







汉语拼音:zhāo yǐn








  1. 招致;引之使来。

    《后汉书·樊鯈传》:“ 建武 中,禁网尚阔,诸王既长,各招引宾客,以 鯈 外戚,争遣致之,而 鯈 清静自保,无所交结。”《南史·蔡廓传》:“若以重兵迎之,势必疑惧,或能招引北虏,为患不测。”《古今小说·汪信之一死救全家》:“有我们这样老无知老禽兽,不守本分,惯一招引閒神野鬼,上门闹炒!”

  2. 吸引。

    宋 苏舜钦 《望太湖》诗:“风烟触目相招引,聊为停橈一 楚 吟。” 朱自清 《温州的踪迹》二:“ 梅雨潭 闪闪的绿色招引着我们;我们开始追捉她那离合的神光了。” 杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第二章八:“‘咱们部队上的同志’这句话,立刻招引来一阵亲切的握手、问好。”

  3. 招惹,引出。

    魏巍 《东方》第二部第九章:“﹝ 琼斯 说﹞ 麦克阿瑟 本来告诉我们,打到三八线可以回家,谁知道又让我们跨过了三八线,结果把 中国 人招引来了。”



  1. Marigolds and sunflowers are good choices as they are relatively easy to grow organically and tend to attract lots of bees.


  2. Such circumstances may cause a shift away from traits that lure insects, and enhance those that seduce the wind.


  3. and it shall be my endeavor to call to my assistance in the Executive Departments individuals whose talents, integrity.


  4. So to not to greedy butterfly, only small bees busy all day.


  5. Curtains do not block windows and instead just add to distance, a distance which appears deceptive and attractive.


  6. Clouds come floating into my life from other days no longer to shed rain or usher storm but to give colour to my sunset sky .


  7. Although the relatives of the business, but I do not want to engage in special and strokes led to calumny.


  8. Bush. "In an era of weapons of mass destruction, waiting for threats to arrive at our doorsteps is to invite disaster. "


  9. Time and rain assisting, a humble gastronomical announcement had become a profound piece of advice.


  1. 灯光招引蛾子。

    Lights attract moths.

  2. 鲜花会招引蜜蜂。

    Flowers attract bees.

  3. 好奇可能招引麻烦。

    Curiosity can get you into trouble.

  4. 亮光招引了很多昆虫。

    The light attracted a lot of insects.

  5. 说到底,软弱总是招引侵略。

    In the final reckoning weakness has invariably tempted aggression.

  6. 花朵最容易招引蜂鸟

    flowers that are excellent attractors of hummingbirds.

  7. 犯不上招引那样得头痛得事儿。

    It doesn't pay to invite a teaser like that.

  8. 犯不上招引那样的头痛的事儿。

    It doesn't pay to invite a teaser like that.

  9. 鹭类招引及营巢地的恢复

    The Attraction of Wild Bird and Recall of Abandoned Heronry Using Captive Egrets

  10. 她为了招引公众的注意射自己腿。

    It takes some balls to shoot yourself in the leg for publicity.

  11. 那些票价低廉的座位将会招引许多人。

    Those cheap seats will fetch in the people.

  12. 是未经时的纯粹, 也是遥远神性的招引。

    This is the pureness of innocence and the attraction by some distant divinity.

  13. 是未经时得纯粹,也是遥远神性得招引。

    This is the pureness of innocence and the attraction by some distant divinity.

  14. 人工模拟产卵地招引黄脊竹蝗产卵试验

    A Study on Artificial Mimicking Oviposition Site to Attract Ceracris Kiangsu Tsai

  15. 乾净的野战制服是招引泥浆与雨水的磁石。

    A clean and dry set of BDU's is a magnet for mud and rain.

  16. 玛丽一心所想的就是招引年轻男人爱慕她。

    Mary's ruling passion was to attract the admiration of young men.

  17. 从国外招引最有专长,富有经验的人才,是有必要的。

    It has been unavoidable, and now even crucial, for Singapore to absorb experienced professionals from abroad.

  18. 所以招引不来贪心的蝴蝶,只有小蜜蜂整日的忙碌着。

    So to not to greedy butterfly, only small bees busy all day.

  19. 食物的气味还可能会招引危险的动物到我们的营地来。

    The smell of the food might attract dangerous animals to our campsite.

  20. 食物得气味还可能会招引危险得动物到我们得营地来。

    The smell of the food might attract dangerous animals to our campsite.

  21. 新加坡从国外招引最有专长,富有经验的人才,是有必要的。

    It has been unavoidable, and now even crucial, for Singapore to absorb experienced professionals from abroad.

  22. 很多餐馆都把自己精美菜肴的照片挂在外面以招引顾客。

    Many restaurant put out picture of their kickshaw to attract customer.

  23. 不过还得留下相当多的兵力, 否则就无异于招引河内来进攻。

    But substantial forces would be left or else Hanoi would be practically invited to attack.

  24. 这种环境下, 植物就有了从引诱昆虫到招引风的转变。

    Such circumstances may cause a shift away from traits that lure insects, and enhance those that seduce the wind.

  25. 有谁比那些刚刚在抽奖中获一等奖的人更有可能招引坏人?

    Who's more likely rogues than someone whose ticket has just won first prize in a lottery ?


  1. 问:招引拼音怎么拼?招引的读音是什么?招引翻译成英文是什么?

    答:招引的读音是zhāoyǐn,招引翻译成英文是 attract; incur; induce

  2. 问:招引行为拼音怎么拼?招引行为的读音是什么?招引行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:招引行为的读音是zhāo yǐn xíng wéi,招引行为翻译成英文是 kinopsis




拼音:zhāoyǐn 基本解释 [Attract] 吸引;引诱 招引顾客 详细解释 1. 招致;引之使来。 《后汉书·樊鯈传》:“ 建武 中,禁网尚阔,诸王既长,各招引宾客,以 鯈 外戚,争遣致之,而 鯈 清静自保,无所交结。”《南史·蔡廓传》:“若以重兵迎之,势必疑惧,或能招引北虏,为患不测。”《古今小说·汪信之一死救全家》:“有我们这样老无知老禽兽,不守本分,惯一招引闲神野鬼,上门闹炒!” 2. 吸引。 宋 苏舜钦 《望太湖》诗:“风烟触目相招引,聊为停桡一 楚 吟。” 朱自清《温州的踪迹》二:“ 梅雨潭 闪闪的绿色招引着我们;我们开始追捉她那离合的神光了。” 杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第二章八:“‘咱们部队上的同志’这句话,立刻招引来一阵亲切的握手、问好。” 3. 招惹,引出。 魏巍 《东方》第二部第九章:“﹝ 琼斯 说﹞ 麦克阿瑟 本来告诉我们,打到三八线可以回家,谁知道又让我们跨过了三八线,结果把 中国 人招引来了。”

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