









汉语拼音:sān shī shén






  1. Dust, And a legend, legend people with a SanShiShen, he often give the jade emperor, said about the earth.


  2. The jade emperor ZaoJun and learn from ghastly mouth SanShiShen wronged, anger, SanShiShen moab will be forever in prison.


  1. 你真的把那条肥牛搞得三尸暴跳。

    You really made that fat cow dance.

  2. 下设三个学院神学院, 文化研究学院和心理学院。

    It has3 schools Theology, Intercultural Studies and Psychology.

  3. 下设三个学院神学院, 跨文化研究学院和心理学院。

    It has 3 schools Theology, Intercultural Studies and Psychology.

  4. 她包括了三个学院神学院, 文化差异研究, 及心理学。

    It has 3 schools, theology, inter cultural studies and psycology.

  5. 唉, 这三位虚假神只是移到外地球来继续自己的舞蹈。

    Alas these false gods simply moved to the outer Earth to carry on with their dance.

  6. 的神是三个头的妖魔, 残忍, 报复心重, 反复无常。

    The Christian god is a three headed monster, cruel, vengeful and capricious.

  7. 基督教的神是三个头的妖魔,残暴,报复心重,重复无常。

    The Christian god is a three headed monster, cruel, vengeful and capricious.

  8. 如果施法者是死亡三神的追随者。

    If the caster is a follower of one of those three gods.

  9. 它有三个学院, 神学院, 异文化学院, 心理学学院。

    It has 3 schools, theology, intercultural studies, and syphcology.

  10. 星期五,我就要拿着三颗星去换神笔章了!

    I am going to exchange a new prize with these stars.

  11. 您嘲笑著多神教,却对自己的三神一体宗教感到满意。

    You laugh at polytheists, but you have no problem believing in a Triune God.

  12. 提后三17叫属神得人得以完备, 为著各样得善工, 装备齐全。

    17 That the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work.

  13. 太阳在死狗身上养了一堆蛆,就像神亲吻腐尸。

    The sun breed maggots in a dead dog, being a god kissing carrion.

  14. 命运之神是命运三姐妹之一,她掌管着万物过去、现在和将来的命运。

    Weird is one of the Three Sisters who control the fate of the past, the fate of the present, and the fate of the future.

  15. 可三35因为凡实行神旨意的,就是我的弟兄姊妹和母亲了。

    35 for whoever does the will of god, this one is my brother and sister and mother.

  16. 神三次吩咐约书亚要刚强壮胆!

    Three times God tells Joshua be strong and courageous.

  17. 池神,日神,风神三大殿并列勾连,煞是壮观。

    Pond God, God day, side by side hall three collusion Fengshen, sha shi spectacular.

  18. 陆军和空军制造红石、庇特和宇宙神三种型号的火箭。

    The Army and Air Force built the Redstone, Jupiter, and Atlas rockets.

  19. 检验得19个干尸中,只有三个是蒙古人。

    Of the 19 mummies examined, only three are Mongolian.

  20. 检验的19个干尸中,只有三个是蒙古人。

    Of the 19 mummies examined, only three are Mongolian.

  21. 陆军和空军制造红石,丘庇特和宇宙神三种型号的火箭。

    The Army and Air Force built the Redstone, Jupiter, and Atlas rockets.

  22. 泰坦神为宙斯制造雷电的三个独眼泰坦神之一

    Any of the three oneeyed Titans who forged thunderbolts for Zeus.

  23. 三百女神神系

    three hundred goddess series.

  24. 迎尸祭拜与社火神祗

    Corpses Welcoming Sacrifices and Traditional Festivties

  25. 三星堆神坛考

    Research of Altars of Sanxingdui.

  26. 十三战神弓箭舞

    Bow and Arrow Dance with Fancy Steps

  27. 上古神器三完全版

    Ancient three complete version of the Throne

  28. 第三时代,钱变成了神。

    In the third age, money became a god.

  29. 但不是三位神, 乃是一位神。

    And yet they are not three Gods, but one God.

  30. 女镖师三战神鞭侠

    How the Woman Security Escort Thrice Fought the Hero with the Magnificent Whip

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