




1. 会 [huì]2. 会 [kuài]会 [huì]聚合,合拢,合在一起:~合。~审。~话。多数人的集合或组成的团体:~议。开~。重要的或中心的城市:都(dū)~。省~。彼此见面:~面。~见。付钱:~账。~钞。理解,领悟,懂:~心,体~……




1. 体 [tǐ]2. 体 [tī]体 [tǐ]人、动物的全身:身~。~重。~温。~质。~征(医生在检查病人时所发现的异常变化)。~能。~貌。~魄(体格和精力)。~育。~无完肤。身体的一部分:四~。五~投地。事物的本身或全部:物~。主~。群……



汉语拼音:shè huì qún tǐ






  1. n conclusion, without fast and hard rules of law, a society cannot be expected to be able to comply with those laws.


  2. Now Internet stir is no longer simple individuals, they become stronger, has evolved into a special social group.


  3. Drinking to excess is often given favorable treatment in the media, and in social groups.


  4. External factors. Including the social environment, family status, contact the social groups, the matter of chance, and many other factors.


  5. The sense of belonging to a community tends to disappear when you live fifteen floors up.


  6. There can be no doubt that individuals in forming a social group are like-minded; they understand one another.


  7. [We seem to have] a younger generation that actually is much more tribe-blind or they've created their own social communities.


  8. spread throughout the Roman Empire, weaving together an ever-growing multitude of converts into a new community of ideas and will.


  9. As social group's constituent, the Lily magnolia is separated from her secular with difficulty.


  1. 计算机存取渗透所有得社会群体。

    Computer access will penetrate all groups in society.

  2. 计算机存取渗透所有的社会群体。

    Computer access will penetrate all groups in society.

  3. 按收入高低划分的社会群体或阶层

    income groups

  4. 黑人是这个国家最穷的社会群体。

    Black people constitute the poorest segment of society in the country.

  5. 黑人是这个国家最穷得社会群体。

    Black people constitute the poorest segment of society in the country.

  6. 它打击的是世界上最穷困的社会群体

    Polio strikes the poorest communities in the world.

  7. 部落、种姓和类似社会群体是否包括在内?

    Are tribes, castes and similar social groups included?

  8. 研究社会群体交互动力的社会心理学分支。

    The branch of social psychology that studies the dynamics of interaction in social groups.

  9. 这些信念在某些社会群体中仍很盛行。

    Those beliefs still prevail among certain social groups.

  10. 残疾人是一个特殊而困难的社会群体。

    The disabled form a special social group in straitened circumstances.

  11. 喜欢与别人结交并形成社会群体的倾向。

    The tendency to associate with others and to form social groups.

  12. 最需要这种指导的社会群体是青年男性。

    The section of society most needful of such guidance is the young male.

  13. 委员会将审议与社会群体的状况有关的问题。

    The Commission will consider issues pertaining to the situation of social groups.

  14. 我们都在家庭中成长,家庭给了我们广泛的社会群体。

    We grow up in families; families get wider into social groups.

  15. 儿童也未被明确指定为易受伤害的社会群体。

    Neither are children designated specifically as a vulnerable social group.

  16. 过度饮酒通常会得到媒体和社会群体的良好的照顾。

    Drinking to excess is often given favorable treatment in the media, and in social groups.

  17. 不同社会群体荣耻评价与监督形式的作用与特征

    The Effect and Characteristics of the Estimation and Surveillance about Honour and Disgrace from Different Social Groups

  18. 作为社会群体的组成部分, 木兰难以脱离她的世俗性。

    As social groups constituent, the Lily magnolia is separated from her secular with difficulty.

  19. 失足青年就像浮在水面的油,被社会群体所隔离。

    A group society is like a river while deviant youths are oil, being isolated.

  20. 如果你看看世界各地的社会群体 你会发现暴力时常发生。

    and if you look at lots of societies around the world, you'll see very high rates of violence.

  21. 这笔钱将用于由更广泛的社会群体所选出的项目。

    The money goes to projects chosen by the wider community.

  22. 不健康的饮食习惯更可能出现在低层社会群体的孩子中。

    Poor dietary habits are more likely among children in lower social groups.

  23. 我国是一个发展中大国, 存在不同的阶层和社会群体。

    Our country is a developing nation, which has different social classes and the social groups.

  24. 传统是制定稳定性 为了养家和组成有凝聚力的社会群体。

    Tradition is essential to lay down the stability to raise families and form cohesive social groups.

  25. 元代娼妓业发展繁荣,风尘女子是一个重要的社会群体。

    The prostitute industry was very prosperous in Yuan Dynasty, and prostitute was an important social group at that time.

  26. 社会利益群体

    social stakeholder.

  27. 关怀社会弱势群体

    be concerned about disadvantaged social groups

  28. 论社会弱势群体的成因及其扶助措施

    The Causes of the Helpless People and the Measures to Help them

  29. 这是否只是一种仅存在于社会企业家群体的现象?

    Is this just a phenomenon among social entrepreneurs?

  30. 此种不平等加深了社会各群体之间的不满和抱怨。

    Such inequalities have entrenched disaffection and grievances among various groups in the society.


  1. 问:社会群体拼音怎么拼?社会群体的读音是什么?社会群体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:社会群体的读音是shè huì qún tǐ,社会群体翻译成英文是 sociogroup

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