


恭敬地用手捧着:~觞(举杯祝酒)。~献。~祀。~承(恭维,讨好。“承”读轻声)。尊重,遵守:~公守法。~为圭臬(把某些言论或事物当作准则)。~行故事(按老规定办事)。敬辞,用于自己的举动涉及对方时:~告。~还(huán )。~陪。~劝。~迎……


动植物的生活能力:生~。救~。逃~。拼~。~脉。性~。相依为~。迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等:天~。~相(xiàng )。~运(a.迷信指生死、贫富和一切遭遇;b.喻发展变化的趋向,如“人民一定能掌握自己的~~”)。上级对下级的指示:奉……



汉语拼音:fèng mìng





接受上级的命 令:~行事。



  1. 接受使命;遵命。

    《汉书·英布传》:“ 淮南王 曰:‘请奉命。’阴叛 楚 与 汉 ,末敢泄。” 三国 蜀 诸葛亮 《出师表》:“受任於败军之际,奉命於危难之閒。”《醒世恒言·陈多寿生死夫妻》:“ 王三老 摇手道:‘老汉今番説了这一遍,以后再不敢奉命了。’” 茅盾 《过封锁线》:“又过了十多分钟,五个客人也奉命疏散。”

  2. 指奉天之命。

    汉 司马相如 《封禅文》:“夫修德以锡符,奉命以行事,不为进越也。” 汉 扬雄 《长杨赋》:“於是上帝眷顾 高祖 , 高祖 奉命,顺斗极,运天关……一日之战,不可殫记。”



  1. but Hareton received orders to lead up my horse, and my host himself escorted me to the door, so I could not fulfil my wish.


  2. I can tell you about myself. I was a simple man, but I trusted my Guru. What he told me to do, I did.


  3. The old man had been ordered to give up the farm, but he maintains adverse possession of it.


  4. He would have fought for this man as determinedly as for himself, and yet only so far as commanded.


  5. It was as if the honest fellow had been commanded to unchain a tiger.


  6. Henry returned to the front with orders to load his three ambulances with hospital equipment and go south into the Po valley.


  7. McChrystal had been in London for a speech and was directed to meet with the president in Copenhagen.


  8. Once our battalion began to fire on the battalion next to us, which had also been sent to liquidate theseparatroops.


  9. He said that there were many toilers in the German divisions who fought under orders.


  1. 奉命报到。

    reporting for duty.

  2. 飞机奉命降落。

    The plane was ordered down.

  3. 舰队奉命出发。

    The fleet is under orders to set sail.

  4. 侦探们奉命调查。

    Detectives were called to investigate.

  5. 侦探们奉命调查。

    Detectives were called to investigate.

  6. 我奉命回国。

    I was ordered home.

  7. 奉命做某事

    to be under orders to do something

  8. 他奉命擦地。

    He was ordered to scrub the floor.

  9. 他们奉命而来。

    They came at his bidding.

  10. 他们奉命而来。

    They came at his bidding.

  11. 部队奉命常备不懈。

    The troops were kept constantly on the alert.

  12. 大使奉命回国。

    The ambassador has been ordered home.

  13. 他奉命下周动身。

    He is under orders to leave next week.

  14. 我们奉命停止进攻。

    We were ordered to draw in our claws

  15. 船员们奉命擦洗甲板。

    The crew were orderd to swab down the decks.

  16. 因伤病奉命退伍

    be invalided out of the army

  17. 但是我奉命关上。

    But I was ordered to close it.

  18. 他奉命前往纽约。

    He was instructed to sail for New York.

  19. 我奉命来此报到。

    I'm here to report for duty as ordered.

  20. 部委奉命紧急调查。

    Government departments were instructed to carry out an urgent investigation.

  21. 部委奉命紧急调查。

    Government departments were instructed to carry out an urgent investigation.

  22. 奉命于女王的演出

    A command performance for the queen

  23. 我们奉命立正站好。

    We were ordered to stand to attention.

  24. 士兵们奉命举枪致敬。

    The soldiers were ordered to present arms.

  25. 他们说他们是奉命行事。

    They said they were acting on instructions.

  26. 警察奉命来维持秩序。

    Police were brought in to marshal the crowd.

  27. 联邦调查局奉命进行调查。

    The FBI has been called in to investigate.

  28. 警方奉命出动平息暴动。

    Police were called in to quell the riot.

  29. 有些人奉命退出会

    Some were under instruction to walkout.

  30. 银行奉命重建自身资本。

    The banks have been told to rebuild their capital.


  1. 问:奉命拼音怎么拼?奉命的读音是什么?奉命翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奉命的读音是fèngmìng,奉命翻译成英文是 be instructed

  2. 问:奉命服现役拼音怎么拼?奉命服现役的读音是什么?奉命服现役翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奉命服现役的读音是fèng mìng fú xiàn yì,奉命服现役翻译成英文是 Ordered to Active Duty




【拼音】fèng mìng


【基本解释】1. [be supposed to]∶被命令,被要求那个士兵奉命应在上午返回。2. [receive orders;act urder orders;follow the cues of sb.]∶接受命令,遵守命令奉命出发肃请得奉命吊 表二子,并慰劳其军中用事者。——《资治通鉴》

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