




1. 归 [guī]归 [guī]返回,回到本处:~国。~程。~侨。~宁(回娘家看望父母)。~省(xǐng )(回家探亲)。~真反璞。还给:~还。物~原主。趋向,去往:~附。众望所~。合并,或集中于一类,或集中于一地:~并。~功。~咎。由,……



汉语拼音:qù guī






  1. 犹回家。

    汉 王充 《论衡·骨相》:“ 高祖 为 泗上 亭长,当去归之田,与 吕后 及两子居田。” 宋 彭乘 《续墨客挥犀·贵其真》:“ 陶渊明 耻为五斗粟屈於乡里小儿,弃官去归。”



  1. Immediately he stood up in front of them, took what he had been lying on and went home praising God.


  2. 25And immediately he rose up before them, and took up that whereon he lay, and departed to his own house, glorifying God.


  1. 它们,也都去了,一去不归。

    They also went to a do not go to.

  2. 明月依旧,流水依旧,就连那鸟雀也依旧春去秋归。

    Moon remains the same, water is still, even then there is still spring and autumn bird go.

  3. 啊,她的父亲一去不归、音讯杳无的漫漫长夜呀!

    And o the long, long night, with no return of her father and no tidings!

  4. 他和他的册籍屡屡被调去检查收归国有的财产。

    He and his books were in frequent requisition as to property confiscated and made national.

  5. 次浊上归阴去衢州部分字。

    Sonorant onset tone II merged into IIIA some Quzhou syllables.

  6. 约押吹角, 众人就离城而散, 各归各家去了。

    And he blew a trumpet, and they retired from the city, every man to his tent.

  7. 杨宅的甜水有人送, 洗衣裳的苦水归车夫去挑。

    The households drinking water was supplied by a water carrier, but fetching brackish water for washing clothes was left to the rickshaw puller.

  8. 谁知高兴而去, 败兴而归!

    Who knows pleased away, disappointed and go!

  9. 买吃的去了,即归。请先进屋。

    Off buying food. Be back soon. Walk on in.

  10. 然后, 我们驱车去归元寺。假如到午餐时间, 您就在那里用便饭。

    And then, we will drive to the Gui Yuan Temple. If its time for lunch, youd better have a snack there.

  11. 他今天去购物了, 满载而归。

    He went shopping today and returned fully loaded.

  12. 他今天去购物了,满载而归。

    He went shopping today and returned fully loaded.

  13. 你可知道罗伯特彻夜未归是因为他去约会了?

    Do you know that Robert is still out on his date from last night?

  14. 于是约书亚打发百姓各归自己的地业去了。

    Then Joshua let the people go away, every man to his heritage.

  15. 众人就听从耶和华的话归回,不去与耶罗波安争战。

    So they obeyed the words of the Lord and turned back from marching against Jeroboam.

  16. 归去还复来

    go back and return.

  17. 归去越王家。

    Return to royal house amid amorous sighs.

  18. 杜鹃道,不如归去。

    Cuckoo Road, Better go back.

  19. 归去来兮,我的手足同胞!

    Come on, my fellow countryman!

  20. 踏青归去春犹浅。

    We part in this vision of early spring, just as our love is budding.

  21. 归去来兮田园将芜胡不归。

    Kial ne reveni, se la kampo jam dezertus!

  22. 荷锄归去掩重门。

    Take hoe back and cover the heavy door.

  23. 便将如何亲可怕地归去。

    How dear and dreadful they are to the earth.

  24. 大德!抚爱其犊牛等, 亦当归去。

    The cows will go back, lord, out of attachment for their calves.

  25. 更能消,几番风雨,匆匆春又归去。

    How much more can Spring bear of wind and rain Too hastily twill leave again.

  26. 一个印第安小男孩,归去来兮只一人。

    One little Indian boy left all alone.

  27. 杜鹃无语正黄昏,荷锄归去掩重门。

    The cuckoo ceases its warbling at twilight, With my spade I return and shut the doors tight.

  28. 我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒。

    I like to the wind and go there.

  29. 归去吧,让我从现在起学会独自一人生活!

    She gave a small sigh of relief as they kept their course homeward.

  30. 他写了本自传,取名地狱归去来,后来做了一名演员。

    He wrote an autobiography entitled To Hell and Back and later became an actor.

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