


1. 尽 [jìn]2. 尽 [jǐn]尽 [jìn]完毕:用~。说不~。取之不~。达到极端:~头。山穷水~。~情。自~(自杀)。全部用出,竭力做到:~心。~力。~瘁。~职。~忠。~责。人~其才。物~其用。都,全:~然。~是白的。~收眼底。……


职务,分(fèn )内应做的事:~业。~务。~守。~权。天~。尽~。职位,执行事务所处的一定地位:~工。~位。~员。~称。以身殉~。旧时公文用语,下属对上司的自称:卑~。~当奉命。掌管:~掌。由于:~此而已。……



汉语拼音:jìn zhí








  1. 做好职责范围内应做的事。

    明 吴承恩 《潘公神道碑》:“首尾职諫八年,矢志尽职。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·盛司寇》:“臣为司寇,尽职而已。” 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第十三章:“ 疤虎 像一个尽职的哨兵,坐在他的背包上,专心一意监视着南山的敌人。”



  1. yea! it's nice to see the POLICE doing their job against the people how employee them it reminds me of a regime that just FELL!


  2. However, it said the bid was "incomplete, non-binding, subject to due diligence and a number of other conditions" .


  3. But it is going to be increasingly difficult for Mr Lewis to continue to defend such a horrific failure of due diligence.


  4. Most importantly, he never missed his duty as a real dog, a dutiful guardian.


  5. After the meeting, he said he was bound by non-disclosure agreements and K1W1 was undertaking due diligence.


  6. Low salary means they won't make a good job trying to get people that try to ride without paying. So, you will earn less money with fines.


  7. But this sort of attitude (and rhetoric) provides a cop-out to western managers who have been asleep on the job.


  8. WPP will likely do due diligence on Razorfish this week, according to a person familiar with the matter.


  9. That Army captain, and all of our men and women serving in the war on terror, are on the front lines of freedom.


  1. 为帝国尽职

    to serve the Empire.

  2. 你应该尽职。

    You should execute your duties.

  3. 尽职尽责的

    DutifulCareful to fulfill obligations.

  4. 你们应该尽职。

    You should execute your duties.

  5. 她工作负责尽职。

    She is conscientious about her work.

  6. 已宣誓尽职的官员

    a sworn official.

  7. 他工作一向很尽职。

    He has always been a conscientious worker.

  8. 她非常热诚尽职。

    She was most zealous in performing her duties.

  9. 尽职的恭敬温顺或尽职尽责的

    Obedient or dutiful.

  10. 你那妈很尽职,儿子。

    You've got a dutiful mother, you have, my son.

  11. 那时我知道已尽职了。

    Then I know I've done a good job.

  12. 遵法审核或尽职调查

    Compliance Auditing or Safety Due Diligence

  13. 等一下,怎么说不尽职

    Wait. What do you mean, irresponsible.

  14. 科莱尔似乎尽职过头了

    Claire might be doing herjob a little too well.

  15. 缺乏责任意识的, 未尽职的

    Lacking a sense of duty.

  16. 科莱尔似乎尽职过头了。

    Claire might be doing herjob a little too well.

  17. 军官期望他的部下尽职。

    The officer expected his men to do their duty.

  18. 我已经尽职的扮演我的角色。

    I have played my role without interfering.

  19. 她是一位尽职的妻子。

    She is such a devoted wife.

  20. 他是个尽职的看守人。

    He is a dedicated sacristan.

  21. 要尽职尽责, 不要互相推诿。

    You should do your duty and not pass the buck to each other.

  22. 要尽职尽责,不要互相推诿。

    You should do your duty and not pass the buck to each other.

  23. 他是位非常尽职的部长。

    He was a very conscientious minister.

  24. 那么我认为我们将尽职系。

    Then I think we will make the grade.

  25. 对收购对象作详细尽职调查

    Thorough due diligence on target

  26. 我呢, 起码我尽职保护他们了。

    I mean, I got a reputation to protect.

  27. 对,我是个尽职尽责的朋友

    Yeah. I'm an awesome friend.

  28. 她是一个尽职尽责的秘书。

    She is a responsible secretary.

  29. 他只是一个尽职的人罢了。

    He was just a man doing his duty.

  30. 议会将尽职到下月选举为止。

    This council will function until elections are held next month.


  1. 问:尽职拼音怎么拼?尽职的读音是什么?尽职翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尽职的读音是jìnzhí,尽职翻译成英文是 fulfil {或} fulfill one’s duty

  2. 问:尽职尽责拼音怎么拼?尽职尽责的读音是什么?尽职尽责翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尽职尽责的读音是jìn zhí jìn zé,尽职尽责翻译成英文是 with due diligence

  3. 问:尽职调查拼音怎么拼?尽职调查的读音是什么?尽职调查翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尽职调查的读音是Jìnzhídiàochá,尽职调查翻译成英文是 due diligence




拼音:jìn zhí 英文:[fulfill one’s duty]、[pull one's weight]、[soldier]


反义词:失职、渎职 例句:老王十分尽职,工作时一丝不苟。 尽职的门卫详细

解释:做好职责范围内应做的事。 出处:明· 吴承恩《潘公神道碑》:“首尾职谏八年,矢志尽职。” 清 昭连 《啸亭杂录·盛司寇》:“臣为司寇,尽职而已。” 柳青《铜墙铁壁》第十三章:“ 疤虎像一个尽职的哨兵,坐在他的背包上,专心一意监视着南山的敌人。”

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