




1. 会 [huì]2. 会 [kuài]会 [huì]聚合,合拢,合在一起:~合。~审。~话。多数人的集合或组成的团体:~议。开~。重要的或中心的城市:都(dū)~。省~。彼此见面:~面。~见。付钱:~账。~钞。理解,领悟,懂:~心,体~……


1. 风 [fēng]2. 风 [fěng]风 [fēng]空气流动的现象。气象学特指空气在水平方向的流动:~向。~速。~级。~险。~波(喻纠纷或乱子)。~雨如磐(a.指风雨不断,天色黑暗,给人以重压的感觉;b.喻社会黑暗或境地艰难)。~花……





汉语拼音:shè huì fēng qì






  1. I believe the general mood of society will be so terrible that our society won't work normally in the long term.


  2. The examination-oriented education by countless young minds, money-oriented society and plunder the children innocent mind, then what?


  3. So that they are vulnerable to peer or adverse social impact and easy to develop bad habits and bad habits contamination.


  4. "They are bothsubtly and profoundly affected by what goes around them, " he said, including the social climate and perceived support.


  5. Granted, causes of the atmosphere in a society should not be oversimplified.


  6. The social convention quality is the commercial bribe rampant or not objective environment, the spread corruption is a soil which it breeds.


  7. It depends on the construction of good social convention to improve the teaching effect fundamentally .


  8. Such a group of mixed groups and will give social ethos bring what kind of impact?


  9. In a sense, a national public service level, is the country's cultural and moral standards and social climate of an important symbol.


  1. 污染社会风气

    debase the standards of social conduct

  2. 社会风气的败坏

    the corruption of public morals

  3. 社会风气越来越好。

    Social mores are improving.

  4. 造就良好的社会风气

    foster high standard of social conduct

  5. 赌博对社会风气的影响。

    The impact of gambling on society.

  6. 败坏党的名声和社会风气

    tarnish the reputation of the Party and degrade social conduct

  7. 另一方面, 社会风气也有罪责。

    But social mores are also culpable.

  8. 送生日礼物是一种社会风气。

    It is customary to give people gifts on their birthday.

  9. 第三, 是受不良社会风气的影响。

    The third one is the infection of vogue of badness.

  10. 它污染了社会风气,威胁着社会稳定。

    Degenerate and become decadent, which spoils the general mood of society and threats the social stability.

  11. 同样的,我们可以改变滥用抗生素的社会风气。

    We could change social norms around antibiotic use too.

  12. 我们应该努力维护公共道德, 改进社会风气。

    We should strive to safeguard public morals and improve social climate.

  13. 林彪、四人帮把这种社会风气彻底破坏了。

    However, Lin Biao and the Gang of Four completely corrupted this good social conduct.

  14. 良好的社会风气能促进家庭的和谐及社会的进步。

    Favorable public moral climate can enhance the harmony of families as well as the social advance.

  15. 唐代社会风气对人神恋小说创作的影响

    The Influence of the General Mood of Society in Tang Dynasty on the Creation of Love Stories Between Human Being and Spirit

  16. 一些国人的疑问是我们的社会风气会不会受到影响?

    Some of us wonder Will it change the ethos of our society

  17. 要积极实施公民道德建设工程, 培养良好的社会风气。

    To actively implement projects on the building of civic morality, a good social atmosphere.

  18. 政府指出,为了改进社会风气,所有的会门必须解散。

    The government pointed out that in order to improve social conduct, all superstitious organizations must be dissolved.

  19. 政府指出,为了改进社会风气,所有的会门必须解散。

    The government pointed out that in order to improve social conduct, all superstitious organizations must be dissolved.

  20. 社论指出,社会风气与党风密切相关没有染上社会恶习的

    It was pointed out in the editorial that there was a close link Between social tendencies and the Party conduct. unspotted from the world

  21. 随着社会风气的开放与优生学的强调,堕胎问题日益严重。

    Given the societal trend towards laxity and the emphasis on eugenics, the abortion issue is becoming graver day by day.

  22. 抓党风和社会风气, 没有十年的努力不行十年育人嘛!

    Improvement in this area will demand at least ten years painstaking work, for it takes that long to educate people.

  23. 仁人贤士为了下一代的教育, 社会风气, 政风优劣等忧心奋斗。

    In order to educate next generation, improve ethos of society and politics, sages strived.

  24. 瓷器纹饰的泛俗化与晚明社会世俗风气之变异。

    Second, the popularization of chinaware veins and the variation of the current tendencies in society of late Ming.

  25. 这恰恰说明了整个社会的道德风气是多么的败坏!

    This just shows how abnormal is the moral situation in this society!

  26. 唐代任侠风气的社会文化成因

    Social Cultural Causes of Chivalrous Moral in Tang Dynasty.

  27. 他们消除社会中这种邪恶风气的企图。

    Their attempt to cleanse society of this iniquity.

  28. 社会上一些不良的风气, 对大学生来说影响是很坏的。

    There are an unhealthy atmosphere, the impact on college students, is very bad.

  29. 社会上一些不良得风气,对大学生来说影响是很坏得。

    There are an unhealthy atmosphere, the impact on college students, is very bad.

  30. 社会上刮起兴学得风气。

    An environment for setting up schools was formed in society.

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