




1. 庶 [shù]庶 [shù]众多:~务。~物。~绩。富~。平民,百姓:~民。~人。黎~。宗法制度下家庭的旁支,与“嫡”相对:~子(妾生的儿子)。~母(嫡出子女称父亲的妾)。~姓(古代称与帝王没有亲属关系的异姓诸侯)。表示希望发生或出现……



汉语拼音:fù shù





物产丰富,人口众 多。庶:众多。



  1. 《论语·子路》:“ 冉有 曰:‘既庶矣,又何加焉?’曰:‘富之。’”后因以“富庶”指物资丰富,人口众多。亦单指物产丰富。

    唐 韩愈 《酬裴十六功曹巡府西驿途中见寄》诗:“四海日富庶,道途隘蹄轮。” 元 胡助 《怀来道中》诗:“荒落久寧静,富庶或成市。” 杨朔 《赤道雪》:“想不到 坦噶尼喀 竟这样富庶,产金刚石、金子、银子,以及犀牛角、象牙等珍贵物品。”



  1. Herefrom, Guangzhou has become the richest place of south of the Five Ridges , has also has begun to have had "Guangzhou " .


  2. Genghiz Khan decided to leave southern China alone and swing westwards, through central Asia, to- wards the rich Moslem kingdom of Persia.


  3. It might be hard to imagine that this wealthy land which enjoys the reputation of "heaven on earth" then was covered with thorns and lakes.


  4. Without a strong and steady economic background, one could never imagine an easy and simple life, let al one a rich and luxurious one.


  5. The shabby flats , the unpaid bills , the senseless, all pervading sickness in the boom city of fat America began to depress Bethune .


  6. The rising affluence of some London residents was a reason for the city's increasing crime levels, according to one of the report's authors.


  7. He may have it continue until the riches earned from two hundred fifty years of slavery are gone.


  8. Miletus was a rich commercial city, in which primitive prejudices and superstitions were softened by intercourse with many nations.


  9. With annual average incomes even in the wealthy coastal cities around $1, 500, it is not hard to see where golf's elitist image comes from.


  1. 富庶的山村

    a prosperous village.

  2. 并封之富庶之地商鞅。

    And the closure of the rich land of Shang Yang.

  3. 极为富庶或机会极多的地方

    a place of fabulous wealth or inordinately great opportunity

  4. 满怀豪情迎接新时代的富庶与和谐。

    An affluent and harmonious life in the new era.

  5. 广泛阅读教导人生之富庶、复杂和神秘。

    What wide reading teaches is the richness, the complexity, the mystery of life.

  6. 汉江下游流过一片富庶得低地。

    The lower course of the Han Shui flows through a rich lowland.

  7. 这里气候温和, 雨量充沛, 资源丰富, 物产富庶。

    Zengzi's hometown. Here a mild climate, abundant rainfall and rich in resources, products affluent.

  8. 富庶的工业国家播下了全球变暖的种子。

    Rich industrialised countries have sown the seeds of global warming.

  9. 所有较富庶的国家都位于这个危险地带之外。

    All the richer countries lie outside this danger zone.

  10. 就自然资源而言,伊拉克最富庶的国家之一。

    Iraq is one of the richest countries in terms of its natural resources.

  11. 他出生在江苏江阴一个有名的富庶之家。

    He was born in Jiangyin city, Jiangsu province, a prosperous family of the famous.

  12. 埃尔多拉多想象中极为富庶或机会极多的地方

    A place of fabulous wealth or inordinately great opportunity.

  13. 与美国其他富庶的地方相比,南方现在只是略微落后。

    The South is now only a shade behind the rest of the affluent United States.

  14. 宪兵骑士维护费用高昂,只有富庶国家方有财力成军。

    Expensive to maintain, though, only the wealthiest states can afford them.

  15. 浩瀚的韩江建瓴而下,哺育两岸广博而富庶的潮汕平原。

    The Han Jiang of vast builds Ling and fall, feed two sides is encyclopedical and the wet Shan Campagna of rich and popular.

  16. 你能相信在如此富庶的国家有这么多贫穷的人吗?

    Can you believe that in such rich countries there should be so many poor people?

  17. 要说每个想变贫困为富庶的人都将会成功, 这是不现实的。

    It is unrealistic that everyone can succeed in turning poverty to wealth.


  1. 问:富庶拼音怎么拼?富庶的读音是什么?富庶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:富庶的读音是fùshù,富庶翻译成英文是 rich and populous



注音fù shù解释物产丰富,人口众多[be rich and populous]近义词富饶反义词贫穷 贫瘠 贫苦

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