




1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……



汉语拼音:qù de







  1. 犹可以。

    《古今小说·蒋兴哥重会珍珠衫》:“ 三巧儿 酒量尽去得,那婆子又是酒壶酒瓮,吃起酒来,一发相投了。”《红楼梦》第八一回:“我看他相貌也还体面,灵性也还去得。”

  2. 可以去。

    《西游补》第三回:“这个法师俗姓姓 陈 ,果然清清谨谨,不茹荤饮酒,不诈眼偷花,西天颇也去得。”



  1. The approach to this was through a succession of descending grassy hollows, full of young pitch pines, into a larger wood about the swamp.


  2. And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest.


  3. The new era of state ownership seemed to be passing almost as quickly as it had arrived.


  4. Sometimes the dark, angry cloud evaporates as quickly as it built up, and all is forgiven and forgotten.


  5. It is suggested that this road, the cold can Andhra, heat can get along, the wind has come, the rain has to be.


  6. We did well to go this time, for we exploded the rumour spread by the Kuomintang that the Communist Party did not want peace and unity.


  7. Let us pray earnestly to be so filled with God's love that we may wholeheartedly surrender ourselves to win others for Him.


  8. I want to go camping, you know , just get a way for the weekend. I'm not sure I'll be able to, though.


  9. But the problem is that this excitement and energy can quickly evaporate the moment employees get back to their desks.


  1. 他去得多远?

    How far did he go?

  2. 我坐飞机去得。

    I got there by plane .

  3. 来得容易去得快。

    Quickly come, quickly go.

  4. 来得容易去得快。

    Quickly come, quickly go.

  5. 汤姆昨天去得北京。

    Tom wet to BeiJing yesterday.

  6. 我想去得不得了

    I really really wanted to go to the Arctic.

  7. 琳达和谁去得?

    Whom did Linda go with?

  8. 你去得越早越好。

    The sooner you go, the better it will be.

  9. 朱莉娅, 他说他会去得。

    Hey, Julia, he says he will.

  10. 来得容易去得也快。

    Lightly gain, quickly lost.

  11. 你们俩去得真久。

    You two girls were gone a long time.

  12. 你们俩去得真久。

    You two girls were gone a long time.

  13. 我们是乘飞机去得。

    A. We went by plane .

  14. 我们是坐地铁去得。

    We went by underground.

  15. 钱财来得容易去得快。

    Easy come, easy go.

  16. 荣誉来得突然去得快。

    Sudden glory soon dies out.

  17. 热病来得快, 去得慢。

    Fevers come on horseb ack but go away on foot.

  18. 热病来得快,去得慢。

    Fevers come on horseb ack but go away on foot .

  19. 她去得,我为什么去不得?

    If she can go, why can't I go?

  20. 阵痛来得快,去得也快。

    The wave of pain receded almost as quickly as it had come.

  21. 我们是乘无轨电车去得。

    We went by trolleybus.

  22. 翻来复去得老问题。

    repetitive questions.

  23. 我们是取道马赛去得。

    We went by way of Marseilles.

  24. 我们是乘长途汽车去得。

    We went by coach.

  25. 梯子是一步一步登上去得。

    Step step the ladder is ascended.

  26. 我们是乘飞机去得上海。

    We went to Shanghai by airplane.

  27. 我总有一天会去得。

    I'll go there someday .

  28. 结果他还是乘火车去得。

    It turned out he went by train after all.

  29. 我们要去得地方叫什么?

    What's the name of the place we're heading for?

  30. 谁要去得可以乘公共汽车去。

    Those who want to go may go by bus.

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