




1. 的 [dí]2. 的 [dì]3. 的 [de]的 [dí]真实,实在:~确。~当(dàng )。~情。~真。~证。的 [dì]箭靶的中心:中(zhòng )~。有~放矢。众矢之~。目~(要达到的目标、境地)。的 [de]用在词或词组……





汉语拼音:sī de kè






  1. [英stick]英语手杖的音译。

    叶圣陶 《倪焕之》二七:“看他挺胸凸肚,一手执着司的克,这边一挥,那边一指,一副不可一世的气概,他还是一伙里的头脑呢!” 茅盾 《小三》:“倘使你以为绅士也者,一定得手拿司的克,那么,就把他当作公子身份的挂名大学生也好。” 王统照 《银龙的翻身》:“那一对男女并不象一般外国人,提了司的克,背起水壶,爬山越岭,或是狂喝着大瓶的汽水、啤酒,快乐,说笑。”



  1. 网络
  2. Stick

  1. 国际贸易法司的活动。

    Activities of the International Trade Law Division.

  2. 品质信用是我司的本质!

    Credit quality is the essence of Division I!

  3. 两个司的领导都是妇女。

    The heads of both the divisions are women.

  4. 我司对你司的报价很感兴趣

    We are very interested in your binding quote and remain with

  5. 我司的产品质量属中高档次。

    Our products are of high quality grades.

  6. 那是小说司的那个黑头发姑娘。

    It was the girl from the Fiction Department, the girl with dark hair.

  7. 对该司的询价信, 我们已经回复。

    We answer the inquiry received from the firm.

  8. 该委员会建议暂时禁止对人的克

    that recommended a temporary ban on human cloning.

  9. 你看她那身派力司的套裙,多好看!

    Look, what a beautiful paisley suit she is wearing!

  10. 你看她那身派力司的套裙,多好看!

    Look, what a beautiful paisley suit she is wearing!

  11. 请参考本页背面我司的专用条款。

    Please refer to our exclusion clause on the back of this page.

  12. 美国国会应该现在就禁止人的克

    The U. S. Congress should ban human cloning now.

  13. 十五。海洋事务和海洋法司的活动

    Activities of the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea

  14. 他是南加州大学心血管医学司的司长。

    Leslie Saxon, chief of the division of cardiovascular medicine at USC.

  15. 私营部门司的应收帐款呆帐备抵额

    Private Sector Division allowance for doubtful accounts receivable

  16. 在外交部, 一位亚洲司的代表接见了我。

    At the foreign office, I was interviewed by a representative of the Asia Desk.

  17. 为客户打通货物流通渠道是我司的目标。

    To channel the flow of goods, open up the Division I is the goal.

  18. 这将有助于增强调解司的影响力和效能。

    This will help enhance the Mediation Division's impact and effectiveness.

  19. 附件二内的组织图显示非洲司的新结构。

    An organization chart showing the new structure of the Africa Division is provided in annex II.

  20. 那女孩因挨了老师的克, 正在那里哭。

    The girl is crying for being criticized by her teacher.

  21. 听到这消息我的克无法控制我的兴奋之情。

    I can not restrain my excitement about the news.

  22. 选援司的技术援助水平被认为是高质量的。

    The Division's level of technical support is described as high quality.

  23. 我司的主营名贵木材加工而成的家具, 摆设等。

    Our Main luxurious of the furniture from wood processing , and other furnishings.

  24. 我们以客户的利益为我司的利益且我们的信誉有口皆碑。

    We take the customer's benefits as benefits and our prestiges that I take charge of to enjoy great popularity.

  25. 客户至上,货期准时,质量保证是我司的宗旨!

    Customer First, the goods on time period, quality assurance is the purpose of Division I!

  26. 对信息、执行局事务和资源调动司的管理审计

    Management audit of the Information, Executive Board and Resource Mobilization Division

  27. 维持和平经费筹措司和帐务司的职能详述于下。

    The functions of Peacekeeping Financing Division and Accounts Division are described in detail below.

  28. 外勤部所有四个司的工作人员都参加了算盘小组。

    The Abacus teams contained staff from all four divisions of the Department.

  29. 会司已经搭建了一个小型展览室陈列本会司的产品。

    A small exhibition unit has been constructed to take samples of the company's products.

  30. 错开会议,以便在全年内更有效地利用该司的房地

    Staggering of meetings and, consequently, more efficient use of the Division's premises throughout the year

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