


1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……









汉语拼音:dé yī wàng shí






得一望十 [dé yī wàng shí]
  1. 比喻贪得无厌。




  1. 网络
  2. obtain one and long for ten

  1. 得一望十, 得十望百。

    As wealth grows, care and greed for greater wealth follows after.

  2. 得一望十,得十望百。

    As wealth grows ,care and greed for greater wealth follows after .

  3. 我们一家生活得十分幸福。

    We have a happy family.

  4. 他又一次获胜,并且赢得十分轻松。

    He had won again,won hands down.

  5. 我读了一本写得十分精彩得小说。

    I read a beautifully written novel.

  6. 那是一个装饰得十分美丽的棺材。

    There is a beautifully decorated casket.

  7. 我读了一本写得十分精彩的小说。

    I read a beautifully written novel.

  8. 是他在十九年里所赚得一倍。

    Double what he had earned in nineteen years.

  9. 罗得的妻子向后一望,就变成了盐柱。

    But Lot's wife, looking back, became a pillar of salt.

  10. 这一趋势将使台湾的老龄化变得十分严重。

    On these trends, Taiwan will become rather geriatric.

  11. 在他面前站着一个长得十分袖珍的家伙。

    Before him stood a shrimp of a fellow.

  12. 昭和十七年得一钱硬币有收藏价值吗

    Showa 15 years there is a coin collection worth the money you?

  13. 接着, 在一九一七年爆发了伟大得十月革命。

    Then in along came the Great October Revolution.

  14. 她长得十分美丽, 自有一种风度, 而且十分有吸引力。

    She is very pretty, in her own style, and very attractive.

  15. 一位好老师一定要能够把事情说得十分清楚。

    A good teacher has to be able to put thing over clearly.

  16. 富兰克象其他人一样, 这一天过得十分愉快。

    Like everybody else, Frank had an exciting day.

  17. 这条河得十支支流中, 这可能是最小得一支了。

    This is probably the smallest of the ten branches of the river.

  18. 每杀死一个外星人得一分, 摧毁一架外星船得十分。

    You get one point per alien and ten points for destroying an alien ship.

  19. 每次一听到这首歌,我就会哭得十分伤心。

    Every time I heard the song, I would cry my heart out.

  20. 每年得十月,董事会五个中有一个席位开始提名。

    One of the five board seats comes up for appointment each October.

  21. 这过去得十年对我来说就是生命中得一场迷乱。

    The past ten years of my life are a blur.

  22. 早期作品仅有一种淡淡的哀戚,后来逐渐变得十分鲜明。

    Grief that expressed lightly in early works became obvious later.

  23. 詈语就是骂人的话, 作为一种语言现象, 研究得十分不够。

    Swearwords, or curses, have not been studied much as a linguistic phenomenon.

  24. 抬头一望, 他看到邻舍窗口上站着一个很小得人儿。

    Looking up, he saw a very little creature at a neighbouring window.

  25. 猫鼬一家无法离开这个沙漠平原, 现在的日子过得十分艰难。

    For the meerkat family unable to leave the desert plains, life is now really tough.

  26. 这个家族得一支旁系于十八世纪在那个岛上定居下来。

    An offshoot of the family settled down on the island in the eighteenth century.

  27. 当一个吃完一顿饭站起来时,他应该感到还没有吃得十分饱。

    One should always get up from a meal feeling one could eat a little more.

  28. 所谓一毛钱,也就是一美元得十分之一。

    A dime piece of money whose value is one tenth of a dollar.

  29. 欢喜得望着一只只船漂过大洋彼岸,

    Watching the crows of ships flowing to the other shore of the ocean joyfully.

  30. 我得家是永恒得天空,下面是一望深蓝得海水。

    My home was the forever sky above that green sea.



得一望十 (dé yī wàng shí)

解释:得到一分,又巴望得到十分。形容十分贪婪。 出处:明·冯梦龙《醒世恒言》卷十七:“身子恰像生铁铸就,熟铜打成,长生不死一般,日夜思算,得一望十,得十望百,规程上去,分文不舍得妄费。” 用法:作谓语、定语;指贪婪

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