


1. 莫 [mò]2. 莫 [mù]莫 [mò]不要:~哭。没有,无:~大。~非。~名其妙(亦作“莫明其妙”)。不,不能:~如。~逆。~须有。~衷一是(不能得出一致的结论)。爱~能助。古同“漠”,广大。姓。莫 [mù]古同“暮”。……


不,不是:~凡。~法。~分(fèn )。~礼。~但。~同小可。啼笑皆~。不对,过失:痛改前~。文过饰~。习~成是(对于某些错的事情习惯了,反认为是对的)。与“不”呼应,表示必须(有时后面没有“不”字):我~看这本书。责怪,反对:~难(nàn……



汉语拼音:mò fēi



  1. A new sort of way this, for a young fellow to be making love, by breaking his mistress's head, is not it, Miss Elliot?


  2. Was it a case of literary nurture over biological nature?


  3. At this time, his wife said: "Could that be heaven to see our poor, left this bag of money to rescue us? "


  4. Any of a shopping center, will not deny her to the shelter. Only a weak body, entrusted to bear heavy, marching in the rain, is what reason?


  5. A giant replica dung beetle was the star attraction of the ceremony, watched by an estimated 500million people.


  6. At this point, Beijing high school student who has given us a lot of good suggestions, what do we need to hesitate to do?


  7. And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?


  8. I agree, ronaldo has tremendous talent but i he hasnt lived up to the hype, maybe too much pressure? ?


  9. the men wondered how she could remain so calm , and if she was a gang leader.


  1. 妈协会,莫非?

    Mamma mia, does it show again ?

  2. 莫非写错了?

    Could it be that it was written wrongly ?

  3. 莫非你害怕绝对?

    Are you afraid of the absolute?

  4. 普天之下, 莫非王土

    Kings have long arms

  5. 普天之下,莫非王土。

    Kings have long arms.

  6. 霉酚酸莫非替克

    Mycophenolate Mofetic

  7. 莫非这是鬼城?

    Is it possible a ghost town ?

  8. 莫非是一家黑店?

    Is this a slaughter house?

  9. 莫非我们还没断奶?

    Were we not weand till then.

  10. 莫非那对恋人分手了?

    Can it be that the couple have split up?

  11. 莫非,榴莲比臭豆腐还臭?

    Could it be, than the stinky durian smell also ?

  12. 赫那条皮鞭, 莫非他是。

    Hector That whip. Could he be.

  13. 莫非您代表诸神的意愿

    You claim to speak for the gods on this matter?

  14. 莫非老板要给我加工资?

    Is it possible that the boss is going to give me a pay rise ?

  15. 莫非老板要给我加工资?

    Is it possible that the boss is going to give me a pay rise?

  16. 莫非这就是所谓残缺得美?

    Does this name the misshapen beauty so called?

  17. 莫非这就是所谓残缺的美?

    Does this name the misshapen beauty so called ?

  18. 在于什么?莫非我们还没断奶

    Did, till we loved were we not weand till then

  19. 莫非今天是神的末了一天么?

    Is today the limit of God's working time?

  20. 莫非和我们生活在一起不快乐?

    Isn't it happy to live with us?

  21. 莫非你不晓得我有多爱你吗?

    Don't you know how much I love you?

  22. 莫非奥森和女死者睡过

    Orsen was slipping it to the dead chick?

  23. 你这么维护他莫非跟他有一腿?

    Do you have an affair with him?

  24. 你是怎麽回事?莫非你怕暗中吗?

    Raven Whats the matter Afraid of the dark

  25. 莫非你们也要作他的门徒吗?

    Do you want to become his disciples, too?

  26. 莫非我正沿着沙丘走向永恒不成?

    Am I walking into eternity along Sandymount strand?

  27. 莫非第一定律凡事会出错的准会出错。

    Murphys First Law Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

  28. 婺源最有名的莫非就是油菜花了。

    Travel to WuYuan. To see cole flower.

  29. 莫非你真的想玩的就是英语吗?

    Is it true that what you really want to play is English?

  30. 莫非说你甘心情愿被别人玩弄吗?

    Would you rather be trifled with?


  1. 问:莫非拼音怎么拼?莫非的读音是什么?莫非翻译成英文是什么?

    答:莫非的读音是mòfēi,莫非翻译成英文是 could it be; can it be that; is it possible tha...



“莫非”是个多义词,它可以指莫非(著名书法家), 莫非(贝克特的书籍), 莫非(口水畅销书), 莫非(当代诗人摄影家), 莫非(娱乐网站), 莫非(一种定律), 莫非(4 in love演唱歌曲), 莫非(《天涯明月刀》插曲)。

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