








1. 监 [jiān]2. 监 [jiàn]监 [jiān]督察:~察。~控。~测。~护。~考。~听。牢,狱:~狱。~押。~禁。坐~。监 [jiàn]古代官名或官府名:太~(宦官,阄人)。国子~。钦天~(掌管天文历法的官府)。~生(在国子监……



汉语拼音:sān bǎo tài jiān






  1. 明成祖 时大航海家太监 郑和 ,小字 三保 ,故称“三保太监”。

    明 郎瑛 《七修类稿·国事六·三保太监》:“ 永乐 丁亥,命太监 郑和 、 王景弘 、 侯显 三人往东南诸国,赏赐宣諭。今人以为 三保 太监下洋,不知 郑和 旧名 三保 ,皆靖难内臣有功者。”



  1. His travels were later remembered outside China as "Eunuch Sanbao to the Western Ocean. "


  1. 药师三个人保一秘密,除非二个人远离不在。

    Three people can keep a secret, if two are away.

  2. 三人可能保有秘密,如果是两个人就会消失。

    Three may keep a secret, if two are dead.

  3. 内蒙古三保高岭土有限公司。

    Inner Mongolia San Bao Kaolin Co., Ltd.

  4. 第三保的保费是四百元一年。

    That'll is four hundred dollars a year, third party.

  5. 三人知晓,秘密难保。

    A secret between more than two is no secret.

  6. 我们被带到了盖世太保总部,我们三人被推进不同的牢房。

    We were taken to Gestapo headquarters, where the three of us were shoved into separate rooms.

  7. 不赔, 但是损失达到成超过所保金额百分之三时, 则赔偿。

    This is the only difference between WPA and FPA.

  8. 十三太保丸

    Shisan Taibao Pill.

  9. 此表保用三年。

    The watch is guaranteed for three years.

  10. 第三地签单保函

    Bill issuance at the third place

  11. 三下江南四保临江

    going down to the south of Songhua Jiang for three times and safeguarding Linjiang for four times

  12. 应对纺织品特保措施三要诀

    Three doohickey to textile special protection

  13. 连续三击保龄球中连续的三击

    Three consecutive strikes in bowling.

  14. 三人一起打牌, 打保龄, 钓鱼。

    they play poker and bowl and fish.

  15. 梅花鹿三种保定药物对比实验

    Effect Comparison of Three Chemicals for Immobilization of Sika Deer

  16. 制造厂商对这种手表保用三年。

    The manufacturers guarantee the watch for three years.

  17. 有两三个太监从窗户往外看他。

    Who?'Two or three eunuchs looked down at him.

  18. 现在,连保住第三名都很难。

    Now we're struggling to be third.

  19. 我常保此三镜, 以防己过。

    I often mirror the three security to prevent others too.

  20. 一个关于三算子的保序不等式

    An Order Preserving Inequality for Three Operators

  21. 保罗在半场投了个三分球。

    Paul shoots a three pointer from half court.

  22. 保罗我想三杯可乐就可以了。

    Paul I think three fountain cokes will be alright.

  23. 接下来三局比赛,双方互保发球局。

    Then three game of ratio matches, bilateral mutual club Serving Bureau.

  24. 诏三阿哥玄烨太子少保魏承谟接旨

    Third Elder Brother XuanYue, Young Protector Wei Cheng Mo take the order

  25. 保罗击出一记三垒打, 跑回本垒。

    Paul batted three runs and toped off the game with a home run.

  26. 接下来得三局比赛中, 双方互保发球局。

    Three game of competitions in then, bilateral mutual club Serving Bureau.

  27. 接下来的三局比赛中,双方互保发球局。

    Three game of competitions in then,bilateral mutual club Serving Bureau.

  28. 西安、山西保德第三纪晚期红土的研究

    The study on the red soil of Neogene in Xian and Baode of Shanxi

  29. 翻的机率是三分之一,'保罗快活地预言。

    We have a one in three chance of flipping, 'Paul merrily predicted.

  30. 这是一个离圣保罗三小时车程的学校

    This is a school three hours outside of Sao Paulo.

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