






1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……





汉语拼音:zhì shǒu kě rè




热得烫手。唐杜甫《丽人行》诗:“炙手可热势绝伦。” 比喻权势很大,气焰很盛,使人不敢接近。炙:烤。



  1. One of the worst things that can happen to a technology is for it to become so hot that changing basic pieces of it becomes impossible.


  2. So let me tell you what happens to a 20yearold at the top of a hot dotcom.


  3. Then it might come as a bit of a surprise to you, particularly these days, to learn. . . that Russian women are hot.


  4. Jackson was also constantly trying to stretch himself as an artist, working with the latest hot producers to stay current.


  5. But this minimalist festive alternative is proving to be something of a hit, according to its sellers John Lewis.


  6. By now every investor on the planet is trying to handicap what happens when China's scorching-hot stock markets finally start to cool off.


  7. One of these appointees was William Marbury, a native of Maryland and a prosperous financier.


  8. However , by the time the West learned of Roshomon , Kurosawa was already a well-established director in his own country .


  9. Piquant, therefore, to see hot talent Christopher Kane exhibiting a rah-rah dress in an army camouflage print.


  1. 生鱼片现在可是炙手可热。

    Raw fish is sizzling hot right now.

  2. 近来炙手可热的年轻才俊之一

    one of the hottest young talents around.

  3. 铁甲威龙让你炙手可热。

    You're making a name for yourself in security concepts with robocop.

  4. 眼下, 帕奎奥是炙手可热的天字第一号。

    Now, Pacquiao is the hottest thing going in the world.

  5. 他是个炙手可热的房地产开发商。

    He's a hotshot real estate developer.

  6. 尽管平板炙手可热,联网电视却门可罗雀。

    While Tablets are hot, connected TVs are not.

  7. 我想看看炙手可热的人物是什么模样。

    I wanted to see what the hotshot was like.

  8. 近几年,物联网成为炙手可热的名词。

    In recent years, the Internet of Things gradually becomes a hot market.

  9. 我们的排球对今年出人意料之外地炙手可热

    Our volleyball team is hot stuff this year.

  10. 雪人的这种形象很快就变得炙手可热了。

    This image of the snowman soon became lucrative.

  11. 随着乳源得日益紧俏,养奶牛炙手可热。

    As lacteal source increasingly close spruce, raise milk cow hot.

  12. 随着乳源的日益紧俏,养奶牛炙手可热。

    As lacteal source increasingly close spruce, raise milk cow hot.

  13. 从2002年到2006年,房子成为投资界炙手可热的投资对象。

    From 2002 to 2006, houses went from a tortoise a hare in the investment world.

  14. 这位年轻而又炙手可热的明星,可谓前途无量。

    The career possibilities for this young hot star seem endless.

  15. 你手上可就有一大堆炙手可热的歌曲了

    you've got a massive hit on your hands.

  16. 在北美洲,青少年杂志是一项炙手可热的事业项目。

    In North America, teen magazines are a huge business.

  17. 仅仅给客户一个炙手可热的项目已经远远不够。

    This seat is being hotly contested by the politicians.

  18. 新能源计划炙手可热, 华仪电气风机设备加速布局。

    Hot new energy plan, electric fan Miriam China to speed up the layout of equipment.

  19. 随着周杰伦的大红,方文山也成了炙手可热的人物。

    Jay Chou as the red, Wenshan party figures have also become hot.

  20. 当阅读原创文学作品成为网民习惯,文学网站也炙手可热。

    Should read achieve literary work to make netizen habit formerly, literary website is hot also.

  21. 随着周杰伦得大红,方文山也成了炙手可热得人物。

    Jay Chou as the red, Wenshan party figures have also become hot.

  22. 欢乐合唱团绝对是美国当今最炙手可热的音乐喜剧了。

    Glee is an extremely popular American musical comedydrama television series.

  23. 在我们的时代, 华府是对炙手可热的古罗马的最近似复刻。

    Here is the nearest facsimile our age offers to the might of ancient Rome.

  24. 爱滋病护理是常今炙手可热的议题, 亦是发展中的一门专业。

    AIDS care is a hot issue in the world. It is a developing professional concern.

  25. 薰衣草洁面是我们管状产品中最炙手可热得一款。

    Lavender Cleanser is the latest addition to our popular Organic Tube Range.


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    答:炙手可热的读音是zhìshǒukěrè,炙手可热翻译成英文是 hot enough to scald one's hands; the suprem...



炙手可热势绝伦,慎莫近前丞相嗔。 唐·杜甫《丽人行》,也出自于生活。

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