檣还起去,穿花落水益霑巾。” 清 沉复 《浮生六记·闺房记乐》:“余窥帘见 芸 忽起去,良久不出。”

  2. 指起床。

    《警世通言·计押番金鳗产祸》:“天色雨下,怕有做不是的。起去看一看,放心。” 明 汤显祖 《紫箫记·胜游》:“今日俺同来,你不得睡了,把酒酌一杯,起去游玩。” 吴因易 《梨园谱》第五章:“ 筱纤红 急了,忙推他:‘咋个还睡倒啰?起去!’”

  3. 起立。

    李劼人 《大波》第三部第二章:“由领头一个官员做出猫儿声气问:‘皇上圣躬安好?’钦差应当答说:‘圣躬安好!……起去!’而后官员们才起身与钦差相见。”

  4. 升起;上去。


  5. 用在动词后,表示动作的趋向。

    《朱子语类》卷六五:“《先天图》今所写者,是以一岁之运言之,若大而古今十二万九千六百年,亦只是这圈子,小而一日一时,亦只是这圈子,都从《復》上推起去。”《水浒传》第二八回:“ 武松 再把右手去地里一提,提将起来,望空只一掷,掷起去离地一丈来高。” 老舍 《四世同堂》五一:“星露出一两个来,又忽然的藏起去。”



  1. It is going to be very hectic but im hoping to squeeze a week in somewhere with my family.


  2. Some of what was in the back of the van was coming with us to our new home, but a lot more was to be dropped off at the auction house later.


  3. You'd love to be able to take a trip this autumn with your husband without worrying about Dad while you're gone.


  4. He expected her to go with him.


  5. After about a week, we shopped for a new suit, found one, and he looked especially handsome as he modeled it.


  6. Today, I found out that I'm 8 weeks pregnant. Tomorrow, I'm supposed to be leaving for Paris with my college abstinence group for a year.


  7. Can he come with me to the library ? No, he cannot. But susan might be able to go.


  8. If an alien landed and asked you to leave with him in his spaceship, would you?


  9. But being closer to California has made it more useful, and he last made the trip a year ago with his wife, Wanda.


  1. 她的声音又高了起去。

    Her voice was rising again.

  2. 啊, 我念起去了, 我往没有了。

    Oh, that reminds me. I can't go.

  3. 他负担不起去澳大利亚的旅费。

    He couldn't afford the trip to australia.

  4. 因而我快速站起去给她让座。

    So I stood up quickly and gave my seat to her.

  5. 她看起去很健壮, 但是仍旧斑斓。

    She looked weak, but still beautiful.

  6. 要不要和我 起去山里骑自行车?

    Would you like to go bicycling with me in the mountains?

  7. 不过我想明天早点起去做弥撒。

    But I want to get up early for mass tomorrow.

  8. 不过结果看起去, 我确实保守了点。

    But it looked like we were a bit on the conservative side.

  9. 只有有钱人才能花得起去国外旅行。

    Only man of means could afford to travel abroad.

  10. 许多病人很穷, 以致于承担不起去医院得费用。

    Many of our patients are so poor that they can't afford to travel to hospital.

  11. 许多病人很穷,以致于承担不起去医院的费用。

    Many of our patients are so poor that they can't afford to travel to hospital.

  12. 只有最富的人们才担负得起去那个度假胜地的费用

    Only the superrich were able to afford trips to that resort.

  13. 因付不起去澳大利亚的船票, 他就在船上打工抵付。

    He couldn't afford his fare to australia, so he worked his passage.

  14. 但是有很多病人根本就付不起去往该医院的车费。

    But many of his patients cannot even afford the bus fare to get there.

  15. 他鼓起勇气去面试。

    He summoned up his courage for the job interview.

  16. 那么鼓起勇气去战斗吧!

    So brace yourselves for assault!

  17. 我想不起怎么去动物园了。

    I cant think how to get to the zoo.

  18. 他鼓起勇气去与主席谈话。

    He steeled himself to speak to the chairman.

  19. 我鼓起勇气去找牙科医生。

    I screwed up my courage and went to the dentist.

  20. 拿起笤帚去清扫某人的房子。

    Take a broom and clean someone's house.

  21. 他记起小时候去教堂参加礼拜。

    He remembers attending church as a little boy.

  22. 他记起小时候去教堂参加礼拜。

    He remembers attending church as a little boy.

  23. 他鼓起勇气去做这项工作。

    He summoned up his courage to do the work.

  24. 我的车坏了, 所以我起旱去上班。

    My car is broken, so I go to work on foot.

  25. 孩子们, 你们应鼓起勇气去看看它。

    Kids, you should square your shoulders and go to see it.

  26. 她鼓起勇气去从事那艰钜的任务。

    She braced up for the arduous task.

  27. 她鼓起勇气去从事那艰巨的任务。

    She braced up for the arduous task.

  28. 你应鼓起勇气去承认自己的错误。

    You should bear up to admit your mistakes.

  29. 她似乎打不起精神去做任何事情。

    She seemed to be unable to rouse herself to do anything.

  30. 他理直领带,打起精神去参加会议。

    He straightened his tie and steeled himself for the meeting.

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